Is there something wrong with me?


Literotica Guru
Mar 3, 2003
Ok, I know I'm weird. I've been addicted to porn since I was 10 or so. I love anime/manga/hentai, I've been downloading it for x years. I love looking at naked women, I love playing video games and going camping. I love sex, I love masturbation. I love toys and action figures. I believe I love my girlfriend, but when we started living together, she made me change my lifestyle. She doesn't like most of the things I love. I can't watch anime with her, She makes me put my toys in storage, she tries to conform me into something she likes. I hate being one of the sheep, but I know that the idea is "normal" I never cared for what people think, I always did what I wanted. Now, this person I care for wants me to be similar, she wants me to hang with her friends, do as much with her as she wants. I find I have almost no time for myself. I love me time. She gets upset if I want to play games. I feel as if I don't want to change for her, but being a good boyfriend that I am, I try and be the person she wants me to be, but I hate it. She says I'm an asshole when I hang with my best friend because we talk of things that no one else will. We talk of blowing things up, of terrorists, of how cool it would be to take over the world and rule with iron fists.

How do I know if what I feel for her is love or lust for sex? Do I keep conforming to her whims or do I just drop it. I've been doing it for over a year and I hate it.
Dump aren't happy, and things have been going in the wrong direction for you for two long to turn teh relationship around. Grab all your shit before you leave...
I'm going to agree with the general concensus here. She's forcing you into a place where you can't be yourself. A true relationship is one where there's compromise, give and take. She's too controlling over the person you are and that's not love.
Maybe when you're 14 you'll meet a girl that likes comics and fantasizing about taking over the world and ruling with an iron fist.
Sorry Lance, I'm way past that stage. I'm 20 and this is my first gf.

As for ending the relationship. How would I go about doing that? As I just stated, this is my first gf and she is living with me because she got kicked out of her home.
So you are giving up things for her, what is she doing for you? Can you find a compromise? You hang out with her and her friends now and then, but also with your friends. She has to understand you need your own life and time alone at times. She may not be into the anime and stuff, but that shouldn't stop her from letting you enjoy it.

If she can't compromise, get out of the relationship and find someone who'll love you though you may paint Warhammer 2000K models...

P.S. Damn, you sound like my ex bf! lol
MaxwellKing said:
Sorry Lance, I'm way past that stage. I'm 20 and this is my first gf.

As for ending the relationship. How would I go about doing that? As I just stated, this is my first gf and she is living with me because she got kicked out of her home.
If I understand this right ... It's your home not hers.
Therefore you have the right to tell her to leave.

"My-house-my-rules" applies in this case.
Lancecastor said:
Maybe when you're 14 you'll meet a girl that likes comics and fantasizing about taking over the world and ruling with an iron fist.

I'm 28, and I'm still looking...
Though I may act like an asshole at times, my biggest problem is I care. She has a job but it isn't enough and if I kick her out, she'll have no where to go.
Oh, LP, Warhammer isn't my game.

My biggest let down is she is a Trekkie and loathes SW. I can tolerate Star Trek, but SW is my all time passion. I've read a good deal of the books
MaxwellKing said:
Though I may act like an asshole at times, my biggest problem is I care. She has a job but it isn't enough and if I kick her out, she'll have no where to go.
If you can't kick her to teh curb, kick her to the couch, and give her a solid date that she is moving out.
I also haven't the heart to force her to give things up, but I have commented on how I dislike the fact that she is good friends with an ex and that even though her family shows signs of alcoholism, she doesn't lessen her drinking.

She goes drinking about every weekend at her best firend's home.

I also ask her not to say anything I don't want her to.
MaxwellKing said:
Though I may act like an asshole at times, my biggest problem is I care. She has a job but it isn't enough and if I kick her out, she'll have no where to go.
Sucks being the nice guy :( and it sounds like you are a nice guy.

Whether you break up with her or not your relationship, as it stands right now, is unequal. It's a cycle you want to stop now or like some of the posts have said there will be alot of resentment later on.

The only two ways to stop it are either to break up or to tell her to ease off. Either way you'll have an argument coming to you soon.

Unless you want to be her BITCH for the rest of your life you have to put a stop to it NOW.
no offense but it sounds like you dont want a girlfriend at this point in your life

liking star wars or star trek doesn't matter in a relationship ... you're never going to find a girl that likes all of your interests and if you did it would be boring

you need to have a hard think if you really do want a girlfriend and if you do the you need to talk to her and tell her you still want her to be your girlfriend but you need time to do stuff for yourself to and you need alone times in the relationship ... but still wish to do stuff with her just not every second

if you dont want a girlfriend right now then you need to tell her that but say you want to be friends and tell her you still want her to live with you
You're very young and so is she. She'll get over it. I understand that you don't want to kick her out, I'd hate to do that to someone, but fact is the relationships doesn't seem to make you happy.
When moving in with someone you take the risk that it may not work out and one might end up having to leave. Naturally the person not owning the flat is the one to leave. She should have had that in the back of her head.

Try to talk to each other and if it doesn't work out tell her that you don't want to kick her out just like that. Give her time to find something new or if she has a friend to crash with. Maybe even help her find something new. Act like a friend.
Lovepotion69 said:
You're very young and so is she. She'll get over it. I understand that you don't want to kick her out, I'd hate to do that to someone, but fact is the relationships doesn't seem to make you happy.
When moving in with someone you take the risk that it may not work out and one might end up having to leave. Naturally the person not owning the flat is the one to leave. She should have had that in the back of her head.

Try to talk to each other and if it doesn't work out tell her that you don't want to kick her out just like that. Give her time to find something new or if she has a friend to crash with. Maybe even help her find something new. Act like a friend.

Great advice, especially the last part. You don't hate her, she's just not right for you, so there is no need to burn bridges. Be her friend, help her out, but end teh romantic partvof teh relationship.
I'm being a lemming here and following the masses.

If it's starting already, how will it be in 6 months from now?

She has to love you for you, faults/habits and all. If she wants to change you, what did she fall in love with?

Don't change for anyone, compromise. Be yourself and be true to yourself.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Great advice, especially the last part. You don't hate her, she's just not right for you, so there is no need to burn bridges. Be her friend, help her out, but end teh romantic partvof teh relationship.

I have my bright moments. :D
MaxwellKing said:
Sorry Lance, I'm way past that stage. I'm 20 and this is my first gf.

As for ending the relationship. How would I go about doing that? As I just stated, this is my first gf and she is living with me because she got kicked out of her home.

Don't apologize to me, asked if they're something wrong with you...there is.

You're a 20 year old man who wants to watch anime and is letting some skid girlfriend pussy whip him.

Lose the GF.