I Got In


Jun 1, 2002
I got into mensa I am so excited

I know I asked you all about the food and testing and well you guys rule for helping me I got in yeay
Congratulations! How does one apply?

watergirl (in maryland, remembering city life with fondness)
Not to rain on your parade, but anyone who thinks IQ means anything doesn't have a lot of what it's supposed to measure.

Mensa is the organization for people who aren't smart enough to know that they're not that smart.

Thank you, it's good to know someone's got the Grinchy spirit at this late date!

<<blowing raspberries to the Dr.>>>>
dr_mabeuse said:
Not to rain on your parade, but anyone who thinks IQ means anything doesn't have a lot of what it's supposed to measure.

Mensa is the organization for people who aren't smart enough to know that they're not that smart.


fuck you dude let me have my fucking glory. I have other qualities and the whole mensa thing was so I could meet reasonable people obviouly not you though DICK
<<whistles a plane falling spriral note >>> - ohh, and Chefchip proves the Doctor's point! sighhh...
watergirl said:
<<whistles a plane falling spriral note >>> - ohh, and Chefchip proves the Doctor's point! sighhh...

no just let me feel smart for once I am not dense
ChefChip said:
I just wanted to be loved is that so wrong?
Of course it isn't wrong. But I hope you aren't counting on the Mensa membership to draw someone close to love you. You're likely in for a great disappointment it you are. Consider it to be nothing more than another place to participate and meet people and you'll be fine.
watergirl said:
Congratulations! How does one apply?

watergirl (in maryland, remembering city life with fondness)

Hey now, we have cities in Maryland - big ones! ;)

Congrats, Chip. Told you you were a smartie!

Don't listen to the dr. The only people I've ever in my life heard grouse about Mensa and IQ tests were ones who either tried to get in and failed or who tested lower than they thought they should have. IQ is an excellent determinant for raw intelligence in many forms: spatial recognition, reading and mathematical comprehension, etc. It ain't the whole kit and caboodle, but chances are that if you banged the hell out of an IQ test you have the raw material to make great success in life.
cities, indeed - i like baltimore and frederick, and some of the guys I know in both! but i miss living in DC, sometimes....
ChefChip said:
I got into mensa I am so excited

I know I asked you all about the food and testing and well you guys rule for helping me I got in yeay

Yay! I know smart people...
watergirl said:
Congratulations! How does one apply?

watergirl (in maryland, remembering city life with fondness)

You could sleep your way in. And I know a member with pull...

*nods at Chef*
watergirl said:
cities, indeed - i like baltimore and frederick, and some of the guys I know in both! but i miss living in DC, sometimes....

I can understand that. I live about 45 minutes out of DC myself, in the Southern Suburbs. :)
ChefChip said:
I just wanted to be loved is that so wrong?

If you were a gay bee...

never mind.

All Mensa did for me was look good on college applications. Not good enough, but good.
Since when was getting into Mensa hard? IQ tests have always been a joke. To truly test your IQ it would require balanced testing. IQ tests as they are mostly are not balanced and lean heavily towards one field. Mensa ones are mostly math/and language skills if I remember right. As math is my forte its a joke.

Keep feeling good dude, but overall it really doesnt mean that much. Didnt do sqat for me other than bragging rights for a while.