His Friend Daughter. {Closed}


Literotica Guru
Aug 7, 2014
Dexter is 6'4 black wavy hair and blue eyes.
Athletic and muscular.

Dexter and Bob Rolling had being friends since high school even though Bob was couple years older than Dexter, they were using the school gym at the same time and they became very good friends. Bob got married shortly after he graduated, and after that they sort drifted away a little.

Dexter got a sale job after graduating and traveled allot with the company he worked for. Years later and one day when Dexter come home to visit with this Parents, they bumped into each other in a bar. Dexter was now 33 even though he looked much younger, and Bob was 37.

I was happy to meet Bob after all these years, and we talked about old times and the things we used to do together while in High school. Bob asked about my family and I told him both my parents were doing great, but when he asked about my love life I just smiled at him. I told him I was still single, and didn’t want to get married just yet with all the traveling I had to do, but been my friend. I told him I was thinking of setting up my Office here locally, and that was one of the reason I was here.

He told me about his wife dying of cancer just about two years ago, and his daughter Kaela just graduated from high school, and with any luck she would start college next year. I knew he had a daughter though I never met her, and I remembered hearing from my parents she was a stunning looking girl. When he asked me to dinner I really didn’t want to impose, but Bob was a chef and a very good one. I just couldn’t say no to the invitation.

So here I was getting out of my car and walking to his front door. I knock on the door and when the door opened I was stunned by the beauty that opened the door. I stared into her eyes and couldn’t find my voice to say a word, and she just stared back at me wide eye much longer than necessary.

Darling what’s taking you so long to answer the door? I finally found my voice after hearing Bobs voice.
“Hi, I’m Dexter. I think you’re expecting me for dinner.” I finally managed to say.
The omniscient narrator would tell you that Kaela just turned 18 years old. She is 5 foot 5, 115 pounds, 32C cup. She has shoulder length, light brown hair (currently dyed black), blue eyes and a hint of freckles.

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I was laying on my bean bag in the family room, texting friends, when the doorbell rang. Dad shouted, “Sweetie, that’s probably Dexter. Will you let him in and send him back here to the kitchen?”

I had totally forgotten that dad told me his old school friend would be coming for dinner tonight. If I had been using my brain, I would have thought to be somewhere else already. Now I was stuck here for dinner listening to a bunch of boring old geezer crap. So now I was quickly trying to think up an excuse to skip out on dinner.

I opened the door while in mid-text with my friend Amy. Then I looked up and saw him there. I forgot about texting for the moment.

He was very tall, taller than my 6 foot 1 dad. He was handsome, for an old guy, with dark wavy hair and deep blue eyes. He stared at me for a bit before saying, “Hi, I’m Dexter. I think you’re expecting me for dinner.”

I was kinda caught off guard and staring myself, so my reply was like, “I wasn’t, but my dad said to come in. He’s in the kitchen back there.”

So my dad’s friend went back into the kitchen. I went back to the bean bag, texting my friend.

“OMG my dads friend is like james bond, the one b4”

“is he hot”

“idk, maybe kinda

“thats so hot, send me a pic, later babe”

I got up and wandered into the kitchen. My dad was plating up his spicy meatballs and spaghetti. Three plates. I was stuck.

“Kaela, would you put the phone down and say hi to Dexter?”

So I was all polite and said, “Very pleased to meet you sir.”

He held his hand out, like all formal. I shook it and he held on for a couple seconds longer than I liked.
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“I wasn’t, but my dad said to come in. He’s in the kitchen back there.” She pointed and I just walked to where she pointed. I couldn’t help myself and turned my head to look back at her gain, I knew it was not a nice thing to do, and continued walking and I saw Bob.

Hey buddy what’s for dinner I said shaking hands and smiled. Sorry Dex I was a little late so it’s Italian night, Spaghetti. That’s ok Bob the smell is good and I love pasta. I told him and glanced over to look at Kaela, and saw she was texting something the way her fingers move.

“Kaela, would you put the phone down and say hi to Dexter?” Bob said to his daughter.

“Very pleased to meet you sir.” She said and I extended my hand to hers and we shook hand, and then she said going back to her phone..
We sat down at the table, dad at the end, me on his left and his friend Dexter on his right, opposite me. Dad had poured them both glasses of wine, but of course I didn't get one. Sometimes Dad treats me like such a kid! Really? Has he looked at me lately?

Anyway, just like I thought, their conversation was kinda boring. I tuned out mostly. I did a little texting to Amy, remembered she wanted to see what the man looked liked. I tried to be all casual, like I was just texting as I snapped his pic. Dad was talking and didn't notice what I was doing, but I think Dexter did.

