Minimum wage


Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2020
I'm shocked.
A minimum wage earner in the US works 8 $ an hour, and that's before tax!

And it's not like they sit on their backside all day long for such an abysmal pay.
An acquaintance described to me how they are actually monitored by the clock and every minute is squeezed out of them, the multitasking is pushed to abysmal limits and it's a race against time. And work-induced chronic stress injuries are commonplace.
Think Amazon warehouse workers.

How can Republicans defend such modern-day slavery, while advocating for tax cuts for corporations? And why did Biden and Kamala refuse to change the system?
The whole idea of minimum wage is a bad one. It actually hurts some of the people who it purports to help (e.g. it promotes automation of jobs that once were done by low skilled workers, thereby increasing unemployment.

Low wage jobs give young people their vital, first employment opportunities. If you are a career minimum wage worker, the problem is with you, not the market.

The market should decide your wage, not the government. You should think about this issue more deeply before blaming those nasty Republicans. Here's a presentation on the subject that is worth listening to.

This one is worth reading, if you can be bothered:
It's probably never going to get enough support for $15/hour like they keep talking about on the news, but at least raise it a little to put more money in people's pockets. Maybe part w ay between like $12/hour, at least it's a start.
It's called capitalism, and anyone can play.

Minimum wage is a nice idea; a floor to protect the stupid.
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The minimum wage isn't a "salary level" it's a shield against the race to the bottom of the income bracket. IOW, it's the amount that's deemed the lowest any employer can pay so that they don't keep undercutting their own employees just to make a higher profit.

What it's not, and was never intended to be, is the minimum income necessary to live comfortably. Anyone who thinks it is could stand to do some reading on how it was enacted and why.
The minimum wage isn't a "salary level" it's a shield against the race to the bottom of the income bracket. IOW, it's the amount that's deemed the lowest any employer can pay so that they don't keep undercutting their own employees just to make a higher profit.

What it's not, and was never intended to be, is the minimum income necessary to live comfortably. Anyone who thinks it is could stand to do some reading on how it was enacted and why.

You explain things like you're a 5-year-old who just learned something new. Like 45 used to do while in office. It was a bad look for him too.
The whole idea of minimum wage is a bad one. It actually hurts some of the people who it purports to help (e.g. it promotes automation of jobs that once were done by low skilled workers, thereby increasing unemployment.

Low wage jobs give young people their vital, first employment opportunities. If you are a career minimum wage worker, the problem is with you, not the market.

The market should decide your wage, not the government. You should think about this issue more deeply before blaming those nasty Republicans. Here's a presentation on the subject that is worth listening to.

This one is worth reading, if you can be bothered:

Agree completely.

That said, I cannot remember the last time I went into a fast food place or the mall and saw teenagers working. I really think this "problem" started when people started working 40+ hours a week at McDonald's. The nature of that work is supposed to be a 15-20 week PART-TIME job for someone to get their feet wet or for someone to make a little pocket cash. The only people that should be working fast food 40+ hours a week are the managers, and they're salaried.

This is as much a labor pool issue, immigration issue, and cultural issue as much as it is an economic one.
Agree completely.

That said, I cannot remember the last time I went into a fast food place or the mall and saw teenagers working. I really think this "problem" started when people started working 40+ hours a week at McDonald's. The nature of that work is supposed to be a 15-20 week PART-TIME job for someone to get their feet wet or for someone to make a little pocket cash. The only people that should be working fast food 40+ hours a week are the managers, and they're salaried.

This is as much a labor pool issue, immigration issue, and cultural issue as much as it is an economic one.

Those 40+ hour workers used to work in manufacturing and other jobs that disappeared when NAFTA was enacted. Not everybody is suited for high tech. Some are best placed in those factories that we decided were beneath us.

Did you know that 100% of all Ford engines are made in Mexico?
If the US minimum wage had tracked productivity, it would be about $24 an hour.
BTW, the US minimum wage hasn't had an inflation raise for twelve years.
You explain things like you're a 5-year-old who just learned something new. Like 45 used to do while in office. It was a bad look for him too.

luk, if you want someone to validate you, go look in your mirror. At least that stupid asshole knows when to disappear and shut the fuck up.
If the US minimum wage had tracked productivity, it would be about $24 an hour.

BTW, the US minimum wage hasn't had an inflation raise for twelve years.

