H's Occasional Gallery

Here, as promised, is the immediate aftermath of our "business attire" photo session. Any further activity can be left to your imagination :cool:

*blushing* my imagination? ! That's dangerous!!!
This is very hot, you two teases!!!
Here, as promised, is the immediate aftermath of our "business attire" photo session. Any further activity can be left to your imagination :cool:

What a beautiful photograph! Lovely fuel for the imagination...
I agree with Tali... The tie played a role.
Staying in a hotel this weekend. How kind of them to supply restraint points :D

Pictures taken today while sporting a steel cock ring :devil:

Dressing to the right ;)


...and to the left ;)

You make so very glad I've awakened so early. What a very lovely image to have stuck in my head all day...:devil: