Abortion activists use Ohio’s constitutional amendment to target informed consent laws, just as pro-lifers warned they would


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Pro-lifers warned that abortion activists would exploit Issue One in Ohio to undo every layer of protection for women and unborn babies, but their cries fell on deaf ears.

Now, just four months after Ohioans voted to pass the constitutional amendment declaring “every individual has a right” to “reproductive decisions” regardless of their age or their baby’s gestational age, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the organization’s Ohio chapter, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America filed a lawsuit challenging the Buckeye State’s informed consent laws.

The reason for the suit is far from obscure. Now that Ohio has a free pass to end unborn lives and trample on parents’ rights, the abortion industry has an easy path to targeting what’s left of the state’s protections for women.

Ohio laws currently require women seeking an abortion to be informed of the dangerous and sometimes fatal risks associated with the practice and examined by a doctor who can estimate the unborn baby’s gestational age and find a fetal heartbeat. These requirements are paired with a 24-hour waiting period that is supposed to give mothers on the fence about their scheduled abortion time to rethink it and review the fetal development guide the state requires abortionists to hand out to expecting mothers.
That is mostly good news. Waiting periods and heartbeat laws are silly BS that will eventually be dropped everywhere. The heartbeat law becomes a moot point when most docs can't afford fetal heartbeat monitors and other expensive gadgets.

There are two key phrases that hint at more difficult work ahead: protections for women and informed consent. The information that many patients don't have about their docs and any medical procedure is competence or incompetence of their docs, and the actual cost with all the hidden fees. The corruption of the healthcare industry into one of the worst rackets in American history started over a century ago, so the corruption now is thorough. Finding a doc worth some trust with surgical instruments and money can be a challenge. Kicking the racketeers out of healthcare or starting something new without them are the two basic options.
The warning didn't "fall on deaf ears"; it was what we wanted. The so-called "informed consent" material is just anti-choice propaganda that no patient should have to listen to.