Helpful Tip of the Day

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
When a pony has barbed wire looped around its leg that isn't causing any real problems, and the pony could step out of, but is walking around dragging it behind itself...

It's a bad idea to reach down and grab the wire at the same time the pony decides to trot off.

Oh well, like one more scar is going to make a difference.

How's everyone else doing on this fine Wednesday morning? I'm off to clean the attic so SaucyWench and her munchkins have someplace to sleep this weekend.
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owwww sorry that sounds just awful

im fine i still have a bad blister on my foot from football on sunday which makes me limp funny :)
Poor horse, but I'm doing fine. Get the room cleaned, you know how particular she is!
Ouch! Hope it's feeling better.

Have fun cleaning!

Miss your old av
