Michigan Roll Call

I have seen it -- cute. He has a no-trade clause -- they couldn't have traded him without his permission. I think he felt some bad karma here.
His performance in the past two playoffs left a lot to be desired, and the attitude he displayed afterwards didn't sit well with the organization/fans. I totally understand where the guy is coming from being a father and having a life outside of ball, but when you're making that know of money, that's the last thing people want to hear.

The thing I'll miss most about Prince...the Soul Glo walk up song! Thanks for the memories, best of luck.

Now focus on getting a bullpen and resigning Miggy and Max! Eat 'Em Up!
My hubby was pissed. He said he should have waited to rake LOL

If he was smart, he'd know that "raking leaves" is for the birds and you just mow over that shit and mulch them up. I don't know what was with so many people getting into "raking the leaves" this fall...and spending all of a Saturday or all of every Saturday doing so. There's too much college football to watch on Saturdays in the fall for me to spend the time outside raking leaves all day.
TC area

2" on deck with white-out conditions,
Lots of blowing and shifting

Gotta wear the insul Carhartts today
Haven't checked in for a while- but hoping to find someone local to help keep me warm lol. Brrr!
too cold?

Yeah, let the damned animals fend for themselves. Worked out well in the Dakotas

-Sorry just frostbitten and testy:eek:

And it just keeps coming down!
Any totals around Grand Rapids?
Here in the artic of Michigan

Hello all. :) 24 year old female from Michigan. Message me if you would like to chat :)
We're a couple in Michigan! Ladies, message if you want to chat, especially about having a threesome!
freezin in Sagnasty

That wind is brutal,need something soft and warm to make it thru the day,any mature ladies cold too?
WOW we got close to 18 inches here in South West Michigan since midnight last night. And it's still coming down. LOVE our lake effect that Lake Michigan gives us!!!!
here I come!

Heading to Rochester for Thanksgiving! Sounds like I should bring my boots!
WOW we got close to 18 inches here in South West Michigan since midnight last night. And it's still coming down. LOVE our lake effect that Lake Michigan gives us!!!!

That's what I was wondering when I had to drive through it this morning. Seemed a lot more than the 8-12 inches they were predicting.