

Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
Wouldn't it be cool if we all lived in the same town?

What would it be like?

Where would we all hangout?

What recreational activites would we all participate in and with who?

What would our laws be?

WHo would have what role in the town?
I.E. The rich guy, the town drunk, the police man, the milk man, etc.
Too many of us would be the weird old guy in the "haunted" house on the corner, I think.
I want to be the social outcast that no one talks to... no no wait I did that in real life. um forget it. I wanna be the milk man, yeah! Servicing the neighborhood for twenty years!
I would be the proprietor of the Litville Stripclub - "Tasty" :devil:

Didn't know we had a stripclub huh?

In the day, I run the Lit. Hotel.
I love guests.
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careful Lazarus that's not milk in that bottle! Just another deposit from your friendly neighborhood milk man.
Cerberus666 said:
careful Lazarus that's not milk in that bottle! Just another deposit from your friendly neighborhood milk man.

I would be hiding in the closet under the staircase.

You people frighten me!

Re: As Long As None Of These Other Chicks Steal My Corner, I'm Cool.

cool! what are umm the going rates?
On sunday nights, instead oh having bingo night, we should do a town masturbation night. and maybe monday night poker will turn into monday night role-play, or something along those lines. and oh, god... the bumper stickers would be fabulous!!!

I just want to have sex with the hot mom next door?
I wonder who I should live next to?
redathena said:
On sunday nights, instead oh having bingo night, we should do a town masturbation night. and maybe monday night poker will turn into monday night role-play, or something along those lines. and oh, god... the bumper stickers would be fabulous!!!


Friday nights could be the BDSM "rope and stroke" down at the local Elk's lodge.
SkyBluAngelEyes said:
Friday nights could be the BDSM "rope and stroke" down at the local Elk's lodge.

Yeah! and the town delicatessen should be bull's testicle. and the animal would be the wilson's phalomar (i think that's the name), which is a bird who's female gender fucks around all her life while the male is bred to serve. he takes care of the kids, and tries to stay with the same female for the rest of his life, which usually doesnt work!

Dixon Carter Lee - Editor of the town paper

Ishmael - Local college professor

Rubyfruit - town slut

JazzManJim - High School Principal

p_p_man - Town Drunk

MissT - Head of the PTA

LanceCastor - Used car salesman

TeddyBear4Play - Bartender at the local pub

KillerMuffin - Police Chief

REDWAVE - Town recluse
Considering we all sit our lazy arses on the computer, typing about sex we never get, and spouting political and religeous bullshit, what fucking difference would it make if we were in the same town?