I'm going back to college!!!!!


Literotica Guru
Feb 24, 2003
And I'm majoring in....


Yay! I am going to roam around a studio all day painting, drinking coffee and listening to the Beatles on the government dime instead of doing it after a 10 hour work day when the kid is in bed.



I know there is no money in art, but fuck it. I have to do it, and I can't really explain why. The desire is just ooooozing out of me, I have no choice.

I am so excited, I am bursting! :)
Cool. Congratulations. I would love to go back to school, kinda low on funds. Maybe in the Fall or Spring though.
Good luck with that!!

I've been thinking about going back too..just for the chicks, of course!

My father is bleeding tears of Holy Pain because I just graduated from the Cisco Computer Networking Academy in December and instead of running off to configure routers and make big bucks I am going to school for something he considers to be worthless. AHAHAHAHA! :p
Zilla said:

My father is bleeding tears of Holy Pain because I just graduated from the Cisco Computer Networking Academy in December and instead of running off to configure routers and make big bucks I am going to school for something he considers to be worthless. AHAHAHAHA! :p

LOL, my current plan is to take basic courses while I apply to school to study film, of all the unpractical things!
One always has to follow his or her heart and do what they feel they know is right.

Four years ago my dad was choked that I settled for taking a job at a sporting goods store instead of going to school and learning a trade and making much better money.

Four years later my dad consides that I made the right choice. I'm happy where I am, make enough to get myself by and didn't once waiver from the stand I took.
Hehe film!

My dad is going to grasp his poor chest and fall over dead on the spot when my brother tells him he is switching his major to film. I was chatting him up about my desicion to go back to school when he confided in me that he just put in for a major change today. OH MY POOR DAD! Before he knows it he's going to have one child majoring in art and the other in film. His children are all going to hell in a Basketweaving 101 hand-made container. I'm totally drunk on red wine and happier than I have been in months. :) I love this! I am so happy!!!

Zilla, I am so happy for you. I pegged you as an artiste the second I opened your Planet Zilla site. Am no Miss Cleo but something tells me you will dominate at whatever you put your heart, soul and mind into.

Good luck and good fortune to ya ;) .

Congratulations! Going back to school was the best decision I ever made. I think that you can get a lot more out of it when you're a little older, as your more mature and are doing it because you really want to, not because it's expected.

All I can say is good luck and make the most of it!!
I envy you, if I could go back to school, I'd choose a totally new professional area to study in.