Idea for a Manga/Anime style thread

Works for me!

Since our host posted once and then faded - how about we get started on something on Friday?
Still have to work-out a spot for me, but Friday's good for me.

I might play one of the badguys/opposite side ('s grey morality isn't it?)
I'm definitely going to try my hand at playing an AI, and within ImpWizard's suggested background that would probably be a secret AI; the public and even 99% of scientific authorities on the matter might believe that real AIs are not yet possible. Maybe this AI is a prototype gone bad.

Maniac's "Ezekial Williams" would be in frequent conflict with this AI's plots and they could be deadly enemies.
Steiner and I have been discussing ideas on our little pairing for awhile, and it seems to fit very well within ImpWizard's near-future world with the secret 3-sided conflict going on.

Mine & Steiner's characters are definitely govt. agents, but unwilling ones.

Maniac's "Zeke" and Tantrikenetic's "James Lander" could be free agents of the same ultra-tech rebel group who are trying to crash the whole power-structure of the world, as they see the two power-blocs as both equally evil.

Veryknowning's rogue AI, and Lethe's "Kamai" (the Knight of Ghost and Shadows) I'm not sure of yet.
Hmm.... Kamai would most likely be a freelancer. He'd work for anyone, good or bad, who he thought might have info on where his sister is. Basically, we can put him wherever needs more people
How about leaving Lethe's "Kamai" as a complete independent, who is hunted as rogue Psi & troublemaker by the Govt., but is an occasional ally of any of the three sides as well (not necessarily officially though). The govt. agents might have secret deals with him at times, without telling their bosses as long as they could get their main mission done.

The rebels would try to persuade him to their cause, and the AI would try to manipulate him as it also tries to manipulate the others.
Veryknowing said:
How about leaving Lethe's "Kamai" as a complete independent, who is hunted as rogue Psi & troublemaker by the Govt., but is an occasional ally of any of the three sides as well (not necessarily officially though). The govt. agents might have secret deals with him at times, without telling their bosses as long as they could get their main mission done.

The rebels would try to persuade him to their cause, and the AI would try to manipulate him as it also tries to manipulate the others.

Sounds good to me. Pretty interesting kind of role actually
That's a very interesting little twist. I like it too.

We need names for these groups too, and some basic concept of what they're like.
Suggested names

"Division-Zero"; ultra-secret govt. organization that Steiner and Lovely's character's work for.

The two power-blocs might be in conflict secretly, but in public appear allied moost of the time;
Northam Allied (USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, Phillipines) vs the Euro-Bloc (European Union, and their allies).

Add a few twists; Britain kicked out of the EU and now a pariah-state, USA has a crashed economy which has made most of the world poorer, Russia is rapidly re-militarized nation with the tsars back in charge, China is on the edge of a civil war likely to start at any moment.
((How about "Horn of Jericho" for the rebel group?

I like that....they're plotting to bring the walls of society crashing down! Sounds sexy, and fanatically violent.

I like that "Division-Zero" idea too......the govt. group that is so super-secret, it can't possibly exist.
Both of the world-dominating power-blocs have got to be nastiness covered-over with propaganda and a gullible public.

Both power-blocs are likely to be police-states masquerading as protectors of freedom; a dark exaggeration of what's happening now. We take everything quite a few steps further, and add a few more twists and nastiness to get a strong dystopic cyberpunk feel.
For super nastiness the "war" between the two power blocs is a complete sham - both sides using the threat of the other to justify their own more extreme policies.

Who wants to kick off the thread, by the way?
The political sham secret war, with it's overt trade war "negotiations" could be very Cold War like; with political strategies, alliances of convenience, and support of groups that cause trouble (even the rebels)....

But at the very top, with the mega-corps and elite families....yes, it's a complete sham;only an excuse for power and profit. Like that a lot!

I could start the thread if you me the right the name the thing (once I can think of a name).
I'll do it in the next few hours (maybe in 2 hours).

Hang on while put on my mirror-shades...

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Need a seperate OOC too, where everyone posts their final edition characters for the actual game thread.

Looking forward to it big time!

I think it should be a semi-closed thread, opened to those who apply by PM; simple rule----seconded by somebody already on it, and no veto by anyone else already on the thread.

