Have You Ever ... V2

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Haha! No, but someone who had paid for a lot of blowies at one point in his life told me that mine was the best. :eek:

Have you ever offered someone money for sex?

No. I was offered once.

Ever sleep more than 18!hours straight, when not sick?
No, I only regret the sex I didn’t have.

HYE ever played strip poker with two sisters you both dated?
I've never made out with a genuine stranger.

Have you ever talked dirty to a telemarketer?

Hahaha - yes, I have. The more important question is, have they talked dirty back?

HYE gotten lost in the tones of a strangers voice?
Hahaha - yes, I have. The more important question is, have they talked dirty back?

HYE gotten lost in the tones of a strangers voice?

Yes, I’m often enamored of women’s voices.

HYE ever had sex in a dorm room with eight people at the same time?
No, I tried once, but that night I had horrible indigestion. It was a truly embarrassing event.

HYE slaughtered a hog?

Wow, no, Haha!
But I've eaten freshly-slaughtered goat at a birthday party for some children in a family from Guatemala.
It was delicious!

HYE grown a vegetable garden?
Wow, no, Haha!
But I've eaten freshly-slaughtered goat at a birthday party for some children in a family from Guatemala.
It was delicious!

HYE grown a vegetable garden?

Yes, my life is not complete without fresh tomatoes and squash and cucumbers in the summer.

HYE had sex in a body of water?
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