Looking for a Military Advisor


Jan 8, 2009
Putting the word out here because I know we have some military types, or friends and family thereof, lurking around. :)

I am looking for someone who would be willing to read and comment on my latest manuscript, as it has a fair amount of military/battle scenes. Although this is sci-fi, my writing partner and I want to ensure we're not making any major gaffes and that the battle scenes read as realistically as possible.

Primarily we're looking for someone with military know-how, but an ideal adviser would also be an avid reader - the manuscript is almost 500 pages, so this would be a large commitment. I anticipate we'll have the next draft ready in late March, and we'd want to hand it off immediately. We'd like no more than a three week turn around time on the read.

I can't offer any payment, but will definitely throw in a free copy of both books and a credit in the acknowledgments.

For those who don't know me, you can have a look at the first book in the series here: www.warpworld.ca

You can respond here or pm if you or someone you know might be interested.

I am a combat veteran. I'd be delighted to read your manuscript.