Locked and loaded: Californians arming up for self-defense as illegals flood into cities

I have wanted an M1A for quite a while. An older friend has one and he has been selling off some stuff on occasion so I may see if he wants to sell.
And Inshallah it will come to you. The prophet (PBUH) says that all who wish to achieve righteousness must first acquire an M1-series rifle and a 1911.
The ol' false dichotomy raises its head yet again. Self-defense is not vigilantism.

"is the act of preventing, investigating and punishing perceived offenses and crimes without legal authority.
Personally I think America would be better off if everyone were armed. Expand the castle doctrine; if you see someone doing something illegal and dangerous to others, light 'em up. We will be a nice orderly polite society in no time.
Please read the above link, it will help explain what vigilantism is. You seem to be very weak on your understand of the meaning of the words you choose to use.
Nor is shooting someone doing something stupid in your presence.

Or don't you understand the difference?
It's good to see that others see how 5.56mm shooters are basically fetishists. When you get your M14, I gotta break with tradition and recommend the plastic stocks over the woodstocks, but get a heavy one. Too light and the gun starts to levitate.
Yes, I get that you missed my mocking you.

That always makes it funnier...thanks! 👍
This is absolute bullshit.

Stop trying to use your unfounded fear of hardworking people as justification to be a racist douchebag. It makes your ass look fat 🤷🏻‍♀️
These people are here illegally. Tens of thousands have just arrived. They are not hard-working, they have no work history. They are here for the imagined benefits. Many are here to break our laws and assault our people. It's time to drive them out. Every male citizen of military age ought to be down there on that border defending our country.
These people are here illegally. Tens of thousands have just arrived. They are not hard-working, they have no work history. They are here for the imagined benefits. Many are here to break our laws and assault our people. It's time to drive them out. Every male citizen of military age ought to be down there on that border defending our country.
lol sure they are. They have more balls and work ethic than you've ever had. If you think different, I'll buy your plane ticket to Haiti, and then you can show us how easy it is travel back to the US with zero dollars in hand.
These people are here illegally. Tens of thousands have just arrived. They are not hard-working, they have no work history. They are here for the imagined benefits. Many are here to break our laws and assault our people. It's time to drive them out. Every male citizen of military age ought to be down there on that border defending our country.
This guy right here is the audience for the article.
Fear mongering about illegals ✅
Liberal state trying to take muh guns ✅
More gun sales to celebrate muh freedumbz ✅
California hating ✅

Shitty writing ✅
This guy right here is the audience for the article.
Fear mongering about illegals ✅
Liberal state trying to take muh guns ✅
More gun sales to celebrate muh freedumbz ✅
California hating ✅

Shitty writing ✅
The butthurt 74 suffers when confronted with the truth. He can't even spell.