His Friend Daughter. {Closed}

Dexter moved through the dance steps at half speed. I could hear two beats of the music for every step we took. He wasn't holding me very tight, which was probably good, because I was sure I was about to mis-step and step on his foot every time. He was patient with me, repeating the steps over and over slowly.

I was getting more sure of my feet going in the right direction. Dexter drew me closer to his body and we danced slowly a little while longer. I was getting into the swing of it, and not having to watch my feet. I was starting to feel the music.

I felt something else too. It was an unmistakable bulge pressing against my hip.

"I think I'm ready, Dex. Take this to tempo. Let's see if I keep up."
Kaela was picking up the steps fairly quickly and in time with the music, I was sure she could feel me but it was a sensual dance. To the onlooker it may look as if they grind against each other, but they don’t really as they must move together.

I put her through the same steps and just add an extra step so she could get used to. I never tried to move faster even if the music called for it. I could tell she was listening to the beat and never let her body move away from mine.

"I think I'm ready, Dex. Take this to tempo. Let's see if I keep up." She asked me.

It was ok with me and if she made a mistake so what. We would do it all over again and again, I was hoping she would keep her hips locked to mine.

“OK darling from the beginning.” I told her.
We started moving through the steps at full speed. I quickly discovered it worked much better to stay close to Dex and move right with him. Any distance between our bodies seemed to result in me playing catch-up and bump into him. If I stayed glued to him, it was much smoother. Fortunately, Dex's strong arms did a great job of keeping me in position, so I could focus on my posture.

The song ended, the other dancers applauded, so did we. I was feeling giddy, and wanted Dex to kiss me. He didn't then but I had a feeling that would happen before we finished dancing.
Just like I hoped Kaela pressed herald tight against me, and dance went nice and smooth. Yes our crotches were glued together, and Kaela noticed the difference. The only thing they move basically were their legs. Their timing was great and in beat with the music.

I was about to say something when the band leader announce a short break. We went back to our boot by way of the bar and we both a bottle of water.

“You were wonderful love, you’ve picked this up very quickly I’m proud of you.” I told her.

We sat so close together that when I turned to look at her, her face was inches from mine and she was looking at me. I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her, and kissed her passionately and deeply. I felt her lean into me just before I broke the kiss to look into her eyes.
"I think I could do this all night, Dex. The dancing I mean."

I kissed him again, quickly. "Well maybe the kissing too." He kissed me again, and I opened my lips for his tongue. He held back and broke away, looking at me.

"Am I doing something wrong Dex? Am I missing something? I felt something when we were dancing, but maybe it's not what you were feeling."
"I think I could do this all night, Dex. The dancing I mean." She said, and I wondered if it was my imagination, or she was little rattled. She kissed me again and I looked at her.

"Well maybe the kissing too." She added and I kissed her again. I had to break the kiss, and we were in a dance hall. I didn’t want to give those people a show, and I realize that I hurt her feeling by doing so.

"Am I doing something wrong Dex? Am I missing something? I felt something when we were dancing, but maybe it's not what you were feeling." She said to me, and I knew I better come clean with her.

“No darling, you didn’t do anything wrong, and you didn’t miss anything. The problem is that you did everything right. What you felt was how I was feeling, I thought I better stop before something else happens.
This is not the place or the time to start something. I think you know what I mean.” I told her.
"Yes, I do know. So we stay here dancing and we won't start something else. All night."

"Or do you feel like starting something else? Just asking how you feel. 'Cause I feel like you should kiss me again. That's how I feel and I want you to feel."
"Yes, I do know. So we stay here dancing and we won't start something else. All night." She told me. I wanted to start something else, but I also knew that it could get us both in trouble. Still, I had the feeling Kaela thought different.

"Or do you feel like starting something else? Just asking how you feel. 'Cause I feel like you should kiss me again. That's how I feel and I want you to feel." She told me and that made me wonder how far she wanted to go.

Darling I want nothing more then to make mad love to you all night, if that's what you want, and want to feel the same as you." I replied back before I kissed her hard and deeply.
The kiss took my breath away and made my panties damp. I worried that Dex could smell my arousal like I could. I knew something else had already started. We needed to be in another place and soon.

"Darling, I think we should get out of here. Where can we go? Not my place. My dad will be suspicious if we return this early and he'd want to talk. Your parent's place is probably a bad idea too."
I was surprised the way she kissed me back and her body mold to mine. I realized she was aroused and I could smell her. I never thought she wanted to have sex so soon after we just started dating, but I wanted her just as much.

"Darling, I think we should get out of here. Where can we go? Not my place. My dad will be suspicious if we return this early and he'd want to talk. Your parent's place is probably a bad idea too." She told me.

I knew then she was really ready and very aroused. She was right that we couldn't go to her place, but my parents were away visiting for the weekend, and we would have the place to ourselves.

"Baby if you're sure you want to do this, my parents are away for the weekend. we can go there now if you want." I told her.
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"I don't know if I'm sure. You probably can see that. I do know I want to talk some more. Maybe we don't sleep together tonight, maybe we do. But I have to get out of here before much longer. Trust me on that."
I didn’t really know how aroused Kaela was, and if she wanted to leave because of it or if wanted to get over it by masturbating.

"I don't know if I'm sure. You probably can see that. I do know I want to talk some more. Maybe we don't sleep together tonight, maybe we do. But I have to get out of here before much longer. Trust me on that." She said.

I didn’t know what to do here in the club, but I was willing to do anything, even getting her off by licking her or fucking her whatever she wanted. I was into her all the way.

“Ok Darling lets gets out of here now.” I said and got up.
It took Dex a couple minutes to pay the check. Waiting for the valet to bring the car, the cooler air outside made me even more aware of the wetness between my legs. I was sure that everyone else could tell how aroused I was. If Dex knew, he was being a gentleman by not showing it.

In addition to the potentially embarrassing flood of my pussy juice, I could feel another familiar sign. The slight but very distinct pain in my gut meant I was ovulating. My body was preparing me to get pregnant, which I was certainly not prepared emotionally for. To say nothing of what Dexter might think of the idea.

No, I think we better talk before anything else.
We both got into my car and I drove straight to my parent’s house. Kaela didn’t say a word on the way, and I didn’t other noticing that she was deep in thoughts.
She was a sensible girl, and I was sure we’ll get over what ever bothered her.

The house was not that far, and when I stopped in front she got out and waited for me, and then I open the door and let her walk in first.

“Make yourself at home baby.” I told her.
"I need to use the powder room for a minute. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."

In the powder room, I lifted my dress to survey the extent of seepage. It was not as bad as it felt and I quickly cleaned up with a washcloth. I decided to take my sopping panties off; by this point they were useless to contain any more seepage.

When I came out, I found Dex waiting in the kitchen.

"Thanks for being so easy on me; I know I've been pretty scatter-brained today. For good reason. It's a good news, bad news kinda thing. Which do you want first?"
"I need to use the powder room for a minute. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." She told me and I smiled at her.

“Take your time baby.”

I said as she walked away. I went into the kitchen while she was in the bathroom and made some coffee for the both of us. I realized than I didn’t even know is she drank coffee. I heard her footsteps and turned around.

"Thanks for being so easy on me; I know I've been pretty scatter-brained today. For good reason. It's a good news, bad news kinda thing. Which do you want first?" She asked and I looked at her for a moment wondering what it was.

I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist pulling her close. Baby just tell me what’s bothering you. There is nothing than can’t be talked about, and no matter what it is we’ll work it out together.” I told her.