Lord Pmann wants to discuss Sapiosexuals

So do you literally get at least somehat aroused listening to certain people who are at least somewhat attractive talk about really deeply technical topics with no sexual content and nothing sexual about the situation?

Yes. I do have a very technical job and, at times, I get myself all worked up when I hear myself talking.

So I DO identify as a Sapiosexual.
I actually am a nerd and I like nerds, but I don't only like nerds.
That is interesting about knowledge or skills. Is it literally arousing or does it just improve your perception of them?
I am asking because extreme intelligence of certain type actually literally turns me on and I think that is what they are talking about when they say sapiosexual. Also adding that that is not the only thing that does and it is not a standard that I hold people to or judge people by so I think it is different than what Pmann seems to be talking about.
I've been thinking about this because I'm still not entirely sure what I want to say.

Extreme intelligence is a massive turn on for me. It enhances the attraction I have for a person in some cases, creates the attraction that wasn't otherwise there. But... It's part of a very complex system that is Aussie's brain and what she wants to sexualize.

I have found myself attracted to many people over the years. I've fallen out of attraction with many people over the years. I find that the key to sustained attraction for me is someone who gets nerdy from time to time. It's because I want to stimulate my mind long before I want to stimulate my body. I'm more likely to masturbate to episodes of Sherlock (hello Irene Adler) than to porn. I like the complexities that come with some people and the way they see the world. When I step into that space, I come alive and it's easier to get sexy.

I think I use the word "intelligence" differently to others. There are so many realms of the world to master and build intelligence in. I love to learn and that comes from such a diverse group of people from all over. I can't paint a picture of what I consider intelligence except to say that it seems to be function of people willing to grow and change their mind as they learn new information. They're also willing to put aside their understanding of the world to look at a picture painted in menstrual blood (🩸IYKYK).
I’m going to replace the word intelligence with interest. I like when a person is really, really into their thing.
Although, now that I said that I must add that I’m not attracted to serial killers. Their dedication is impressive, but not very attractive.

Back on topic: A person who has a passion (I hate using that term that way, but it is what I’m talking about) makes for a very attractive person—not only in a sexual way, let’s face it they have to be in some way physically attractive too, but people like that draw me in even if they’re super unfortunate looking.

But yeah, I don’t think it’s so much intelligence or education as much as enthusiasm for their “thing”.

They have that spark.
LOL. That is not what I was expecting.

It's very awkward. As I give presentations, the erection just gets worse and worse until my penis is just flipping over tables like it's some sort of angry chess match.

I'll never be asked back to STEM week at that school again. 😞
It's very awkward. As I give presentations, the erection just gets worse and worse until my penis is just flipping over tables like it's some sort of angry chess match.

I'll never be asked back to STEM week at that school again. 😞
You don't tuck it into your belt??

HR may have a budget for better underwear.
Someone who is intelligent is always going to be on the way to being attractive from the off. Someone with high levels of knowlegde/intelligence (the kind of jaw-dropping brain power that blows your mind) is, for me very attractive - but if someone has this kind of intelligence and mangages to act with humility, then I'm getting interested. But if someone can help me better myself because of their intelligence, I can get a little wobbly at the knee.

For example, one of the anaethestists I work with helped me understand something the other day that has baffled me for years, I just wanted take her home, there and then....prior to this I don't think I'd given fucking her a second thought. To add, it wasn't because I'd learned something new either, because if that was the case I'd fuck everyone most of the time🤣, it was her clear understanding of something so complicated that did it for me
I've been thinking about this because I'm still not entirely sure what I want to say.

Extreme intelligence is a massive turn on for me. It enhances the attraction I have for a person in some cases, creates the attraction that wasn't otherwise there. But... It's part of a very complex system that is Aussie's brain and what she wants to sexualize.

I have found myself attracted to many people over the years. I've fallen out of attraction with many people over the years. I find that the key to sustained attraction for me is someone who gets nerdy from time to time. It's because I want to stimulate my mind long before I want to stimulate my body. I'm more likely to masturbate to episodes of Sherlock (hello Irene Adler) than to porn. I like the complexities that come with some people and the way they see the world. When I step into that space, I come alive and it's easier to get sexy.

