I'm protesting too. Even the odds. Make it a war between the EU and Iraq.

WriterDom said:
Let the U$ be the back up if things get out of hand.

George wouldn't like that...he always needs to be the centre of attention...

Re: Re: I'm protesting too. Even the odds. Make it a war between the EU and Iraq.

p_p_man said:
George wouldn't like that...he always needs to be the centre of attention...


Yep, That why the Saudi's want to buy a coup and keep George out.
Dubya couldn't say, "dibs on the oil" if we don't go in pretty much alone.

This ain't rocket science.:rolleyes:
nimbus9 said:
Dubya couldn't say, "dibs on the oil" if we don't go in pretty much alone.

This ain't rocket science.:rolleyes:

So the UK has now been relegated to "pretty much alone" have we?


yeah, we pretty much bring you guy's along for the ride. It's an ancestor thing I guess;)
I'll stand up with everyone else who is protesting the war.

Come on, George W. you just want to avenge for your father at the risk of putting many of our service men and women in harms way; as well as encouraging more terrorist strikes here in the 'homeland.'

Get real, and let's stop always acting like the big bully on the block! Are we headed to North Korea next? ( And all by ourselves?)