It's an AH Reunion.

Nah, thinking too much gets you kicked in the head. I'd rather be on the dishing out end of those.

You spar with my instructor you won't be dishing out anything. She doesn't even wear the headgear...doesn't have to, she's absolutely impossible to land anything on. She'll even show you what she's leaving open for you to hit, but I definitely pity the fool that takes her up on it. I just tried to block the majority of what she threw, and counted myself lucky that I only got the breath knocked out of me once.

She did two minute rounds with...let's see....five other people before I got in the ring with her, all of them black belts, and she wasn't even breathing hard, and not a drop of sweat to be seen.

I seriously think I suck after that experience.
It has to be a really strong wind and I have to be ... distracted. And not wearing a sword belt....
You spar with my instructor you won't be dishing out anything. She doesn't even wear the headgear...doesn't have to, she's absolutely impossible to land anything on. She'll even show you what she's leaving open for you to hit, but I definitely pity the fool that takes her up on it. I just tried to block the majority of what she threw, and counted myself lucky that I only got the breath knocked out of me once.

She did two minute rounds with...let's see....five other people before I got in the ring with her, all of them black belts, and she wasn't even breathing hard, and not a drop of sweat to be seen.

I seriously think I suck after that experience.

Gives you something to shoot for. You never know what can happen. I've beaten a fourth degree before.... mind you, he wins that bout 199 times out of 200, but I have had that .05% chance happen.

The day will come when you not only score... you challange. You might never beat her, but it's a good goal to make her work for it. :D

My instructor's instructor (not gonna use their names on Lit) is like your instructor. The way I hear it, he stopped competing to give others a chance to win at Nationals. Something I totally believe.
You spar with my instructor you won't be dishing out anything. She doesn't even wear the headgear...doesn't have to, she's absolutely impossible to land anything on. She'll even show you what she's leaving open for you to hit, but I definitely pity the fool that takes her up on it. I just tried to block the majority of what she threw, and counted myself lucky that I only got the breath knocked out of me once.

She did two minute rounds with...let's see....five other people before I got in the ring with her, all of them black belts, and she wasn't even breathing hard, and not a drop of sweat to be seen.

I seriously think I suck after that experience.

You did good. No doubt about it. She's probably been at for a lot of years and experience counts for a lot in kumite. Sorry, don't know the Korean word for sparring.

Man, I come back after four hours and this thread exploded. Nice to see every one. Been too long.

I was thinking about Perdita myself recently. Helped me with one of my stories.
Now there's an attitude to admire in a wife! :devil:

Unfortunately, mine is ensconced in front of the TV so I'll go suds off and hit the leaf pile, myself. I wish I knew what it was that made me such a morning bear but the eye's pop open at six. Go figure.

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The word on the Boulevard is that he spends too much of it on white powder. Supposedly that's what makes him so weird.

He was weird before he started hanging with the White Lady...he turned paranoia into an art form. ;)
Now there's an attitude to admire in a wife! :devil:

Unfortunately, mine is ensconced in front of the TV so I'll go suds off and hit the leaf pile, myself. I wish I knew what it was that made me such a morning bear but the eye's pop open at six. Go figure.


'Night, bear.