obnoxious sea gulls

thank you for your comments, Sassy!

Tell me one good reson why I should name call you?

yours was most likely the best and most well-thought-out comment that anybody left here. That is why I am thnking you.

It would certainly be great, if more people like you roamed the boards here.
Oh my lord!!! I guess because I am not part of the Cliques, I can respond honestly and know that I will be attacked from both sides vs just one. But part of the reason I am not part of the cliques is, because it took pushing everyone away, to see how quickly it takes one woman (more often women) to comment on something, and then all her friends to come attack that person/comment etc, without even really knowing both sides. I've been guilty of that and I'm ashamed of that.

This started in the personals. I have watched a lot of this unfold. There is no side of this that is innocent. They all tore each other apart.
For those of us who have posted pictures in AMpics. We put ourselves out there. But for us to expect everyone is going to like us, is stupid. (yes, we are insecure and needy and have low fucking self esteem, so we hope for it cause we are idiots) But we hope that those who don't, will just follow the "If you can't say something nice. Don't say anything at all" rule, and move along.

But another thing I've learned. When I started my own AMpics thread. MANY guys really will tell you what you want to hear, in hopes of you showing more, and more skin the next time. They will tell you the same thing that they are going to go cut and paste to every girl in AMpics. But you also learn the ones who actually mean what they say, and try and individualize their comments to you.

There are a handful of people on this board who have taught me that always hearing what I want to hear, and never what I need to hear, hurts me more in the long run. If everyone thought I was so perfect, I wouldn't be here begging for attention, but, here I am.

I've had mean things said about my pictures before, and yes, I ran crying. To my friends. Not the whole board. (Cause remember, girls talk, so if some asshole hurt you in some way, your friends all know now) I didn't have to out him as an asshole, because everyone else had already told me he was. Yes, We all want to out the assholes, and bitches and I've been one of those bitches myself. I"m trying to change that.
But nothing changes when we can't admit our own fault in shit like this. No ONE person started this.
So Shi has small nipples, Bock is an asshole. I'm fucking fat, with saggy. uneven tits. (I could go on..)
Have these two ever talked one on one and just hashed it out between themselves??
Everyone already knows that my self admitted, asshole of a best friend is an "Asshole" But he tells me what I don't want to hear, when I need to hear it. He is WAY too fucking honest, but sometimes I admire his ability to say what I wish I could. The difference is he doesn't care what people think of him, or his opinions, and I always have. :eek: He avoids me on Lit because he knows how people feel about him, and he doesn't want people to dislike me because of him. He asked me not to post in here, because people would lump me in with him.

But the truth is. Almost EVERYONE jumped in here to defend Shi because she is a female and apparently incapable of defending herself, or just letting it go. Fight with him in private, who knows. Maybe you'll find out you both have demons that you could help each other overcome.

This place has stopped being a place to help each other. We knock each other down. I started a thread this year (which flopped) because women, especially, would rather put each other down. Be negative, be jealous and hurtful. Vs just being friendly to one another. The whole damn board has forgotten, that we are almost all here for the same reasons in some fashion. Being honest is so much better than lying. Being kind is better than cruel and mean.

So either fight it out, and tell me what it accomplishes, or let it go. I'll gladly invite Bock to come name call me (as long as he's honest) if it shuts up the Pig pile of name calling. :rolleyes:

I’m very capable of defending myself and anyone who spoke up did so on their own and without me messaging them or asking them to. I’m definitely not part of any clique. I don’t think I deserve to have been dragged through the mud by people who don’t know me and just think I need knocked down a peg. Seriously? What have I done to any of you? I’ll wait...
Oh my lord!!! I guess because I am not part of the Cliques, I can respond honestly and know that I will be attacked from both sides vs just one. But part of the reason I am not part of the cliques is, because it took pushing everyone away, to see how quickly it takes one woman (more often women) to comment on something, and then all her friends to come attack that person/comment etc, without even really knowing both sides. I've been guilty of that and I'm ashamed of that.

