It's the sarcasm thread, ya twat.

I should start using this one:

Instead of 'have a nice day,' I think I'll start saying, 'have the day you deserve.' You know, let karma sort things out.
I spend all of my time looking for intelligent life on other planets. I gave up finding it here.
I should start using this one:

Instead of 'have a nice day,' I think I'll start saying, 'have the day you deserve.' You know, let karma sort things out.
Not joking here… I once shared with my lifelong best friend, the concept of saying “fuck you very much” when someone is being passive aggressive...

One day, out of the blue, he shared with me he actually said that to someone and as he was walking out the door “hey, wait.. what?”

He’s been gone for over 20 years now, but I smile every time I think of him, and laugh that he said that to someone (he was very kind, and fairly quiet usually). ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Goddamn if I had a dollar for the number of intelligent posts on this thread, well, some y'all owe me some money.
Fuck yeah! You would have like…. what... $3? Well… $2 anyway.. right?