I may not GET it, but I can REPEAT it!


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
Football announcer comments I can repeat to sound like I know what I'm talking about. (Yes, I'm watching football in order to be able to have an intelligent conversation about it later...hope it works :D)

That's a monster win for the Kansas City Chiefs. ( I guess I turned the game on too late.) :(
You've got to give credit to that offensive line.

Am I doing well?
Aww..Calypso would be so proud! Now go find the "Football Blurt Thread"and post some obnoxious blurt!
I'm personally not a huge football fan, but my ex was... yeah, that sounds good.
Summery said:
Aww..Calypso would be so proud! Now go find the "Football Blurt Thread"and post some obnoxious blurt!

I think that requires some more viewage, hon. I'll get there in time. I just have to start paying attention.

Girly! I have been enjoying some tight ends...though I think you are talking abut a position played in the game.
Touchdown! Always worked for me.

Or was that, Sac him baby!:confused:
Eumenides said:
There's sacking??? Ooh...*paying closer attention*

The only thing, I am certain about is, Calypso curses like a sailor on the phone during football games.:D
Summery said:
The only thing, I am certain about is, Calypso curses like a sailor on the phone during football games.:D

LMAO...I can just imagine that!
Eumenides said:
Lots of it...and I STILL don't get it.

Maybe, I should come over with a bottle of wine? We can figure it out together. Laughing..
You can't get into a one dimensional game. Their defense is too good.
What a defensive battle between the Suckaneers and the Panthers! No touchdowns and a damned kicker wins the game with 3 long field goals in the fourth!

MaximusPhalicus said:
Are they taking it one game at a time?

No, they're all playing together on the same field. They're having difficulties, bu they're working through it. :D

Color preference?

Ok, I have officially hijacked this thread from it's original content.