Writing Exercise 2: Can we guess your identity from your writing style?


Out To Lunch
May 15, 2022
As of May 12 there are 16 anonymous entries.

EDIT: I've loosened up the rules - can be up to 500 words (any longer and the thread gets hard to read), it can be anything you've written before. Preferably not from a story published here, because some of us actually do read each others' stories!

Deadline, Midnight PCT, Sunday 12th May

If you PM Me your max 500 word scene, I'll post them anonymously. Then, people can try to guess which author wrote which piece-- At some point I'll post a list of authors to make it easier

Otherwise, just post in this thread like normal, and have fun with this second challenge:

Instead of a story, just write this scene:

  • A date/sexual encounter, where one of the people has a lifelong secret that gets revealed.
You can make your scene 🔥(difficult I know for an isolated scene) , 🥲, 😨, 😁, whatever.
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I'm in, but my boss will kill me if I do it right now.
Mine too. (Yes, I'm self-employed, but I wasted all day on the other Writing Exercise thread and now I have to catch up.)

Also, it will take a while to come up with a secret and how it's revealed.
Oh yes it can be so hard to think of a secret that might come out in front of a potential romantic partner. What a relatable problem. (Cries in fetish)
I gazed into her eyes, finally ready to reveal my deepest desire, to share what lay closest to my heart. "Darling," I said, pulling the sheepskin rug from the floor, "darling, say... 'Baaah'."
My entry is in. I suggest when you post them, that you give each a number, so we can reference them in discussion. Oh, and since THB and I have gone and announced our entry, you should mix up the order. Sorry.

And again, thanks for the idea and for taking on the work of doing it.
I'm play along, but it's going to take me a few days. Not much writing time in my work week. What's our time limit for entry?
If you PM Me your 250 word scene, I'll post them anonymously. Then, people can try to guess which author wrote which piece-- I'll post a list of authors, to make it easier, if I get more than a couple of PM's

Otherwise, just post in this thread like normal, and have fun with this second challenge:

Instead of a story, just write this scene:

  • A date/sexual encounter, where one of the people has a lifelong secret that gets revealed.
I need a ruling from the judge's bench. I think I have something that was published on another site but which will never be on here. (It's part of a longer story.) Would that qualify for this challenge? Actually, I think it would cover both challenges you presented.
How strict is the 250 word limit? Is this an approximate guide, give or take 50 words? Just keep it under 500? Or is 250 the absolute ceiling?
updated the OP loosening up the rules - can be up to 500 words (any longer and the thread gets hard to read), can be anything youve written before. Preferably not from a story here, because some of us actually do read each others' stories!
It's the long-suffering sigh that just makes it perfect.
While it's the weakest of the Blackadders, that series did have its moments. Like when the Witchfinder General is questioning Blackadder's horse.

WG: "Is your master a witch?"
[Horse whinnies]
Prince Harry: "I didn't quite catch that. Was it a yay or a nay?"
WG: "It was a nay, my lord, but I'm sure the horse is lying."
While it's the weakest of the Blackadders, that series did have its moments. Like when the Witchfinder General is questioning Blackadder's horse.

WG: "Is your master a witch?"
[Horse whinnies]
Prince Harry: "I didn't quite catch that. Was it a yay or a nay?"
WG: "It was a nay, my lord, but I'm sure the horse is lying."

"CHISWICK! Fresh Horses!" that becomes "CHISWICK! Fresh Horse!" the one time. It's awful and glorious.
While it's the weakest of the Blackadders, that series did have its moments. Like when the Witchfinder General is questioning Blackadder's horse.

WG: "Is your master a witch?"
[Horse whinnies]
Prince Harry: "I didn't quite catch that. Was it a yay or a nay?"
WG: "It was a nay, my lord, but I'm sure the horse is lying."

It's a bit more uneven than the later series, but I find it hard to rank it against them because it's not quite the same style of comedy.

I'm no historian of comedy so I may well be talking out of my arse, but last time I re-watched the first series it felt a bit like a transition between some older British comedy styles - Pete and Dud, 1066 And All That, the short-skit focus of stuff like Monty Python - and the more sitcom-ish style of the later Blackadders.

It also relies much more heavily on assumed audience knowledge; people who didn't do a lot of Shakespeare and medieval English/European history in school will miss a lot of the jokes about Thomas à Becket, papal indulgences and schisms, and so forth.

I think I'd agree that it's weaker than the others overall but sometimes I appreciate the chaos of Series 1. I did feel like the "Baldric is stupid, hur hur" gags were wearing a bit thin by series 4, as funny as some of them were.
I will have a go at this, I will.

At the moment, though, all my brainstorming attempts are turning into variations on a theme of this...