This started in the personals. I have watched a lot of this unfold. There is no side of this that is innocent. They all tore each other apart.
For those of us who have posted pictures in AMpics. We put ourselves out there. But for us to expect everyone is going to like us, is stupid. (yes, we are insecure and needy and have low fucking self esteem, so we hope for it cause we are idiots) But we hope that those who don't, will just follow the "If you can't say something nice. Don't say anything at all" rule, and move along.

But another thing I've learned. When I started my own AMpics thread. MANY guys really will tell you what you want to hear, in hopes of you showing more, and more skin the next time. They will tell you the same thing that they are going to go cut and paste to every girl in AMpics. But you also learn the ones who actually mean what they say, and try and individualize their comments to you.

There are a handful of people on this board who have taught me that always hearing what I want to hear, and never what I need to hear, hurts me more in the long run. If everyone thought I was so perfect, I wouldn't be here begging for attention, but, here I am.

I've had mean things said about my pictures before, and yes, I ran crying. To my friends. Not the whole board. (Cause remember, girls talk, so if some asshole hurt you in some way, your friends all know now) I didn't have to out him as an asshole, because everyone else had already told me he was. Yes, We all want to out the assholes, and bitches and I've been one of those bitches myself. I"m trying to change that.
But nothing changes when we can't admit our own fault in shit like this. No ONE person started this.
So Shi has small nipples, Bock is an asshole. I'm fucking fat, with saggy. uneven tits. (I could go on..)
Have these two ever talked one on one and just hashed it out between themselves??
Everyone already knows that my self admitted, asshole of a best friend is an "Asshole" But he tells me what I don't want to hear, when I need to hear it. He is WAY too fucking honest, but sometimes I admire his ability to say what I wish I could. The difference is he doesn't care what people think of him, or his opinions, and I always have. :eek: He avoids me on Lit because he knows how people feel about him, and he doesn't want people to dislike me because of him. He asked me not to post in here, because people would lump me in with him.

But the truth is. Almost EVERYONE jumped in here to defend Shi because she is a female and apparently incapable of defending herself, or just letting it go. Fight with him in private, who knows. Maybe you'll find out you both have demons that you could help each other overcome.

This place has stopped being a place to help each other. We knock each other down. I started a thread this year (which flopped) because women, especially, would rather put each other down. Be negative, be jealous and hurtful. Vs just being friendly to one another. The whole damn board has forgotten, that we are almost all here for the same reasons in some fashion. Being honest is so much better than lying. Being kind is better than cruel and mean.

So either fight it out, and tell me what it accomplishes, or let it go. I'll gladly invite Bock to come name call me (as long as he's honest) if it shuts up the Pig pile of name calling. :rolleyes:

Okay glbock, we all know it’s you. It’s time to stop with the alts.

Jeez this guy. 😂
I’m very capable of defending myself and anyone who spoke up did so on their own and without me messaging them or asking them to. I’m definitely not part of any clique. I don’t think I deserve to have been dragged through the mud by people who don’t know me and just think I need knocked down a peg. Seriously? What have I done to any of you? I’ll wait...

Do you watch Katt Williams? Haha
@sassy - I do put myself out there on ampics, and I don’t expect everyone to like me. I know what I am. I know I am too fat... not attractive enough... occasionally needy... sometimes downright unhinged... I will never be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok but... and it’s a big but... if you post nothing of yourself and then bodyshame me, I will come for you. I won’t sit back and take that bullshit like a meek fucking victim. If any bloke here wants to tell me, I’m not good enough, he better be willing to show his fucking six pack or he can shut the fuck up. That doesn’t mean I want or need every man here to stroke my delicate ego, just that they politely move along to whatever it is that floats their boat.

And this thread started in the personals, not as a personal, but as an attack on myself and Jada so hey, here I am excising my democratic right to reply...

