If you could fuck a super hero who would it be?


Sep 15, 2011
"If you could fuck a super hero who would it be?Or you can chose a villen if one excites you." I saw this over in the GLBT part of the forum and thought I'd post it here too.
Off the top of my head, perhaps Jean Grey, especially from the X-Men cartoons in the 90's.

As for villains, I'd go with Batman's enemy Poison Ivy.
Can't choose so here are three in no real order

Rogue *X-Men cartoon of the 90s* I know she'd have to be wearing a Janoshian Mutant Restraint Collor but that would just add a little kink.
Supergirl *Superman/Batman: Apocolyps version* That body and the voice of Summer Glau... I'll take two please!
Harley Quinn *Batman The Animated Series* What can I say... I like them a little crazy sometimes.
Batman but he'd have to wear rubber so when I got to sit on him my thighs could slip over the firm rubber preferably with Michael Keaton inside!

Mmmmm delish!
Does any one remeber a Sat morn cartoon call Plastic Man. He was a dolt but if he could turn into different things... could be interesting :D
Catwoman. Not the Halle Berry one but the one from the early 70's TV series with Adam West as Batman. I don't know who she was, but I remember being 7 or 8 years old and getting a hard-on whenever she was on.
Catwoman. Not the Halle Berry one but the one from the early 70's TV series with Adam West as Batman. I don't know who she was, but I remember being 7 or 8 years old and getting a hard-on whenever she was on.

Lee Meriwether..meow!
As for me it is, always was, always will be Batman.
Adam West IS Batman. Something about the voice, I think...
Oh lord, no one else has thought of this yet? I'll take Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern please! All that Ryan Reynolds yumminess with his own personal sex toy shop on his hand. *swoon*
The spouse .... all three Catwomen from the Adam West Batman...Lee Meriwether, Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar...

Me...showing my age...George Reeves Superman...sigh
1) Catwoman--Michelle Pfeiffer version.
2) Batgirl--Yvonne Craig version
3) Black Widow--Scarlett Johansson version
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Silk Spectre from "The Watchmen" (I or II, doesn't matter)
The Black Cat

Harley Quinn
Catwoman (Any of her iterations)
Poison Ivy
I don't know who the actor is who played him, but Wow... I would pick Thor
Wolverine! I've had a crush on Hugh Jackman since the first X-men movie came out.

And both versions of the Incredible Hulk - Eric Bana or Ed Norton. <3
Harley Quinn (either the animated version or the cgi version from Arkham Asylum. Or Poison Ivy, again from the toon. Talk about a shapely redhead. Phwooaarrrrr...

I guess Alicia Silverstone's BatGirl should fit in there somewhere, too. But Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman just pips that. ( showing my age here). Who could turn down an Amazon princess?
Power Girl and/or She-Hulk, whether she's green or not.
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I always had a thing for Vampirella.
