What Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary will mean for American taxpayers


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday that he will nominate Janet Yellen, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, to be his Secretary of the Treasury.

To start, it means your personal income taxes will increase, your 401k will drop in value as the Biden administration and Yellen increase the corporate tax on the corporate stocks in your 401k, and your cost of gasoline and energy will increase.

Biden and Vice Presdient-elect Kamala Harris said repeatedly during the 2020 presidential campaign that they will “eliminate” the Trump tax cuts on “day one.” Such a repeal would impose a $2,000 annual tax hike on a median-income family of four and a $1,300 tax hike on a median income single parent with one child.

Promising to nominate Yellen to lead the Treasury Department, an advocate of higher income taxes and new taxes on energy/gas demonstrates that Biden will follow through on his threat to raise taxes at least $4 trillion and did not mean a word of his promise to never raise a penny of any tax on taxes on anyone who earns less than $400,000. Let's be honest, most people filling up their tanks with gas make somewhat less than $400,000.
(D)'s think that's all wondaful stuff. :D

They can't wait to make sure the non-elites have less, so the elites can have more.
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(D)'s think that's all wondaful stuff. :D

They can't wait to make sure the non-elites have less, so the elites can have more.

It's simple, why in tarnation did it take so long to figure out? :D:cool:


The Ocasio-Cortez Plan to Pay For Progressive Programs? Print (A Lot) More Money
Posted to Politics January 15, 2019 by Michael Graham
Progressive superstar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has an extensive shopping list for the American taxpayer:

Free College Tuition for All: $70 billion a year.
Guaranteed Employment for All: $400 billion a year.
Green “New Deal:” $600 billion a year.
And of course, Medicare for All: $3.2 trillion a year.
Add it all together and it’s around $4 trillion in new spending per year. That’s nearly equal to the entire federal budget, which is already running a deficit approaching $1 trillion. Double our spending and you could easily wind up with $5 trillion in deficits. How to pay for all that debt?

You don’t. You just print more money and let the debt ride.
It's simple, why in tarnation did it take so long to figure out? :D:cool:


The Ocasio-Cortez Plan to Pay For Progressive Programs? Print (A Lot) More Money
Posted to Politics January 15, 2019 by Michael Graham
Progressive superstar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has an extensive shopping list for the American taxpayer:

Free College Tuition for All: $70 billion a year.
Guaranteed Employment for All: $400 billion a year.
Green “New Deal:” $600 billion a year.
And of course, Medicare for All: $3.2 trillion a year.
Add it all together and it’s around $4 trillion in new spending per year. That’s nearly equal to the entire federal budget, which is already running a deficit approaching $1 trillion. Double our spending and you could easily wind up with $5 trillion in deficits. How to pay for all that debt?

You don’t. You just print more money and let the debt ride.

She's a 16 year old girls who's never had to want for anything and the (D)'s want to hand her and those like her the USA's black card.....what could possibly go wrong with that :rolleyes:
The last 3 GOP presidents all ran up public debt to unprecedented levels with no plan to pay it off. The last President to balance the Budget was Clinton, a Democrat.

And the GOP thinks of itself as the better money manager. :D
The last 3 GOP presidents all ran up public debt to unprecedented levels with no plan to pay it off. The last President to balance the Budget was Clinton, a Democrat.

Who would be an alt-reich fascist Trumpster by todays standards.

Free speech, freedom of religion, enforcing immigration and customs laws, wife sees young black men as "super predators" ....


The guy was practically Hitler by modern Democrat standards.
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A tax reduction advocate pens bird cage lining on someone who points to Trump's 2017 tax cut as the single biggest reason why deficits will rise in the coming years.

Put another way, a Democrat and likely incoming Sec. Treas. is more closely aligned with Republican fiscal hawks than morons care to admit or feed to their lemmings.
What a crock of shit. Do you believe everything you read?

I never believe anything VetteGuide posts. No matter what username he posts it under.

Same thing I said about busybody: He is under the mistaken impression that the more "information" he posts (and the more usernames he creates to post it) the more people will think his BS is credible.

Not so.