Lord Pmann Wants to Discuss Pony Play


Cheap Sunglasses.
Jun 27, 2015
So there’s been some discussion lately, behind closed stable doors, about pony play and how it’s pretty much the most fascinating kink that exists on planet earth. And then I thought about the fact that some horses, unbeknownst to us, may impersonate people when they do their horsey-zontal mambo.

As I grew befuddled with confusion at this latter scenario, I wondered, what is this pony play really all about?

So what say ye, people of Lit? Any of you wonder if Kim Kardashian ever bridles up?

Would you be surprised if you learned a friend or coworker was into pony play?

Would you judge a horse who was into people play?

My guesses are Ronald Reagan, Luis from Sesame Street, and possibly the entire 2003 Yankees lineup have sported sexy saddlebags in the past.

I need to understand this.

Let’s discuss…
So there’s been some discussion lately, behind closed stable doors, about pony play and how it’s pretty much the most fascinating kink that exists on planet earth. And then I thought about the fact that some horses, unbeknownst to us, may impersonate people when they do their horsey-zontal mambo.

As I grew befuddled with confusion at this latter scenario, I wondered, what is this pony play really all about?

So what say ye, people of Lit? Any of you wonder if Kim Kardashian ever bridles up?

Would you be surprised if you learned a friend or coworker was into pony play?

Would you judge a horse who was into people play?

My guesses are Ronald Reagan, Luis from Sesame Street, and possibly the entire 2003 Yankees lineup have sported sexy saddlebags in the past.

I need to understand this.

Let’s discuss…
I would probably look a little sideways at my horse if she was into people play. :p
Cool. I, uh, I'll be in the BJ thread. 🤣

Cmon man.
No kink shaming.
This is a safe space.

Well, if you decide to have a discussion with your horse about people play. Yes. I recommend staying away from their mouth, and their back legs. They are liable to kick your silly ass.

I do have a helluva mouth. And a mean back kick.

I think that’s why it’s generally smart, like Sassy recommends, to have these conversations up front.
Cmon man.
No kink shaming.
This is a safe space.

I do have a helluva mouth. And a mean back kick.

I think that’s why it’s generally smart, like Sassy recommends, to have these conversations up front.
I am suddenly picturing you having this discussion with my horse. :ROFLMAO:
Zero shaming here. Eh fuck it. Put a saddle on me and call me Mr. Ed.

Like after you think about it for a minute…
It kinda starts to sound fun, admit it!
Tell me I’m wrong!

I like the whole horse-drawn-carriage angle…

Also am wondering if unicorn play is a subsector of pony play or… ?
I have a unicorn butt plug. It did not come with a strap on horn.
That was such a great show!!
Nick at Nite was my jam back in my younger years. ❤️
I have a unicorn butt plug. It did not come with a strap on horn.
A unicorn buttplug! No idea what that is but I kinda want one. 😜
Like after you think about it for a minute…
It kinda starts to sound fun, admit it!
Tell me I’m wrong!

I like the whole horse-drawn-carriage angle…

Also am wondering if unicorn play is a subsector of pony play or… ?
I feel like it would be fun for about 10 minutes then I'd be like "This saddle is chaffing me. Can we do actual fun stuff now?" Lol