That way disputes are less likely, since we all have equal rights to the thread even though Lovely might be the "official" name as thread starter.
What about the scale; is this going to be a single city only or world-wide?
Everyone keeps mentioning futuristic crowded cityscapes for the background; Bladerunner's mega-LA, Bubblegum Crisis's Neo-Tokyo, Akira's Mega-Tokyo, etc......

Apart from the mega-sized over-crowded cityscapes, there's one thing they all have in common; and apocalyptic war/disaster occurred to change things so that these cities could exist.

How about a combination of disasters; a few nukes have been used (one taking out a US Navy carrier fleet, ala some book I read by Tom Clancy, I think).
You mean things which force people to live in high-rise buildings in crowded cities?

The environment gone to hell suddenly, etc....
re; The environment gone to hell suddenly, etc....

Has to be BIG disasters;

sea-levels begin to rise much faster than official claims, and higher temperatures lead to powerful storms. Coastlines erode rapidly, and many coastal citiess flooded by storm tides.

That sort of thing.
I think one (big) city is the best idea, with maybe occasional trips and missions outside town. Cities should be isolated hives; the countryside is mostly in ruins, with gangs of scavengers wandering around. Anyone with any sense stays in the cities and, when they have to, take trips in planes or heavily guarded convoys
Countryside could be a wasteland because of environmental pollution; build up of pollutants, and a few big accidents turning vast areas into deserted wastelands.

Crop blights (possibly deliberate) killed off most of the mundane GM crops took over as they're immune (funny that....nothing at all to do with mega-corp profits), but the corp-farms are guarded by high security systems, security-robots, and heavily armed troops to stop "lunatic fringe greenies" and HoJ terrorists from attacking food supplies (the officially decreed view).

How about another twist; the rising temperatures led to their reverse, as natural cycles counter-reacted...bringing about a sudden drop in temperature.

All of a sudden, old parts of cites that were flooded are dry and exposed again....becoming the residence of the city's poorest, who live off the scraps and salvage they can find down there (bit like 5th Element).

I prefer one big city too. But it would be fun and exotic if people travel to far away places too.
Lovelynice said:

All of a sudden, old parts of cites that were flooded are dry and exposed again....becoming the residence of the city's poorest, who live off the scraps and salvage they can find down there (bit like 5th Element).

Hmm... what I was thinking was that among the poorest of the poor there's a sort of backwards evolution taking place. The gangs in the slums fight with swords and according to weird codes of honour. As you go further down, a sort of shamanistic, tribal culture begins to replace even that, with gangs spraypainting hunting charms on the walls and such.
((How about another twist; the rising temperatures led to their reverse, as natural cycles counter-reacted...bringing about a sudden drop in temperature.))

I've read about that in a few science magazines. How about this; enormous sheet of Arctic ice breaks free and melts in the North Atlantic. The sudden addition of all this fresh water as the huge icebergs melt dropped the temperature there, but also shut-down the salt-cycle that is the main pump for the Gulf Stream and affects the temperatures of the world's oceans.

In only a month, a new Ice Age is hitting. I've got a chart of temperatures for such a thing somewhere. Suffice to say, an average 7 degree drop in temperatures world-wide. Winter would be so harsh, lots of people would die.

In such conditions, bubonic plague makes a come back, according to one study I remember. Fleas carry it better, and the plague won't die in their bodies when the temperature drops.

Many northern cities would have to be evacuated. More crowding elsewhere.
This sounds perfect!

Gothic-Cyberpunk with the Black Plague, crazy cults, everyone expecting it's the end of the world.

And an "Undercity" for Lethe's tribal gangs that fight with swords and have few modern weapons because they're too poor.

Such conditions would create a very big rich/poor gap....and the industrial ability of the world's most advanced nations would be dramatically reduced. Economies would be shaky world-wide, and govts would become ruthless police-states simply to prevent things getting worse for the elites.
How about, and I know I'm being REALLY cynical here, the countryside is KEPT barren and wasted by the Corps and the HoJ because a rural community is much more self-sufficient. This would make them harder to control, more reliant on their own resources and less likely to have spare time to waste on politics.