Idea for a Manga/Anime style thread

The mega-city would have to be in a warmer climate then.

Not New York; that city would be a ruin after what Lovely and VK have described. Same goes for San Francisco, and LA too.

We need a name for the city, where is it, that sort of thing.

Should be in big population nation.
Steiner said:
How about, and I know I'm being REALLY cynical here, the countryside is KEPT barren and wasted by the Corps and the HoJ because a rural community is much more self-sufficient. This would make them harder to control, more reliant on their own resources and less likely to have spare time to waste on politics.

That sounds cool to well with the idea of big pollutant and blight disasters.

Corps could've done such things deliberately. Forces small time farmers to leave, and the corps buy up properties absolutely dirt-cheap.
ImpWizard said:
The mega-city would have to be in a warmer climate then.

Not New York; that city would be a ruin after what Lovely and VK have described. Same goes for San Francisco, and LA too.

We need a name for the city, where is it, that sort of thing.

Should be in big population nation.

Lots of cities would be ruined, but gives an excuse for all these new super-cities. Tokyo could've been flattened by earthquake, as could LA or San Francisco.
It's amazing how fast people can rebuild a devastated city though, usually only takes ten years or so to clean up the mess.
Lovelynice said:
It's amazing how fast people can rebuild a devastated city though, usually only takes ten years or so to clean up the mess.

*Points to Neon Genesis Evangelion*

Tokyo III anyone?
Tokyo III anyone?

Always Tokyo ---- Well, it is anime.

I recall another odd name, similar to that;

"Chukyo" (Central Capital) referring to a conglomeration of Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Nagoya. It's in a GURPS Alternate Earths world-book.

If Toko was flattened and rising seas depopulated the Kanto plain, the govt. might move elsewhere.
Chukyo just doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe it's the unfamiliarity....

We could call the city, "San Angeles", like in Demolition Man.

I've finished the Intro's got nearly everything we discussed.

I guess with cities, the reason many liked Bladerunner's city was due to the mix of cultures, languages, and the amazing look of the place. I liked 5th Element's future NY for the same reason.

Modern Japan advertises itself as very homogenous, but it's not anymore....wealth has attracted immigrants, and of course most are in the big cities. What will it be like 20 years from now?
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Here's the thread......

Jericho Zero

Hope everyone enjoys it.

Post your final characters and any further discussion onto the
Jericho Zero OOC
Right then... Let's wrap this thread up and move to Jericho Zero: OOC then!

Could all participants please post an introduction of their characters - basic stuff like appearance, brief history, powers and skills. If you have any weird cybernetic modifications, favourite guns etc then please list 'em here. Try and stay balanced, because combat should be entirely at the discretion of both participants with NOBODY getting skragged without their say so!

When writing your history, please give a brief idea of any entanglements / issues you have with the three main groups in LovelyNice's intro. All these groups are the kinds of groups that have long memories and archive files. ;)