Isolated Blurt Thread

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One of my fave Python bits:

Announcer, BBC accent: "And now, the sound of Mr John Denver being strangled."

Nasal voice, singing: "You came on my pill-low ...aaargh! gurgle! gasp!"

Announcer: "Thank you."

:D I haven't seen that since I was a kid. I will add it to my list of must see movies.

Thanks for the reminder.

Also, the view count on the AH has been rising slowly these past few weeks. * happy happy*
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My (rebuilt) main tower PC has failed; again.
I'm getting more than a trifle peeved at this.
It's such a pretty world today, so long as I avoid online news.

I'll restring a bunch of instruments one of these days.

I keep delaying because ay yi yi, so many!

The Cümbüş lutes are a challenge.
It's such a pretty world today, so long as I avoid online news.

I'll restring a bunch of instruments one of these days.

I keep delaying because ay yi yi, so many!

The Cümbüş lutes are a challenge.

the what ?
Hypoxia said:
The Cümbüş lutes are a challenge.
the what ?
Big tin-pot Turkish banjos, popular cheap replacements for costly o'uds.

My fretless 11-string Cümbüş (JOOM-bush) is in Arab modal tuning. The fretted 12-string came open-tuned as a guitar, and played with a slide, was the biggest, funkiest, loudest blues machine you can imagine. You may have heard one fingered on the Hollies' STOP, STOP, STOP! But I restrung it as a classical cittern, from an impossibly deep bass up to a screeching high wail. Tricky to play and hard to keep in tune. New strings may help.

I need to reset the bridge on my bandurria. Why doesn't it obey simple laws of physics? I know, you'll ask, "The what?" This Latino axe looks like a 12-string mandolin; the 4 courses of tripled strings are usually tuned open or like a linear 'uke. We bought it in a guitar town in central Mexico because our car was so full, we hadn't room for a guitar. Same reason I had to pass on a handmade 3-string standup bass in Guatemala: too big.

Anyway, the bandurria, tuned and played right, has a wavy sound, soft but rich, shimmering. Just right to play at a beach campfire as the surf slithers and crabs scuttle about. Mas cervesa, por favor.
"Kim Jung Hoe".

Is that the crazy fucker's name?

I'm terrible when it comes to remembering such things.


Did I just say that?

Nicotine fits. I thought this craving wuz over.

It's infecting my writing chops.

Chips and dip. Chips and dip. That's all I got. Surely that's a better alternative.

I will be strong.
Stravinsky's music is better than it sounds. Same with Henry Cowell. And John Cage, although his is often more interesting to read than to hear. His toy piano stuff is okay. And 4'33" is the ultimate classic because there's nothing there to hear. It's all outside. Sometimes I put that on repeat.
I bet my bears miss me. I miss them. I hope no one shot Manitou, my big, male black bear. They loved my omelettes and pasta, I loved their company.
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