Mirror mirror on the wall their illusions are gonna fall


Literotica Guru
Mar 27, 2018
After posting this image on the The Hairpulling Thread:


hub495 made an excellent point in a chat we were having:

"The use of mirrors can be so powerful during sexual rituals.
Sometimes people need to see themselves in the moment to build a lasting self awareness.
A woman can see herself on all fours and really like what she sees.
A different woman might not like seeing herself in this moment. Both impressions are important to experience."

Whether to force someone to view themselves in an uncomfortable situation or for photographic inventiveness I thought what a good idea for a thread!

So here we go.
Show us what you got necessitating the use of a mirror?
Sincerely, D.
I have been incorporating mirrors into my lovemaking from very early on.
I like have my lover stand in front of a mirror and to stand behind and undress her. Let her see me watching her and how beautiful I think her body is. So she can see the beauty and not the flaws as we so often do. Watch her get aroused from my touch, and know from the feel of her hips pressing back on my that she can tell she arouses me.