Whatever, I acted like I didn't do anything. But I sent Amy the pic and she texted me "OMG he is hot"

I saw Dexter looking at me several times when I was texting. That was weird. Then I got the feeling that he saw I wasn't a kid. And he's like my dad's age. That felt kinda hot, but still weird.

It was my job to do the dishes when dad cooked. So as soon as we finished eating, I got up and started clearing the table.

Dad and Dexter were having a second glass of wine and talking.
I couldn’t help noticing Kaela look at me when I looked up, and our eyes met, we were sitting across from each other and looking at her I couldn’t believe she was just 18. She looked more woman than some of the woman I knew. She was still texting on her phone and wandered if it was her boyfriend or her girlfriend.

At one point I was sure she took a picture of me but wasn’t quite sure. I wanted to get to know her even though she was much younger and her father was my friend. Once dinner was over Bob and I we remained sited having another glass of wine, while Kaela was washing the dishes. I want to get up and help her but couldn’t very well do that, but I had to find a way to let her know I wanted to see her again.

Once she was done with the dishes she came and sat at the table and gain she started texting. “You must love texting Kaela, you’ve been texting for a long time. Are you talking to the same person on the end, or different friend?” I asked so that I had a chance to talk to her.
After finishing with the dishes, I sat at the table. Dad and Dexter were still talking and sipping wine. I texted Amy.


"watching Project Runway with mom"

"boring here too"

"is he still there?"

"y, still talking w dad"

I heard Dexter say my name, saw him looking at me. I stopped texting. There was something about his eyes. “You must love texting Kaela, you’ve been texting for a long time. Are you talking to the same person on the end, or different friend?”

"Different friends, but mostly my BFF Amy. You ever text?"
I was glad to see her coming back to sit on at the table after she was done with the dishes. She started texting again after she sat down. After a moment she looked up at me and our eyes met again.

"Different friends, but mostly my BFF Amy. You ever text?" She answer back.

“I guess that means your girlfriend? And in answer to your question, no I don’t text, but I do send messages. I never had the time to text, with me it’s all about busyness. Would you show me how you text one another? He asked hoping to have a chance and leave a message on her phone.
"Sure. It's real easy. I taught you, didn't I dad? Anyway, you got a phone? So dial my number 929-0929. That gets your number in my phone. I'll answer by text. Then you text me. Simple."
Dexter was a little surprised that she eagerly agree to show him how to text.

"Sure. It's real easy. I taught you, didn't I dad? Anyway, you got a phone? So dial my number 929-0929. That gets your number in my phone. I'll answer by text. Then you text me. Simple."

Dexter never thought it would that easy to get a message to her, but she just told him how.

He punched her number on his phone and he heard the beep on her phone, and he was waiting for her to reply back to him. Once he got her reply he could send her the message that he wanted to see her again, and hoping he was right about her.
Dexter's call came into my phone. I clicked save then opened my messenger. I texted a short message "u got this" and clicked send. I heard his phone beep.

"Now you see it displays my message in the box. See the box below it? Type your message and it shows in that box. When you're done, click send. Okay? Now you try it."
I got Kaela text almost immediately and it said. “u got this.” I smile at her and waited to see what she would say next.

"Now you see it displays my message in the box. See the box below it? Type your message and it shows in that box. When you're done, click send. Okay? Now you try it."

I proceeded to do exactly what she said, and I said. “Kaela I would like to see more of you, would you see me? Maybe somewhere we could a coffee or something? I hit send and them we heard the beep on her phone.

I had no idea what she would say or if she would text me back again. I could only wait and hope.
I read his text and was stunned. I obviously couldn't answer his question.

"You did it. I said it was simple. Now you can be the cool business dude, texting with the other hip business types. You probably want to set your notification to buzz when you're in a meeting."

I turned to my dad, "Well I think I'll leave you men with your adult beverages and head up to my room." Turning to Dexter I tried to keep cool as I said, "It was nice meeting you, Dexter. Welcome back to town."

I hurried from the room without looking back. In my room, I let myself get a little shaky. OMG that was weird.

I was about to text Amy that the guy just hit on me, but I didn't. She'd be all go for it and on me to do the guy and asking if he has a friend for her. Amy was my bestie, but she could be a real slut sometimes. No, I couldn't tell Amy.

Then I had to decide how to answer Dexter. I didn't know if his chime was on or off, so I decided to wait til later. If it chimed now, my dad would know it was me.
"You did it. I said it was simple. Now you can be the cool business dude, texting with the other hip business types. You probably want to set your notification to buzz when you're in a meeting." She told me.

I was hoping she would at least send me some sort of reply, but she just told her father and told him.