And I’m sorry your thread died because women didn’t support one another, it’s the support of the other women on ampics that has kept me on lit (at least so far...)
I will come back to respond as soon as I am done torturing myself and having hair ripped out of my body.

But for the record AP. I stopped the thread. Because guys were private messaging EY and making crude comments about her pictures, so she did not want to post anymore. That defeated the reason for the thread, and the comfort for the thread.
Why the fuck do people quote entire posts? Especially ones that have already been quoted in full?
@sassy - I do put myself out there on ampics, and I don’t expect everyone to like me. I know what I am. I know I am too fat... not attractive enough... occasionally needy... sometimes downright unhinged... I will never be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok but... and it’s a big but... if you post nothing of yourself and then bodyshame me, I will come for you. I won’t sit back and take that bullshit like a meek fucking victim. If any bloke here wants to tell me, I’m not good enough, he better be willing to show his fucking six pack or he can shut the fuck up. That doesn’t mean I want or need every man here to stroke my delicate ego, just that they politely move along to whatever it is that floats their boat.

And this thread started in the personals, not as a personal, but as an attack on myself and Jada so hey, here I am excising my democratic right to reply...

And I’m sorry your thread died because women didn’t support one another, it’s the support of the other women on ampics that has kept me on lit (at least so far...)

I would post in AmPics but I’m too scared of my inbox being full all the time with messages from every woman on Lit begging me to impregnate her. =P
I don't defend anyone

Ok 1st off i never defended Shi, i simply stated if she wants to be a bitch(not saying she is or isn't) in her own personal ad that her right as is all of ours. So why tear someone down on their own ad.
2nd there is no point for a man to defend a lit women. As i have posted before, 20 guys can defend a women and she will completely ignore them all but one woman can say the exact same thing word for word and they will quote and get a thanks. They don't ask to be defended, they don't appreciate it when you do, (except AP, that i've seen) and it won't help you start a conversation with them.
I will however call someone an asshole or an uppity bitch if they appear to be such.
Oh and to the Kim with the PM link. I would suggest you refrain from telling people not to generalize women in one group when you have a link literally telling men how they should format a message to women. Not just to you but all women, generalizing them as you do with men.
ok did i piss everyone off? Sweet! Move the fuck on now.
Bock's Sock Puppets Roll Call

Post on me.

Vonnie, you are one of us now

Hey, thanks for including me. Looking forward to your visit tomorrow.

Three crisp young girls on my secluded farm forty miles from the nearest town, in a county where my brother in law is the Sheriff.

Ee yah ha hah ha hah ha…

Are you still going to Redmond Spring Break?

See you tomorrow night!

Last edited:
Hey, thanks for including me. Looking forward to your visit tomorrow.

Three crisp young girls on my secluded farm forty miles from the nearest town, in a county where my brother in law is the Sheriff.

Ee yah ha hah ha hah ha…

Are you still going to Redmond Spring Break?

See you tomorrow night!


Jesus Christ Von.

You're supposed to to teach me horse-riding! Not make me into some bondage babe!

glBock - you have the honour of being my first block. Two and a quarter years, I have had the occasional troll... the inappropriate PMs... the men that don’t like to take no for an answer... the fuckers who use taboo as code for underage/incest blah blah blah...

But you and your imaginary friends are the first that have actually inspired me to press that block button... congratulations... so you have nothing to fear from me when you write up your next ‘I’m highly human and 90% of the rest of the population are pieces of shit I wouldn’t piss on’ ad... I paraphrase of course, but that generally is the gist of your ads...

See you in another life
glBock - you have the honour of being my first block. Two and a quarter years, I have had the occasional troll... the inappropriate PMs... the men that don’t like to take no for an answer... the fuckers who use taboo as code for underage/incest blah blah blah...