I think I use the word "intelligence" differently to others. There are so many realms of the world to master and build intelligence in. I love to learn and that comes from such a diverse group of people from all over. I can't paint a picture of what I consider intelligence except to say that it seems to be function of people willing to grow and change their mind as they learn new information. They're also willing to put aside their understanding of the world to look at a picture painted in menstrual blood (🩸IYKYK).
I actually agree on that level too somewhat. There are different levels of attraction and types of relationships and I can definitely be attracted to people who don't ever want to have particularly deep conversations, but in the deepest and best and all around fulfilling type of relationships I would get bored without any type of deep conversation.

So I am not sure if I would qualify as 100% sapiosexual exactly but it seems that is one aspect of the way I am.

By intelligence in the first case I meant something more like raw processing power and there are different types, but I tend more toward analytical I am actually more impressed by really intuitive people sometimes since it's not something I can do easily but relate better to extremely logical people.

Having the patience or passion to spend the energy learning something really well is impressive too. I wouldn't say anything is wrong or bad about anyone who don't though. I think i am more of a jack of all trades type myself, but if you just don't need any knowledge and don't want to spend that time on it that is perfectly reasonable too and there is nothing wrong with that.

Being able to accept and process new information that doesn't support what you already think and to possibly change your mind is something incredibly important for everyone and if everyone could do that well I actually think the whole world could be better and I think it is definitely nicer to talk to someone like IMO. I would call this open mindedness though actually. Open minded people are my favorite people.

basically i think it is a think i can understand and experience but it is not the only or best thing.
I've been thinking about this because I'm still not entirely sure what I want to say.

Extreme intelligence is a massive turn on for me. It enhances the attraction I have for a person in some cases, creates the attraction that wasn't otherwise there. But... It's part of a very complex system that is Aussie's brain and what she wants to sexualize.

I have found myself attracted to many people over the years. I've fallen out of attraction with many people over the years. I find that the key to sustained attraction for me is someone who gets nerdy from time to time. It's because I want to stimulate my mind long before I want to stimulate my body. I'm more likely to masturbate to episodes of Sherlock (hello Irene Adler) than to porn. I like the complexities that come with some people and the way they see the world. When I step into that space, I come alive and it's easier to get sexy.

I think I use the word "intelligence" differently to others. There are so many realms of the world to master and build intelligence in. I love to learn and that comes from such a diverse group of people from all over. I can't paint a picture of what I consider intelligence except to say that it seems to be function of people willing to grow and change their mind as they learn new information. They're also willing to put aside their understanding of the world to look at a picture painted in menstrual blood (🩸IYKYK).
So you want to bone on a table covered in dnd paraphernalia about a quest to enter the fifth dimension?

I’m down for that.
-roll initiative

(What is your charisma stat?)



But the dex is 18
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Should I get you two a room with a Rubik’s Cube and an abacus? You two could turn your potential energy into some kinetic energy.
I like intelligent men. However, when someone pm's me and says he's a sapiosexual or it's in his profile, I google the word every time. Whether it's a matter of it being a weird word or my ADD kicks in, or both, IDK.
I've been thinking about this because I'm still not entirely sure what I want to say.

Extreme intelligence is a massive turn on for me. It enhances the attraction I have for a person in some cases, creates the attraction that wasn't otherwise there. But... It's part of a very complex system that is Aussie's brain and what she wants to sexualize.

I have found myself attracted to many people over the years. I've fallen out of attraction with many people over the years. I find that the key to sustained attraction for me is someone who gets nerdy from time to time. It's because I want to stimulate my mind long before I want to stimulate my body. I'm more likely to masturbate to episodes of Sherlock (hello Irene Adler) than to porn. I like the complexities that come with some people and the way they see the world. When I step into that space, I come alive and it's easier to get sexy.

I think I use the word "intelligence" differently to others. There are so many realms of the world to master and build intelligence in. I love to learn and that comes from such a diverse group of people from all over. I can't paint a picture of what I consider intelligence except to say that it seems to be function of people willing to grow and change their mind as they learn new information. They're also willing to put aside their understanding of the world to look at a picture painted in menstrual blood (🩸IYKYK).
I do not pretend to know you. Far from it. But somehow, from your attitude and little I've seen here, this "felt" so much you. There is curiosity, an open mind but also contradictions. It fits you and I like that.