"Well I think I'll leave you men with your adult beverages and head up to my room." Turning to Dexter I tried to keep cool as I said, "It was nice meeting you, Dexter. Welcome back to town."

“It was a pleasure meeting you Kaela. And thank you for the welcoming back to town, and hoping to meet you again some time.” I told her in the hope she would send me some reply back.

Bob and I chatted a little while longer before I said good night, then left to get back to my parents’ home.
I was laying in bed texting Amy when I heard a car door outside my window on the driveway below. I quickly peeked out to see Dexter driving off.

I'd been thinking about how to answer his last text and now was my chance.

"that was not cool, r u dads friend or do u want 2 hurt him, u hit on me in front of him, what do u want"

I clicked send then felt my heart pounding in my throat. I was angry and excited and afraid what his reply would be.
I heard the beep of my phone and I knew it was Kaela, I had my phone set to beep when I got a text. I managed to read it then stopped so that I could text her back I also had to think what to say to her seen that she sounded very upset.

"that was not cool, r u dads friend or do u want 2 hurt him, u hit on me in front of him, what do u want" I read for the second time, and I knew she was right, but I was a single man and being her father’s friend couldn’t change how I felt for her the moment I saw her.

“Kaela I am truly sorry for coming on to you. I have never met a woman that I was so attracted to like I am with you. I am single and I am not hurting anyone. Yes I am your fathers friend and I am older then you, but when you meet that certain someone, it’s the chance one gets and may not get another ever again.

I hope one day you’ll meet that someone, and then you’ll know how it feels. I had to try to see if you felt anything, but if not there’s no harm done. I will not bother you with this ever again, unless you text me first.”
Signed Dex.
I sent him three texts without stopping to second guess.
"i felt scared, still do"
"u r bold and seem real, boys i know are cocky and fake"
"yes to coffee, someplace quiet"

I was still undecided after the last text. Was I looking for romance or trouble?
Dex had decided to park while they text each other, and then the next text came.
I felt scared, still do" he read, and then another fallowed.

"u r bold and seem real, boys i know are cocky and fake" the next text said.

"Yes to coffee, someplace quiet" he read and smiled. He had been right when he noticed the look in her eyes.

Kaela, I’ll text you back after I find a place out of the way where we can meet, and I can’t wait till I see you again.
His text ended "I can’t wait till I see you again." That sounded like the eager boys I've known, but coming from a mature man it sounded genuine.

I got a text from Amy "sup girl, so what about dexter, is he hot as he looks"

I didn't want to tell her anything yet. "ok, he is hot for an old guy"

I went to bed wondering what I really think about him. Guess I'll learn more over coffee.
Dex smile a little happier now that she agree to meet with him over coffee, maybe that wasn’t much, but it was a start for both. He drove home elated and when he got home he opens his laptop and looked for a coffee place out of the way where they couldn’t be seen by the locals.

When he found one he wrote the address down than got his phone to send her a text.

“Hi Kaela, I’ve found a coffee shop about twenty minutes from your house. Where do you want me to pick you up?” Then hit send.
I wasn't finding sleep easy tonight when I heard the beep. I picked up my phone off the nightstand and opened one eye. It was Dexter.

“Hi Kaela, I’ve found a coffee shop about twenty minutes from your house. Where do you want me to pick you up?”

"sleeping!!, so corner grove and maclaren, tues 830am" I clicked send and hoped I was doing the right thing. At least I'd have a day to think about it.
Dex read her reply smiling as they made a date to meet, and now he hoped she would change her mind. She did confess that she felt the same thing and that she was scared. He hit the off on his laptop and went to get ready for bed.
The more I thought about meeting Dexter, the more I was sure it would be a mistake. I was afraid and indecisive all morning. I didn't want to make a mistake, but I didn't want to miss out if it wasn't a mistake. Fear won.

I texted Derek, "i cant meet u, sorry, dont hate me"
Dex heard the sound of his phone and he read the text from Kaela. "i cant meet u, sorry, dont hate me." He read the text again, before he laid down on his back looking up at the ceiling before he text her back.

“Kaela please don’t do this, I’m sure what I saw in your is the same think I felt when I saw you. You know how to reach me if you change your mind. Dex.”
PS. “I’ll never hate you Kaela.”
Dammit! Why did he have to remind me of my feelings. I was being rational when I said no. To be emotional, I wanted to say yes. I needed to force myself in the middle, listen to both the rational and emotional arguments. I'd let him try to convince me.

"ok, I need to see you right away, how soon can u be where i said" I clicked send.
"ok, I need to see you right away, how soon can u be where i said" I clicked send.

I took a long breath then released it slowly after I read it. I really didn’t except to hear from her, at least not right away.

I quickly sent her a reply, will be there in 10 m. D.