hello to everybody out there

Legman UK

Dec 17, 2002
hello to everybody out there,

i'm Legman UK, a newish member to Literotica. I love all the stories and have spent hours and hours reading them.
Thinking about posting my first story:-


i'm fine tuning it at the moment, but would love valued feedback if it is successful.

any interesting females who would like to get back to me please do, i'm 38 , 6'1" tall, short dark hair, dark eyes and live just outside of London.

everybody take care.
ChilledVodka said:
Where about do you live? We maybe neighbours.

Be afraid, be very afraid! Oh unless you have lots of Johnny Depp films on video and a wide screen television ;)

Welcome Legman. Mind the gap.
peachykeen said:
Be afraid, be very afraid! Oh unless you have lots of Johnny Depp films on video and a wide screen television ;)

Welcome Legman. Mind the gap.
No wide screen. No Johny Depp movies.

Some De Niro and Blade Runner.
<glaring at the post above this one>

Welcome Legman.
Happy Hunting!
Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50634 The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97398

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.


Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.



Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D
Oh hell...okay so I was glaring at the post above the two posts above me.
Riles said:
"all the best people do" ???!?!?!?

Biteth MOI!

So I'm biased, it's much better than living in London! (Wait for Peachy to tell me off now!)
*Giving Legman an apologetic smile*........

"Excuse the squabbling......These children......I just don't know......I'm at my wit's end!"

Welome to Lit. looking forward to reading your writing.
guilty pleasure said:

These children......I just don't know......I'm at my wit's end!"

Children! Children is it? Thank you. You make an old man very happy!:D