Locked and loaded: Californians arming up for self-defense as illegals flood into cities

Wow. I guess Google is not your friend, but let's be honest –

You come here every day looking for a conflict to get into.
Something seems to be lacking in your life.
Say something positive for a change.
Wow. I guess Google is not your friend, but let's be honest –
Yes, I get that you're focused on something different than me. The article is shit. Whether or not you agree with the premise is irrelevant to my comments. Whether or not I can make up for the fact that the article is shit by "doing my own research" is irrelevant to my comment.

Just a few days ago you were complaining about another media outlet failing at their job. I guess you're fine with Breotbart's shitty writing and research.

You come here every day looking for a conflict to get into.
Something seems to be lacking in your life.
Say something positive for a change.
You seem very concerned with my well being.

I'm not going to be your sparring partner. Go find someone else to conflict with.
My point was made. You're the one attempting to refute it and failing because you're trying to make it about something else.

The conflict isn't coming from me outside of pointing out that the source article is shit
I cannot read Breitbart because the website is such a horror. To achieve something so ugly, so inefficiently, is almost like a postmodern art project. That and the NY Post offers basically everything they do in a cleaner, clearer format.
Oh believe me, I am armed- against white nationalists, racists, and hatemongers who are a direct threat to my personal freedom and liberty.
The problem with categories like that is that you deny the underlying issues, which makes those issues repeat.

People like to live with, be ruled by, interact with, breed with, etc. people like them.

Multi-ethnic empires are a symptom of decay, not health.
I cannot read Breitbart because the website is such a horror. To achieve something so ugly, so inefficiently, is almost like a postmodern art project. That and the NY Post offers basically everything they do in a cleaner, clearer format.
This article would be so much better just by including the gun shop owner giving a metric of their sales increase....but it fails to even take that simple step.

There are plenty of media sites that suffer from the same..... This isn't isolated to Breitbart or even specific to right wing media.
This article would be so much better just by including the gun shop owner giving a metric of their sales increase....but it fails to even take that simple step.
I would like to see that too but the question is whether the gun shop owner will give them that figure. Given the heavy regulatory scrutiny they face anyway, they may shy away from ever stating any kind of figure.

I am skeptical of this article except in that I think the journalist heard people mentioning this phenomena as a perception, whether fully real or not. People he knew noticed their liberal friends were buying guns. He backfilled the rest like AutoCorrect.

Personally I think America would be better off if everyone were armed. Expand the castle doctrine; if you see someone doing something illegal and dangerous to others, light 'em up. We will be a nice orderly polite society in no time.
I would like to see that too but the question is whether the gun shop owner will give them that figure. Given the heavy regulatory scrutiny they face anyway, they may shy away from ever stating any kind of figure.
Lmao, of course......that must be it. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

I am skeptical of this article except in that I think the journalist heard people mentioning this phenomena as a perception, whether fully real or not. People he knew noticed their liberal friends were buying guns. He backfilled the rest like AutoCorrect.
It's a shit article.

Personally I think America would be better off if everyone were armed. Expand the castle doctrine; if you see someone doing something illegal and dangerous to others, light 'em up. We will be a nice orderly polite society in no time.
Guns don't make peace. They aren't designed for that. I don't mind people having them, I mind irresponsible people having them.
I don't mind people having them, I mind irresponsible people having them.
I would rather we just purged the irresponsible people. If they can kill with a gun, they will with a car, poison, knife, rock, penis, etc.
I don't agree. The formulation of the intent is where the error occurs. If more people have guns, the malefactors are less able to act without getting stopped.
You're allowed to be wrong.
You're allowed to be wrong.
I think you personally need to get an M14. It will change your view of the world. Don't get an AR, they're trash guns, and AKs are alright if you are aiming at a barn from 300m but otherwise useless. Step up to flavor country, or something. When you are holding that fine rifle in your hands, your view of the world will change. Suddenly your choices will be a lot heavier. It's part of the intellectual maturation process, to hold the lives of others in your hands arbitrarily, in my view.
I think you personally need to get an M14. It will change your view of the world. Don't get an AR, they're trash guns, and AKs are alright if you are aiming at a barn from 300m but otherwise useless. Step up to flavor country, or something. When you are holding that fine rifle in your hands, your view of the world will change. Suddenly your choices will be a lot heavier. It's part of the intellectual maturation process, to hold the lives of others in your hands arbitrarily, in my view.
No worries...I don't judge people for their kinks.
I think you personally need to get an M14. It will change your view of the world. Don't get an AR, they're trash guns, and AKs are alright if you are aiming at a barn from 300m but otherwise useless. Step up to flavor country, or something. When you are holding that fine rifle in your hands, your view of the world will change. Suddenly your choices will be a lot heavier. It's part of the intellectual maturation process, to hold the lives of others in your hands arbitrarily, in my view.
AK's are useless? Dude you just lost any credibility you may have pretended to have. The AK is the most widely mass produced rifle in history and has been used in almost every conflict since Viet Nam. No it is not a tack driver like so many other military weapons, but for its intended purpose, lots of firepower, it works perfectly.
I don't judge people for their kinks.
It's good to see that others see how 5.56mm shooters are basically fetishists. When you get your M14, I gotta break with tradition and recommend the plastic stocks over the woodstocks, but get a heavy one. Too light and the gun starts to levitate.
I may have been trolling a little bit, which is why I carefully insulted both sides in the AR-vs-AK debate which is as overplayed as the PC-vs-Mac debate online.
I'd rather have a "useless" AK in a desperate situation than an M-16 clone that has to be kept clean to function.
Personally I think America would be better off if everyone were armed. Expand the castle doctrine; if you see someone doing something illegal and dangerous to others, light 'em up. We will be a nice orderly polite society in no time.
There is a reason society moved away from vigilantism. But hey, you're free to believe anything you wish.
I may have been trolling a little bit, which is why I carefully insulted both sides in the AR-vs-AK debate which is as overplayed as the PC-vs-Mac debate online.

But every Sentient 'Murrikan should own an M1A. It's just the thing to do.