If you could start a small business, what would it be?


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
Just because I'm nosey and because I'm thinking of starting a small home-based business myself, what kind of business would you start if you could?

Please, I'm really interested.
I would love to have a little bookstore. With all the major ones and online, I would probably not survive though.
I would love to have a little bookstore. With all the major ones and online, I would probably not survive though.

That would've been my second choice, but as you say, there wouldn't be much chance of survival these days. There was this awesome little one near my college where I spent practically every day. It's gone now. :(
I would love to have a little bookstore. With all the major ones and online, I would probably not survive though.

A pawnshop for textbooks, somewhere close to a local college. The market in used textbooks is tremendous with all the unemployed now making a living by going back to school for the grant money and student loans. The cheaper you can find those textbooks the more you keep in your pocket to pay for important stuff, like liquor and drugs.
Well, if you join "income at home", you can sell vitamins to your relatives.

They'll be sure not to invite you to family gatherings..... :D
Dispensary/head shop. But it's to risky with all of Obama's DOJ squads he sends out like the wicked witch of the west to toss stoners in prison for 20 year mandatory's....fly my pretties!!

4x as many raids on state legal/sanctioned medical MJ dispensaries in his first term than bush did in all 8 years as POTUS.

Obama respects states rights, the 10th amendment and the US constitution. He would never fuck the little guy...us citizens running business sanctioned by their communities in favor of the prison/LE Industries/unions/billionaire scumbags....nawwwww :rolleyes:
I've got the dead end of things covered.

I'd love to cover the intake to make 'em dead though....

Unfortunately the franchise fees for a McD is just out of question.
*Descends from Mt. Olympus*

fuckwaffle get the fuck off Literotica. You're a peice of shit and if you died in a fire the world would be improved.

*Ascends to where the regular Literoticans live.*

I got to admit most of these small businesses shock me either for being kinda boring (I mean boring to run) or being so small. I mean the goal of a small business isn't to remain small is it?

I'd open gaming restaurant. I've seen enough WoW guilds travel to Vegas to know that if there was a local place for the gamers to gather, eat, drink and game they'd likely do it and it would be a blast even if it never got beyond barely covering expenses.
A gun shop. I think the worse this economy gets, the more guns I'd sell.
A gun shop. I think the worse this economy gets, the more guns I'd sell.

A worsening economy means fewer people will be able to afford guns, so unless you're willing to trade your guns for live chickens, you might need another plan.
A Popsicle stand it would combine two of my favorite things, making a little money and sucking on things.
Yup and thanks.

I will be in full blimp mode just in time for next years fantasy baseball draft!