But you and your imaginary friends are the first that have actually inspired me to press that block button... congratulations... so you have nothing to fear from me when you write up your next ‘I’m highly human and 90% of the rest of the population are pieces of shit I wouldn’t piss on’ ad... I paraphrase of course, but that generally is the gist of your ads...

See you in another life

dear AP, I thank you wholeheartedly for your wise decision.

And we'll probaly never see each other again, because I don't believe in another life. Which will be just as well, both for you, and for me.
Wow..just wow, thank you Sassy for your well written and very truthful post. Yeah,
some of us here have low self esteem, and we all just want to be heard and be validated. We are ALL delicate..maybe if we’re married things aren’t so rosy so we look to the boards for some friendship and comfort, and maybe if we’re single, we hope that that special person is right around the bend...we want and we need.
Everything got out of hand here, and there is probably no putting it back on the rails. That’s ok..all parties will live to fight another day, and maybe some of them will realize that you don’t really know what another persons journey is all about, so if you have the choice to be kind, make that choice. What’s the worst that could happen?:rose:
Tell me one good reson why I should name call you?

yours was most likely the best and most well-thought-out comment that anybody left here. That is why I am thnking you.

It would certainly be great, if more people like you roamed the boards here.
I have no reason you should.Just saying that there is no one on this board, that could say anything to me, that I haven't said to myself already. I can look in my mirror on a daily basis, and hate myself more than anyone on here could. Just saying you're welcome to it if you need/want to.
And trust me, I'm plenty disliked.
I’m very capable of defending myself and anyone who spoke up did so on their own and without me messaging them or asking them to. I’m definitely not part of any clique. I don’t think I deserve to have been dragged through the mud by people who don’t know me and just think I need knocked down a peg. Seriously? What have I done to any of you? I’ll wait...

Trust me. I know you are. I never said you asked anyone to come defend you. Just that people will do so, simply because you are a female. Most of them had no idea what was going on, but jumped in to attack because someone talked badly about a female. It happens all the time.

I also said you were equally at fault, so why not take the "poor me, everyone hates me" out of all this.

I've done a lot of shit in my time here. Hurt a lot of people. Been hurt by a lot of people. But therapy, and a big dose of reality have let me see, I brought that on myself, by being a whiny, bitchy, moody person. I'm too nice to some, and that always bites me in the ass. So then I come out swinging with piss and vinegar and push everyone away.
Now all I have left are the people who can deal with my moods. Which is few.

But I also see why most can't and leave.

I really don't know either of you. I just hope you find peace. One of the best people in my life, who came from this site, started because of a fight. Now, he's the only one who can tell me to Fuck off, and I love you, and I trust to always be there when I need him.
good evening again, Sassy Devil

I enjoyed very much both of your posts here. It seems to me you have acquired quite a bit of understanding, plus the willingness to understand people. Not everyone knows how to do that, so kudos to you.

I would like to discuss a few matters with you, related to this thread, but perhaps more related to yourself. If you'd enjoy that as well only.

Since you turned off your PMs, in case you are game for a talk, do you care to PM me? Maybe with some contact Information in it.

In any case, I wish you a nice evening. And as cheerful a mood asyou can achieve when you try it. Ciao.
I enjoyed very much both of your posts here. It seems to me you have acquired quite a bit of understanding, plus the willingness to understand people. Not everyone knows how to do that, so kudos to you.

I would like to discuss a few matters with you, related to this thread, but perhaps more related to yourself. If you'd enjoy that as well only.

Since you turned off your PMs, in case you are game for a talk, do you care to PM me? Maybe with some contact Information in it.

In any case, I wish you a nice evening. And as cheerful a mood asyou can achieve when you try it. Ciao.

I really don't know either of you. I just hope you find peace. One of the best people in my life, who came from this site, started because of a fight. Now, he's the only one who can tell me to Fuck off, and I love you, and I trust to always be there when I need him.

Ahem... just a heads up glBock.... That person Sassy's talking about is.....


