Minimum wage hike is overwhelmingly positive for workers; neutral for business

Those of you who trying to explain to leftists that business doesn't pay taxes - people do - might want to spend your time doing something productive, like looking at porn.

They don't get it and never will. They just aren't wired for facts and the truth.

Sweeping up at your wife's salon doesn't mean you own your business.
I don't think so, I think its all an act. People can't be that dense. Can they?

Sure they can.

It doesn't help that they're so emotionally invested in The Narrative that it gets in the way of or all thinking. Their denial is downright hilarious. Have you ever noticed how they react when faced with facts and logic?

To steal a phrase, they just can't handle the truth.
Sure they can.

It doesn't help that they're so emotionally invested in The Narrative that it gets in the way of or all thinking. Their denial is downright hilarious. Have you ever noticed how they react when faced with facts and logic?

To steal a phrase, they just can't handle the truth.

You think The Onion is truth, Miles.
No, you don't...your consumers do.

7-11 gets income from consumers, I get income from consumers -- how is it that I pay taxes and 7-11 does not?

We have a CONSUMER BASED ECONOMY, the consumer is the source of all money.

Nonsense. In any economy, work and resources are the source of all money/wealth/value -- regardless of what work, or whether public or private sector. And, yes, government work does add value to the economy, even where you can make a case for its having undesirable effects; after all, ExxonMobil adds value, despite the environmental damage caused by the extraction and use of its product.

Consumers, in their capacity as consumers as distinct from producers, are the source of nothing but market opportunities. Any money they pay a business, or a government, came ultimately from work and resources.

Pay taxes? Not's just filing paperwork to keep the dog and pony show up.

Civil servants file income tax returns just like you and I do. They are no less taxpayers because their income ultimately comes from taxpayers.

No you're not, you're a government worker.

Nothing about the definition of "employee" limits it to the private sector.

The government isn't a business and their money doesn't come from consumers.

It comes from taxpayers -- which is not quite the same thing as government's consumers, a much broader category that even includes babies, who benefit from national defense, etc. -- but for these purposes, what difference does that make?
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7-11 gets income from consumers, I get income from consumers -- how is it that I pay taxes and 7-11 does not?

You as a person are held down by the fact that you are a person.

You don't get to pass the cost of doing bidniz on to your consumer.

711 is not, and does.

Civil servants file income tax returns just like you and I do.

Dog and pony show.

They are no less taxpayers because their income ultimately comes from taxpayers.

LOL...yea it does.

If I pay you 100 bucks for a days work and then stick a gun to your head and force you to give me half back? You're not really being "taxed"'re just being paid 50 bucks for the day.
You as a person are held down by the fact that you are a person.

You don't get to pass the cost of doing bidniz on to your consumer.

Of course I do. Costs of doing business are a factor any law firm -- and a law firm can be just one lawyer and no secretaries -- will take into account when deciding how much to charge clients, just like 7-11 will take them into account when deciding how much to charge for a Slurpee.

Dog and pony show.

A meaningless characterization.

LOL...yea it does.

If I pay you 100 bucks for a days work and then stick a gun to your head and force you to give me half back? You're not really being "taxed"'re just being paid 50 bucks for the day.

A meaningless analogy.