Is this past news on trump true?

You don't read well, either. Notice the question mark at the end making it an interrogative? A query, if you will?

That's all very pedestrian, though.
Yes, a question mark changes EVERYTHING
You quit beating your kids.
You quit beating your kids?

<personal attack snip>...your belief that queers are out there trying to bait you "straight" guys into sucking dick...

"My" belief? No, little man, that's you once again ascribing a position to me. You can't help yourself, can you?
Funny how Trump was blasted for exaggerating his wealth, but now it has become truth in order to diminish him...
Funny how Trump was blasted for exaggerating his wealth, but now it has become truth in order to diminish him...

It's coming to the point where its no longer funny.

The snowflake moron in your country are about to give the raison d'etre of the USA its final and major blow...

The left of today in the US need to be squashed... and by any means necessary I'm afraid.

They are a bunch of total idiots who actually think you are that, and are so confident they are on the right track.

It's actually dangerous. Not funny at all...
It's coming to the point where its no longer funny.

The snowflake moron in your country are about to give the raison d'etre of the USA its final and major blow...

The left of today in the US need to be squashed... and by any means necessary I'm afraid.

They are a bunch of total idiots who actually think you are that, and are so confident they are on the right track.

It's actually dangerous. Not funny at all...

No, sweetheart, you Republicans are the ones who need to be corrected - you're not looking at what you're writing. You say "by any means" liberals must be squashed and you think that's normal? It's not normal to side with neo-nazis, or a prezzy who deports Muslims for no good reason or who sends over 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan in our longest war yet. Keep defending him. You'll just look like the idiot in the end.
No, sweetheart, you Republicans are the ones who need to be corrected - you're not looking at what you're writing. You say "by any means" liberals must be squashed and you think that's normal? It's not normal to side with neo-nazis, or a prezzy who deports Muslims for no good reason or who sends over 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan in our longest war yet. Keep defending him. You'll just look like the idiot in the end.

1. I'm a centrist currently leaning right.

2. I'm not an American.

3. By the time I can be shown who the real idiot here is, it'd be too late.
Damn, listening to his anus mouth make a speech.

This is the POTUS?

You've got to be kidding me?

Are you FUCKING kidding me?

The so called 'greatest' nation in the world?

Repulsive! Nauseating!

He's not fit to lead a 3rd world shithole. Even 3rd world shitholes have more eloquent and intelligent leaders willing to bring their country into the 21st century.

This one wants to turn the clock back and now he wants to send 4,000 more troops to that long, drawn out bloody war?

Let his SONS be the first ones to sign up. But you know they are going to scoop out poor boys.

Only in America can such a clown "win" presidency. These dumbass yokels have the attention spans of gnats, it's not that long ago when they voted Repugs out of power in Congress!
Fick dich selbst. :)


See, i'm right, even when I make a mistake. :cattail:


I live in NYC and Trump is not well known for doing things for needy people.

That is real life.

Notice how he disappeared once you presented him a NYer's real-life perspective on Trump.

So much for that "loose canon".

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You are asserting that if bands of white utes were wilding, raping, and murdering he would have been opposed to the death penalty?

Clearly, I didn't write the article. It would have been a lot more extensive if I had. Starting off with Trump being sued by the federal government for not renting apartments to people based solely on their race.
