"Brave Enough to Be Angry" - Didn't I warn men's rights activists about this?


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
"Brave Enough to Be Angry" - Didn't I warn men's rights activists about this?

I'm mad as hell about this article, and not at the feminists, either. I'm mad because the movement I support, is partly at fault for the huge setbacks that gender equality has suffered under Trump, and the gargantuan blowback that men are going to face.

And it's not like I didn't fucking warn MRAs over and over again that supporting Trump and the GOP was both morally bankrupt and politically ruinous. I warned them for years not to get sucked into Conservatism's culture of traditionalism and gender revenge. Gender revenge ruined the credibility of the mainstream feminist movement, and I specifically stated that right wing gender politics would create a resurgence of mainstream feminism.

And guess what has happened.

Not only are women expected to weather sexual violence, intimate partner violence, workplace discrimination, institutional subordination, the expectation of free domestic labor, the blame for our own victimization, and all the subtler, invisible cuts that undermine us daily, we are not even allowed to be angry about it. Close your eyes and think of America.

We are expected to keep quiet about the men who prey upon us, as though their predation was our choice, not theirs. We are expected to sit quietly as men debate whether or not the state should be allowed to forcibly use our bodies as incubators. We are expected to not complain as we are diminished, degraded and discredited.
Sound familiar? Men's rights activists have been echoing the same complaints about society laughing at or ignoring male victims of this same behavior.

And we were winning when it came to making our case.

Then the MRA assholes directed their rage in the totally wrong direction and went MAGA. They became the monsters that they hated most. And now here we are, with mainstream feminism on the rise all over again.

A resurgence of male bashing and anti-male fearmongering isn't long in coming, and when that wave of bigotry returns, guess what, it's all the fault of Conservatives, and the fault of all the MRA sheep who swallowed that orange tradcon MAGA gravy.

All the libertarians out there ranting that employers should have the right to sexually harass women, you helped peg yourselves in the ass. All the right wingers and libertarians who whined like little bitches about taxpayer funding of contraception, yup, you fisted your own assholes here. Dumbass "pro-lifers" who fought to de-fund Planned Parenthood after you already won the war against Federal funding of abortions, screaming about how women are somehow sluts because they want to be able to get contraception on a job-based health care plan that they pay for, yup the pooch is pregnant and that pup is yours. And MRAs who joined these dumb assclowns, yup, you hitched your cart to a buncha dumbass elephants and they stampeded our entire movement right off the cliff.

Getting back at men all but killed the mainstream feminist movement and MRAs thought getting back at women was somehow the solution?

MRAs should have listened to the founder of the Men's Rights movement, Warren Farrell. He voted for Hillary Clinton. He knew right from wrong and he knew what was good for the movement.

Hillary Clinton in the White House wouldn't have hurt the men's rights movement at all. The most horrible legislation she could have ever imagined, would have all been killed in a tsunami of lawsuits, if it even survived a vote in Congress. Look at how falsely accused male college students were killing the feminists in lawsuits after they got expelled without due process. We're here in California kicking feminists in their asses using the Unruh Act to punish them for excluding men from their events. Look at how the Texas Drafthouse got their asses kicked for their "women-only" Wonder Woman screenings. We're passing laws from state to state cutting back on women's rights to commit PATERNITY FRAUD.

We were fucking winning just fine in the age of Obama and we would have done fine with Clinton in office. In fact a lot of dumbass feminists think she's a MISOGYNIST and wouldn't support women, that's why they sat home and didn't even vote!

If anything, feminists on an unjustified rampage drove women to the men's rights movement.

Guess what, allies win wars. Women allies, thus, win wars. MRAs just threw all of that in the fucking trash when they went MAGA. The movement, overall, confirmed to the world that they didn't care about actual equality, they only cared about the interests of the meanest of men, just like mainstream feminism only cares about the interests of the meanest of women.

I ranted loudly that this flagrant disregard of the concept of self-awareness was going to cost the men's rights movement. And the New York Times, unknowingly, proved my point. Actually, ongoing current history is proving my point. None of this is rocket science or mystic divination. You just have to understand two words: 'hypocrisy' and 'blowback'. Knowing that guarantees you'll understand:

1) Gender revenge politics always destroys those who pursue it.
2) When feminists are engaging in misandry, countering them with misogyny is sheer moral hypocrisy.
3) If one side is out to treat men unfairly in the name of "Equality" and the other side is out to treat women like shit (in the exact words of Donald Trump)... who is left to set a proper example by treating people fairly?

You don't fight anti-male culture with anti-female culture. You fight it with equality.

MRAs had just one fucking job and by genuflecting to Trump, they failed it. Now it's time to reap the consequences.

Maybe if the MRAs put down the Haterade and read that NY Times article a few times they'll figure out where they fucked up. Trumpanzees will never learn, but maybe men's rights people will come to understand why the FATHER of the men's rights movement warned us to oppose Trump.
That's post is the worst case of writing diarrhea we have seen from you yet.
Get over your self and Hildabeast.
It is done and the fact that thousands of MRA members did not listen to you simply means they, unlike you do not have shit for brains.

Good on them!
Parakeet dude, you don't care about equality any more than the Trumpanzees do. But don't feel bad, a large number of MRAs out there chose to be just as narrow minded as you are. They're no better than people like you.