My Wish For Today

I wish a bright star would move over my river.

I could use three wise men with really big packages.
I wish I could find a girl friend...

I wish I could hook you up with my friend. Man! I tried for you again this weekend.:( Sorry, Thee. I can't figure out what's wrong with these girls these days, either. They aren't very adventurous.
I wish I could stop thinking about my ex. I haven't talked to her for 14 1/2 years now.

I have a simple wish for one and all--even DK Moon.

Happy New Year--it's coming soon. Yeah!
I wish everyone wasn't going out of their way to screw with me this week.
Thee - I thought you've been wishing for somebody to screw with; maybe the Wish Fairy misinterpreted...

Actually, I have been wishing to have a girlfriend, or to not be so lonely. The one time I had sex for the sake of getting laid, it wasn't all that good.
Actually, I have been wishing to have a girlfriend, or to not be so lonely. The one time I had sex for the sake of getting laid, it wasn't all that good.

I was only joking, Thee. And I do agree with you about preferring the gf to the mechanic.