Historical hypocrisy


Literotica Guru
Apr 1, 2002
Thats Israel for you. They treat the Arabs like what the Nazis treated them before.


Land of the Free?

Either you're with us or against us.


any more?
Word up!

Juwis are not to be blamed for nothing - Jack the Ripper
LordDarkness said:
Thats Israel for you. They treat the Arabs like what the Nazis treated them before.

Ahh, you've distorted scale just a tad. A wee bit.

Not to metnion that the situations are radically different.

Stop sniffing glue and look into it.
Interesting perspective.... Got pictures of the Israeli's death ovens? How about the mass gas chambers? Show me some proof you can compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Or better yet, just slink back under your rock.
Recently, Israel lifted restrictions for Palestinians to travel to go back to work and earn money to feed their families. The reward was two more bombings (coincidently, timed to coincide with Saddam's problems to remind people that the middle east would boil over if Saddam was attacked, btw, LD, do you have your #2 pencil out and are you connecting ANY of the dots yet...?).

If I remember right, when the Nazis came to the Polish ghettoes, the Jews went quietly into that good night...
This thread gives new meaning to the words REVISIONIST HISTORY.

I am over my tummy ache and going back to sleep. Hope this thread is gone next time I come to my computer.