OK Lame anti-US conspiracy theorists


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Iraq has oil, big friggin whup.

So What?

Do you know who also has oil?
Saudi Arabia 265.3 billion barrels
Kuwait 98.8
UAE 97.8
Iran 96.4
Venezuela 76.9
Russia 54.3
China 30.6
Libya 30
Mexico 28.3
Nigeria 24.1
USA 22

Why aren’t we going to war against all of those countries and more?

Afghanistan makes so little oil it is nowhere on any of the petroleum-producing nation's charts. They have but one oil well to my knowledge.

Iraq has used chemical weapons against Iran in the Iran-Iraq was of 1980-1988 and against The Kurds in the North.

Egypt has used chemical weapons against Yemeni Royalist forces in the mid 1960's when they got embroiled in the Civil War raging there.

Egypt produces 3.6 Billion Barrels of petroleum reserves.

Libya used Mustard gas against Chadian forces when Libya fought to occupy the oil-rich Anzou strip from Chad in 1987 during the border war there.

Libya has 30 Billion barrels of crude Petroleum.

Sudan has just recently used chemical weapons against Southern Christian blacks of the SPLA (Sudanese Liberation Army) during the late 1990’s (possibly ex-Iraqi stocks of the stuff).

Just recently massive oil deposits were discovered in Southern and Central Sudan.

Sudan and Libya are on our list of State sponsors of terrorism, Egypt is not.

So why are we not going to war with Egypt, Libya, and Sudan as well.

Because you CAN"T simply the justifications down to only ONE or TWO reasons; you simpletons. War is like a key, with a bunch of different reasons that line up just right to unlock the door to conflict.
Damn it Frimost... would you please stop making posts I actually agree with... it's ruining this whole troll attitude I had you down for
A troll is someone who purposely trash-talks just to get other people mad and start an argument; usually it's bust brainless drivel and insults.

I say stuff to inform, I am just so damn opinionated and get annoyed so easily that I usually can't strictly keep it at a civil level of discussion because I get highly agitated and frustrated with some people.

So there is a difference.

BTW Dantetier, your new AV is pretty cool.
Frimost said:
A troll is someone who purposely trash-talks just to get other people mad and start an argument; usually it's bust brainless drivel and insults.

I say stuff to inform, I am just so damn opinionated and get annoyed so easily that I usually can't strictly keep it at a civil level of discussion because I get highly agitated and frustrated with some people.

So there is a difference.

BTW Dantetier, your new AV is pretty cool.

*G* Thanks! It's the best one I could find that shows what I'd like my Necromancer wizard type character to be when I roleplay... Super-geeks stuff. You know.

And I'm the same way you are... except that I don't get pissed off. Not to PURPOSEFULLY be a dick, and I've said it before... but I'm never going to meet any of youso why should I care what you think of me? When the thread degenerates to the point of lunacy, I just leave it. I'm not going to stress myself out because people are idiots.

On the similar side... I'm also rather opinionated...and I like discussing my opinions with other people... especially religion... because I know they wont convert me, and I wont convert them.. and MOST people are willing to discuss it like adults...
Johnny Mayberry said:
Sure, its more complex that JUST oil, but oil does play a part...

The only way Oil could play a part is if we put some kind of War Reparation on Iraq... but I don't think that's going to happen. i think once we take out Saddam and put in a more World Friendly regieme... we'll lift the ban on Oil sale, and Iraqi oil will be back on the world market, which would help lower Oil prices..... until opec cuts production, of course.
Dantetier said:
The only way Oil could play a part is if we put some kind of War Reparation on Iraq... but I don't think that's going to happen. i think once we take out Saddam and put in a more World Friendly regieme... we'll lift the ban on Oil sale, and Iraqi oil will be back on the world market, which would help lower Oil prices..... until opec cuts production, of course.

Well, you admit that lower oil prices will be an outcome of the war, but you say that oil is not an issue?
Johnny Mayberry said:
Well, you admit that lower oil prices will be an outcome of the war, but you say that oil is not an issue?

I'm saying it's AN issue... not THE issue. If an issue at all, a minor one, after WMD, Saddam, Terrorism... blah blah blah.
Sure, its more complex that JUST oil, but oil does play a part...


Have you ever been without a car because it was being repaired? You can't go to work or to the store to get food if you were like me and didn't live in the city. Unless you had a friend to drive you to work using HIS car utilizing HIS oil to make it run then you would quickly lose your job in am matter of a few days. If you lose your job you lose your income, without income you can't buy food even if you COULD get to a nearby store. If we ran out of oil you could NEVER use your car and alternative means of fuel are too far distant in the future to help you out any in the conceivable future on a day-to-day level.

Do you know what brings the merchandise to the grocery stores and department stores to be stocked? Big trucks, trucks running on OIL (diesel).

Without oil:
Lose use of your car
Then you lose your job because you can't get to work.
Loss of job means no paycheck and you cannot support yourself financially anymore.
No paycheck means no funds to pay for the utilities, rent, and FOOD.
No food means you eventually die from starvation.

