New Mexico county declares state of emergency over surge of illegal immigrants crossi

Our governor says that it's "not a problem" and that anyone that says it is is a racist. So there.
Our governor says that it's "not a problem" and that anyone that says it is is a racist. So there.

governor > county


Welp. Unless you can elect a brand new governor in a jiffy, guess you guys are fucked, Ish! :D

Your noble and stoic sacrifice as a body shield to soak up the tsunami of unwanted and hated brown people (except for the very wanted and desired Mexican girls for white guys to lust over and bottom-pinch/titty grab during Cinco de Mayo parties) crashing against these A'murrican shores to conquer that arid desert landscape like the White Walkers in Game Of Thrones will not be forgotten, mein freund.

New Mexico county declares state of emergency over surge of illegal immigrants crossing the border.

Whoever does the reporting needs to read better. The issue isn't ILLEGAL immigrants, it is the closing of the checkpoints by the feds.

The declaration is asking the governor to deploy the National Guard back to the border to reopen checkpoints.

Last month, Border Patrol announced the temporary closure of all interior checkpoints in the southwest sector, which encompasses New Mexico, so the agents could help out with processing migrants.

Commission Chairman Couy Griffin is concerned about the safety of his residents, as he says law enforcement has seen a spike in crime and illegal drugs since the closure of the county's checkpoints, but did not give specific numbers.

The National Guard is prohibited from actually working the checkpoints, they can only provide support to the Border Patrol. So, the governor suggested that the county contact the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for assistance.
I might watch the video later.

New Mexico county asks governor to send in National Guard to deal with migrants

The El Paso Border Patrol sector includes all of New Mexico's border and has seen the second-highest number of families arriving at and illegally crossing the southern border since October.

From Oct. 1, 2018, through March 31, agents in the El Paso region apprehended 53,000 people who claimed to be traveling with a family member. Only the Rio Grande Valley sector in Texas saw more members of families arrested: 78,000. The other seven sectors along the southwest border saw anywhere from approximately 500 to 25,000 family members.
So in 6 months, 53 000 were apprehended. What's that? > 1/30th the state's population?
In related news.


Being a Reuters blurb it's filled with loaded verbiage. However I do have a couple of observations. I was unaware that the group had detained over 5,600 cockroaches for the Border Patrol to pick up. And that is just within the past two months.

The other observation is that what with all the politicos and press yapping their mouths off the groups coffers are starting to swell even after having been cut off by the on-line transaction processors. Which is kinda like your bank freezing your account because they don't like your politics.
You call people cockroaches: very Christian of you.

In this you're so much like Matthew Craig and Busybigot, with whom you high-five a lot.

Enjoy your Easter, bellisarius.

Have you offered to take in the asylum seekers?

Any of 'em?

Yeah, I didn't think you would.

How very progressive of you.
Have you offered to take in the asylum seekers?

Any of 'em?

Yeah, I didn't think you would.

How very progressive of you.
I don't need to. Your country has over 9 million square km of land and immigrants benefit it—though racists and bigots would rather the US be less great than it could be if it meant fewer non-whites and non-Anglos.

Your arguments are lame, and Trumpian hate rallies are a pathetic substitution for reason.

Good morning.
I don't need to. Your country has over 9 million square km of land and immigrants benefit it—though racists and bigots would rather the US be less great than it could be if it meant fewer non-whites and non-Anglos.

Your arguments are lame, and Trumpian hate rallies are a pathetic substitution for reason.

Good morning.

The aggressive influx of Germanic tribes worked out well for Rome.

I can see why you welcome it since it led to the

~~~ Dark Ages ~~~​
The aggressive influx of Germanic tribes worked out well for Rome.

I can see why you welcome it since it led to the

~~~ Dark Ages ~~~​

I still advocate rounding them up and shipping them North. Be interesting to hear how the lyrics change.
They won't stay in Canada any more than they will stay in Mexico, but at least immigration from the north might piss off the African-Muslim community that we relocated...

The aggressive influx of Germanic tribes worked out well for Rome.

I can see why you welcome it since it led to the

~~~ Dark Ages ~~~​
It worked out: Italy has more people than when it was subject to Roman emperors, conditions are far better, there are no slaves (aside from perhaps a few of those brought in by human traffickers), and it's economy is about 10th the largest in the world.

I still advocate rounding them up and shipping them North. Be interesting to hear how the lyrics change.
i.e. you and your ilk will whine and complain, but do nothing substantial about it; nor will your god-emperor, Trump.

But bring it on: I no more fear an influx than, say, an Alaskan fears, say, 10 million Californians and New Yorkers migrating to his/her state.

They won't stay in Canada any more than they will stay in Mexico, but at least immigration from the north might piss off the African-Muslim community that we relocated...


You talking about ours or yours? If yours, some might be landed immigrants and citizens; if ours, they're used to immigrants.
You have to be shitting me.

The whole fucking world has more people.
Does any of your limp pasta ever stick to the wall?
Maybe you can "enlighten" us as to how great the Dark Ages were for mankind and its population...
Did you ever wonder why it is that those that have no skin in the game always seem to have the biggest mouths?
Pretty much.

They proved that when they melted down over the idea that Trump might give them some "love on the run..."
The whole fucking world has more people.
Italy isn't the only country that's better off.

Maybe you can "enlighten" us as to how great the Dark Ages were for mankind and its population...
They weren't, but it was more a Western European phenomenon. Also keep in mind that Rome lasted over 4 centuries; the US is not quite halfway into its third.

toeskr, should I take trolls like you seriously?

Did you ever wonder why it is that those that have no skin in the game always seem to have the biggest mouths?
What skin you have in the game, bellisarius, save perhaps being troubled by people with darker complexions, who speak strange-sounding words, and/or have odd (though peaceful) beliefs?
As you quoted DumbFuck and I have it on ignore I'll respond to his "benefit" blabber here.

The cockroaches bring NOTHING of value to this country, nothing at all. All they bring is poverty, crime, disease, and more stress to a social safety net that is already near the breaking point. Culturally they add nothing either. We've been absorbing South and Central American cultures for over 100 years now, they add nothing at all to the mix.

It's too damn bad they live in a shit hole, but it's a shit hole of their own making. And that being the case why in the world would we want to import their shit hole mentality?