I Just Want To Say.......



Guilty as charged....... :heart:
I've always agreed with Kathleen Turner in "Romancing the Stone" when she was accused of being a hopeless romantic and she denied it saying "No....Hopeful!":heart:

Nope........I'm hopeless.......and I do not care........it's who I am......it's my story and I'm sticking to it........:heart:
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ok so I know I'm really late to the party but...

I had to share ...

you asked waaay back in the begining of the thread what we want and desire.

I want a man or a woman (or maybe even both) who I cant trust enough to share my deepest fantasies and desires with and not have them treat me badly because I want something they may not.

Someone who appreciates me for more than my body or just a quick roll in the sheets (although a quick roll isnt bad once in a while either).

Someone who when I need it will just hold me and let me cry and not expect anything sexual from it.

And if this person turns out to be a man then I hope he will consider letting me call him daddy.
I had to share ...

you asked waaay back in the begining of the thread what we want and desire.

I want a man or a woman (or maybe even both) who I cant trust enough to share my deepest fantasies and desires with and not have them treat me badly because I want something they may not.

Someone who appreciates me for more than my body or just a quick roll in the sheets (although a quick roll isnt bad once in a while either).

Someone who when I need it will just hold me and let me cry and not expect anything sexual from it.

And if this person turns out to be a man then I hope he will consider letting me call him daddy.

I understand deeply the need to be able to freely feel vulnerable.......to be with someone who embraces that in you....so you can truly be you........and truly experience a loving intimate relationship........

The gift of complete trust is a remarkable thing.......only achievable in my mind with the proper chemistry.......

A Daddy is a wonderful thing for a "little girl".........Good luck on your journey and thank you for sharing........

And......you're not late to the party.....This is an on going thread ....a stream of consciousness.......we all have been there......I mean......why are we here if nothing else so as to resolve these issues.....
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Thinking...........how wonderful this would be........to have such control over..............you! :devil:
TexanAngel: Thank you for no ice cream: BTW LOVE the new Avatar. Alpha Girl09, welcome
I had to share ...

you asked waaay back in the begining of the thread what we want and desire.

I want a man or a woman (or maybe even both) who I cant trust enough to share my deepest fantasies and desires with and not have them treat me badly because I want something they may not.

Someone who appreciates me for more than my body or just a quick roll in the sheets (although a quick roll isnt bad once in a while either).

Someone who when I need it will just hold me and let me cry and not expect anything sexual from it.

And if this person turns out to be a man then I hope he will consider letting me call him daddy.

You are not alone in your desire for such a relationship...men as well as women seek this in a partner. I discovered, in my many years, that one must take the first step in opening such a relationship. Don't fear doing so for if you are with the right person they will respond positively...and will do so quickly.

Love means holding hands and hearts. Love is trust.

Know me, love me, hold me then you can experience me. :heart:
You are not alone in your desire for such a relationship...men as well as women seek this in a partner. I discovered, in my many years, that one must take the first step in opening such a relationship. Don't fear doing so for if you are with the right person they will respond positively...and will do so quickly.

Love means holding hands and hearts. Love is trust.

Know me, love me, hold me then you can experience me. :heart:

Thank you, I know I can't be the only one who feels this way but sometime it makes me feel very alone.

I recently lost my partner because I finally opened up and told him about my desires. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to bad mouth him, but he totally flipped out and told me that I was perverted and he no longer wanted anything to do with me. After spending so many years with him it hurts, but I guess maybe its something I should have told him sooner so that so much of my heart wasnt invested in the relationship.

So now I'm a little scared that if/when I find someone new that they may react the same way.