Oil, you don’t have to like it but it’s a necessary evil…
Frimost said:

Have you ever been without a car because it was being repaired? You can't go to work or to the store to get food if you were like me and didn't live in the city. Unless you had a friend to drive you to work using HIS car utilizing HIS oil to make it run then you would quickly lose your job in am matter of a few days. If you lose your job you lose your income, without income you can't buy food even if you COULD get to a nearby store. If we ran out of oil you could NEVER use your car and alternative means of fuel are too far distant in the future to help you out any in the conceivable future on a day-to-day level.

Do you know what brings the merchandise to the grocery stores and department stores to be stocked? Big trucks, trucks running on OIL (diesel).

Without oil:
Lose use of your car
Then you lose your job because you can't get to work.
Loss of job means no paycheck and you cannot support yourself financially anymore.
No paycheck means no funds to pay for the utilities, rent, and FOOD.
No food means you eventually die from starvation.

Oil, you don’t have to like it but it’s a necessary evil…

There was an excellent book (Damned if I can remember the title though) where an experimental bacteria was used on an oil spill off the coast of San Francisco, but it mutated and ended up devouring everything that had a certian chemical in it... I want to say octane, but it's not the correct word... anyway... everything broke down. Rubber turned brittle, Oil and gas and such things were gone... it's amazing how much we rely on oil and oil based products...
*G* Thanks! It's the best one I could find that shows what I'd like my Necromancer wizard type character to be when I roleplay... Super-geeks stuff. You know.

Dungeons and Dragons RPG? Or MMORPG stuff like DAOC, Ultima Online, and Everquest?

Do you have a copy of the Necronomicon? I do...

Back in the 80's...oh yeah, the original AD&D when I was a little kid. Those were the days (of course I am only remembering the good stuff in retrospect).
There was an excellent book (Damned if I can remember the title though) where an experimental bacteria was used on an oil spill off the coast of San Francisco, but it mutated and ended up devouring everything that had a certian chemical in it... I want to say octane, but it's not the correct word... anyway... everything broke down. Rubber turned brittle, Oil and gas and such things were gone... it's amazing how much we rely on oil and oil based products...

Its my understanding the U.S. Military has already devloped such a microbe or is at least still in the experimental stage of testing it.
Frimost said:
Dungeons and Dragons RPG? Or MMORPG stuff like DAOC, Ultima Online, and Everquest?

Do you have a copy of the Necronomicon? I do...

Back in the 80's...oh yeah, the original AD&D when I was a little kid. Those were the days (of course I am only remembering the good stuff in retrospect).

*L* Actually, the only Real Life (HA!) Roleplaying I've done has been in the Palladium Universe... a bit of the fantasy stuff, but mostly on te Rifts system.

I play Baldurs gate though... which is set strictly on D&D 3rd edition rules.
Frimost said:
Its my understanding the U.S. Military has already devloped such a microbe or is at least still in the experimental stage of testing it.

That may have been what got the author thinking about the subject, but the book is entirely apocolyptic fiction stuff... It's interesting to watch.

All this stuff about war and Terrorism and whatnot... It really doesn't effect me. If I die, I die. It will suck, yeah, but I'll be dead, so i wont care. Other then that, it's all amusement for me... My mother woke me up at around 7 AM on Sept 11 just in time to watch the second tower collapse...I am not a humanist, although I DO feel bad for people affected by the deaths caused by that, but I wasn't. And as unaffected as I was, I was actually GLAD that it happened, because it meant things were getting stirred up, and the world was going to change, and people are going to be under pressure.

I know what kind of flak I'm going to get for saying that, but it's the honest truth.
Dantetier said:
There was an excellent book (Damned if I can remember the title though) where an experimental bacteria was used on an oil spill off the coast of San Francisco, but it mutated and ended up devouring everything that had a certian chemical in it... I want to say octane, but it's not the correct word... anyway... everything broke down. Rubber turned brittle, Oil and gas and such things were gone... it's amazing how much we rely on oil and oil based products...

I don't know if this is the one you're thinking of , but a b grade sci-fi movie I watched not long ago had the same story in it. I think the film was called "windows" . The earth without oil was an alternative world that the two heroes crossed into.

Frimost does make a valid point, the biggest threat to the US's oil supply right now is the situation in Venezuela. I believe it was supplying something like 14% of the states oil, which has now completely stopped and Venezuela has even been forced to import oil from Brazil. If oil was the sole reason, marines would have been marching through Maracaibo by now.
If it REALLY came down to it... I mean brass tacks and such, we'd simply tap the HUGE reserve sitting in the middle of Alaska... The only reason we don't is because a few environmentalists don't want to disturb the Hundreds of miles of pure, pristine perpetual snow

Even the pople up there want it drilled, afterall, not only do they get the jobs but other economic incentives simply for living all the way up there in that cold hell-hole. I don't remember the exact amount, but I think you get like $3,000 a year just to live there and no taxes (or something like that). Drilling of existing well's output is down , without new wells they will no longer be able to afford the pre-existing economic incentives to live there.
Thoughtless reductivism.

From the crowd that claims a higher level of intellect.
