Obama “Has a Bias In Favor of Historically Black Colleges And Universities”…RACIST,


Jan 23, 2011

White House Spokesman: Obama “Has a Bias In Favor of Historically Black Colleges And Universities”…


WH SPOKESMAN JOSH EARNEST: Well, I’m not aware of the specific meeting request, but I can certainly take a look into it.

The President and this administration have been strong supporters of historically black colleges and universities all across the country. Funding for those colleges and universities has increased under President Obama. And the President was pleased to have the opportunity earlier this spring to speak at the commencement at Moorehouse College down in Atlanta. So the record — the President’s record on these issues — he has a bias in favor of historically black colleges and universities because of the service they provide and because of the quality education that they provide to their students.

In terms of this issue with the Parent PLUS Loan, I’m not familiar with this specific policy issue. But we can try to find somebody here at the White House who is a little more conversant in the issue who can talk to you about it.
Obama Calls For Federal Government To Rank Colleges, Financially Punish Or Reward Schools Based On Their Ranking…

His answer to every problem is the same, the federal government.

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama today unveiled an ambitious new plan for the federal government to create a national rating system that will define what a good college is and financially reward or punish colleges depending on how they rank in the government’s system.

He said he intends to have the rating system in placed by 2015 and intends to work with Congress to enact legislation tying federal aid to colleges based on how they perform in the federal government’s rating system.

As outlined by Obama, this rating system would look at essentially materialistic and financial characteristics of a college as opposed to intellectual and moral ones.

For example, as the president described it, the rating system will not measure how many of a school’s graduates go on to become exemplary and virtuous in the conduct of their personal and public lives, but it will measure things such as “how many students graduate on time,” “how well do those graduates do in the work force,” whether the college is “helping students from all kinds of backgrounds succeed,” whether “how successful colleges are at enrolling and graduating students who are on Pell grants,” and

“Our ratings have to be carefully designed to increase not decrease the opportunities for higher education for students who face economic or other disadvantages,” said Obama.