To the mod who moved my post


Kitten Bites
Apr 9, 2022
Thank you for assuming it was a joke. You could have stopped your reason at that and I would have understood.

But you had to call me shitty too. I sincerely hope that made your day.

So thank you again. I have been sufficiently triggered.
AngelWithAShotGun said:
Thank you for assuming it was a joke. You could have stopped your reason at that and I would have understood.

But you had to call me shitty too. I sincerely hope that made your day.

So thank you again. I have been sufficiently triggered.

Was it NOT a joke?!?

I called the joke shitty. Call out the guy for posting a stolen pic, sure. Making a joke with someone being trans as the punchline? Shitty joke.

Thanks for the shout out.
You know, I wouldn’t have advertised that you made that joke publicly. My feedback to you was private. What are you hoping to accomplish with this thread?
68 views and no other replies on a thread like this? Well, that’s a difference between The Playground and the GB. 😂
Didn’t see the joke and, because it was moved/deleted I assume it was in poor taste so not something I would go searching for
Didn’t see the joke and, because it was moved/deleted I assume it was in poor taste so not something I would go searching for
everything I do is in poor taste.. but here you are still stalking around shaking your dentures in a glass with popcorn pieces stuck in your furry ass leg hair 😉
Thank you for assuming it was a joke. You could have stopped your reason at that and I would have understood.

But you had to call me shitty too. I sincerely hope that made your day.

So thank you again. I have been sufficiently triggered.
Ok, leaving all other issues here aside, that's a badass username