Archie, what part of "not supposed to be a living wage" didn't you understand?

Or are you so fucking stupid you can't figure out that the minimum wage is a BASE PAY FLOOR, not a "recommendation" on what to pay people.
Archie, what part of "not supposed to be a living wage" didn't you understand?

Or are you so fucking stupid you can't figure out that the minimum wage is a BASE PAY FLOOR, not a "recommendation" on what to pay people.

You would do better to comprehend what Sean said before popping off.

luk, if you want someone to validate you, go look in your mirror. At least that stupid asshole knows when to disappear and shut the fuck up.

You seem upset.
Are you seriously suggesting that a society that lives on short hand text messaging, emojis and Twitter should read?

For the record, I do agree with your statement.

I think it's fairly pathetic that people today can't read emojis half as well as most ancient Hindu's could read Sanscrit.
Archie, what part of "not supposed to be a living wage" didn't you understand?

Or are you so fucking stupid you can't figure out that the minimum wage is a BASE PAY FLOOR, not a "recommendation" on what to pay people.

Which has what, exactly, to do with my posts, Tim?

And how do you think the "Archie" thing is catching on? If you ask nicely I might give you some tips on how to make a derogatory nickname stick.
Which has what, exactly, to do with my posts, Tim?

And how do you think the "Archie" thing is catching on? If you ask nicely I might give you some tips on how to make a derogatory nickname stick.

You and luk seem to be sharing in teh stupid this morning. More than usual.

Seriously, what is it with you and your consistent lack of understanding over even the most simple things?

Minimum wage, is MINIMUM wage. It's not anything else no matter how much you want to puff it. It doesn't need to be tied to inflation, or have regular increases, or anything else because it's not meant to be anything more than the MINIMUM that can be paid.

And, even at that, in some industries employers are allowed to pay less as long as the employee receives income from other sources in sufficient amounts that when combined with their pay equal the minimum. Then there are "trainees" who are allowed to be paid less than minimum wage during their training period.

But you didn't know that.

As for the last, Archie suits you. You beclown yourself on a regular basis and then get walloped with a reality check. A reality check which, just like Archie Bunker, you ignore because you think you're smarter than the rest of the world.

Newsflash Archie, you ain't smart, never were smart, and never will be smart no matter how much you want to fluff your own shorts on the interwebz.
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Which has what, exactly, to do with my posts, Tim?

And how do you think the "Archie" thing is catching on? If you ask nicely I might give you some tips on how to make a derogatory nickname stick.

He's only firing on 3 cylinders today.

You seem stupid. On a regular basis even. Are you exercising your mental fibers or just sleeping at the Holiday Inn after passing out in the parking lot?

My house is nicer than yours or a Holiday Inn and I don't drink.

What your excuse for your dumbfuckery this morning?
He's only firing on 3 cylinders today.

My house is nicer than yours or a Holiday Inn and I don't drink.

What your excuse for your dumbfuckery this morning?

luk, sleeping in your car on Pierpont doesn't mean you actually LIVE on Pierpont. Nor does couch surfing constitute a "house of your own" even if you manage to pay a couple of bux for the privilege.
phluk and sean are probably actual experts on the minimum wage.

good to see, for a change.
luk, sleeping in your car on Pierpont doesn't mean you actually LIVE on Pierpont. Nor does couch surfing constitute a "house of your own" even if you manage to pay a couple of bux for the privilege.

Funny, I grew up in 'Pont. You're right, I don't have a house of my own - I have two. :cool:
Funny, I grew up in 'Pont. You're right, I don't have a house of my own - I have two. :cool:

Lol, look who's playing follow the leader...

You're a fool luk. An utter and complete fool. At least the other assholes who behaved like you do had the decency to go the fuck away after they were banned the first few times. Only a fool can't get that message.
Lol, look who's playing follow the leader...

You're a fool luk. An utter and complete fool. At least the other assholes who behaved like you do had the decency to go the fuck away after they were banned the first few times. Only a fool can't get that message.

You mean like a fool who posted all of his personal info or a different kind of fool?
Like a fool who balked at COVID restrictions and almost died from his dumbfuckery or a different kind of fool?
He’s talking about you, phluk.

PM me any time you’re confused about a post.

Well, maybe not every time. Too busy here.