

AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
The right hand side of my jaw is completly numb.

I got a wisdom tooth filled today and the right hand side of my jaw is completly numb.

That'll teach me to be such a wimp!

Next time I need a filling (though I'll try to avoid a 'next time') I'm not going to be a wimp. I'm gonna book an appointment in the school holidays when the waiting room is full of mums and kids. I'll be all brave and macho and TAKE THE PAIN rather than have a numb jaw for several hours.

And if it starts to hurt I'm gonna...


and see how full the waiting room is when I come out :D

The words 'Pam' and 'Ayres' spring instantly to mind!
aw.... , i just came back from the Dentist too.. I knew how you feels...

Hmm i just weat to sleep for hours,,,, sleep off the numbness :)

Hope you feeling better.:kiss:
I'm doing root canal my self ...I can stand the pain but I hate that numbness ... so next time I'll tell him not to freeze it and see how tough I am ;)
Zmey said:
I'm doing root canal my self ...I can stand the pain but I hate that numbness ... so next time I'll tell him not to freeze it and see how tough I am ;)

The trick to do is grab his balls and say 'Now we aren't going to hurt each other are we.'
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
The trick to do is grab his balls and say 'Now we aren't going to hurt each other are we.'
In that case he better inject his balls with novocaine :D
Aah... My jaw is nearly back to normal at last :)

Just a little tingling left in my lips.

I am definetly going to try to be a big brave boy next time.

I don't know why I gave in this time. I don't normally get the injection.