Goodbye Michelle (Closed for ThePG & I)


a bad, bad girl
Dec 4, 2009
Michelle Martinez
5'1", small, petite, slight build, small pert butt and tits, long, dark hair, brown eyes.

She was fucking sick of this! He was never here, she was stuck on her own, having to do everything for herself, by herself. It was not what she had imagined it to be! Marriage to an Army Ranger had seemed so exciting! He looked so hot in his uniform, and in retrospect, that had been a huge catalyst in the whirlwind romance and marriage. But the reality had fallen far, far short of her expectations, and three years on, she was miserable!

It was made worse by the fact that she had no family to speak of, a father who'd taken off years ago, and never been heard of since, and a mother who'd remarried, and from whom she was estranged, so, when Daniel was away, she had nothing else with which to entertain herself. Nothing that is, until she met Steve! She'd met him a year ago, in a singles bar, while Daniel was deployed, and she had been fucking him on and off since. What Daniel didn't know, wouldn't hurt him, right? Besides, who could blame her for fucking around when he was gone more often than he was home. Serving his country, yeah right!

Still, Steve was married, and while she couldn't care less about fooling around with another woman's husband, it was proving inconvenient. He couln't always get away when she wanted him, and it was only a matter of time before someone told Daniel. Two members of his team had called her aside recently, and told her what they thought of her company. Steve had been told to back off too, so she had decided to call it quits. She'd been hoping to hold out til she finished her degree, money would be tight on her own, but she didn't want to face Daniel when he came home, so she wrote and told him she was filing for divorce!

Four Weeks Later:

They'd told her her husband was coming to get her, to bring her home. Would she know him when she saw him? She had no recollection of being married,and no idea what her husband looked like, but then, other than her name, and a few brief bits from her childhood, she had no memory of anything!

She'd been told he was in the army, and he'd been tracked down, following her accident. He'd been re-assigned to a duty detail at home, and granted special leave to support her in her recovery.

She looked up, as the door opened. Was this him? He was tall, perhaps 6'2", very short dark hair, with a lean, muscular build, and the type of body developed through activity, rather than the gym. She didn't think him classicaly handsome, but he had a ruggedly attractive face, with five o'clock shadow shading his jawline. Or at least, he would be attractive, she thought, if he smiled.

He wasn't what she had expected. His name, she had been told was Daniel Daymien Martinez, and, in her imagination, she had imagined him to be more hispanic in appearance. Also, in her imagination, he had been smiling; this man didn't look exactly esctatic to see her! She stood up, blushing at having stared so.

"Lieutenant Martinez, I presume?" she began, uncomfortably, "I understand that I'm your wife!"
"Yes. You are." Lieutenant Martinez said coldly, his eyes peeking out from underneath his short, but rather unkempt head of hair. Being a Ranger he sometimes needed to blend in with the population, so he couldn't always keep it bald like the newbies in the unit. Running his hand through the locks he took another look at Michelle, his wife. It was hard to imagine that she had no memory whatsoever of anything before her accident. The letter she had sent him. The affair she had. Nothing, thankfully his buddies had found the punk that had been sleeping with her and scared him off; probably for the rest of his life. The bitch had spent the night in a different hospital in the ER ward after "falling down" a few flights of stairs. They'd left him there alive, but barely. Daniel or Danny as Michelle had always been fond of calling him stood there looking at her, wondering what he should say, what he should do?

What she needed was a loving husband to help her remember.

What she deserved was to never wake up from the table.

That was what all traitors and betrayals deserved in Daniel's mind, so now that she had woken up he had to decide what to do to her. Take her back and try to rebuild a life she hated and eventually just gave up, or... Do what he had been wanting to do all the way up until the point that he found out she was about to die. After that he had just been hoping she would slip away, but now that she hadn't he had to do something. He had to do something now, too, as he realized he was just standing there looking like an oaf. Well, first things first.

"I'm glad you're okay," He said softly as he stepped over and gave her a hug. Pulling her against him so that she could not see his horrible acting job. He'd never been too good at faking emotions, not showing any was his better talent. When he felt it was a sufficiently long hug he stepped back and looked her over again. Reminding himself quickly and easily why he had fallen for her in the first place. She had everything he looked for: tight body with a small bubble ass, beautiful face and soft skin, a very innocent but mischievous look. Her small chest was also something he desired, having taken a firm dislike to the cow udders most men preferred due to a few childhood memories of being on a cow farm.

"Let's get you out of here," He said, giving a quick hopeful smile.

"I'll go see the doctor."

With that he hurried out of the room and quickly found the doctor. The discharge papers were signed, and Daniel pushed Michelle out of the hospital on a wheel chair. They had several follow up appointments, but all-in-all her body was entirely healthy; it remained to be seen if her brain would ever recover from the trauma. Thankfully it was not short-term memory loss either. She simply forgot her past, but she would be able to create a new one as time went on, or so the doctors thought. Arriving at their home Daniel helped Michelle inside and took her things into their room, when he arrived back in the living room he saw her standing, twirling slowly as she looked over everything for the first time. When her eyes landed on him she blushed. He had just removed his shirt; it was summer and the air hadn't been on in their house since she'd left. Daniel walked to the control panel and flipped it on, before returning to Michelle's side.

He hadn't decided much of anything yet, but that blush. It had gotten to him.

Stepping closer, he tilted her chin upwards into his face, "Hey... I missed you..."

The soft whisper came seconds before he kissed her gently, as his hand wrapped slowly down her backside to her butt. He squeezed, and pulled her hips toward him.
"Yes. You are."

He confirmed it. Or at least, his words did, but his body language.....they could have been strangers... or, perhaps it was something more? She searched his features, trying to read his thoughts.

She wasn't sure just what she had expected his reaction to her to be, but this wasn't it. Maybe he was pissed? She'd been told that he had been abroad, and had been flown home, and reassigned to alternative duties. But what did that say of their marriage?? Surely he would be happy to see his wife was alive?? Surely that would outweigh any personal disappointment about a set back in his career?? Perhaps he was simply overwrought?

"I'm glad you're okay,"

She stepped into his arms, relieved, and exhaled a breath she hadn't realised she had been holding. It must be real strange for him to have his wife looking at him blankly, that would be tough for him to deal with. She would do well to just take him as she found him, and not over analyse everything.

His body heat warmed her, not that she was physically cold, but his physical warmth wrapped around her heart, warming her emotionally.

"Let's get you out of here, I'll go see the doctor."

She felt his loss immediately, and it seemed like a disproportionally long time, until he returned with the wheelchair, and took her from the hospital. She looked around, taking in everything, hoping that something might be familiar, but nothing was. She was wheeled across the parking lot, and she stared at the cars, seeing if she could recognise which vehicle was theirs. She couldn't.

The drive home was silent, but she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice. The exercise from the car park was repeated as he drove along a line of houses, which was theirs? She picked one at random, trying to persuade herself that she recognised it, but Daniel drove on by, and pulled into the short driveway of a different place, two roads over.

She looked around the house as brought in some luggage, and some groceries he had presumably gotten earlier. Nothing triggered even the slightest recollection. It was as though her mind was wiped clean, erased completely. She looked around as she heard his footsteps, and saw he was standing there bare chested. She felt her face heat, as she looked over his physique. God, he was in excellent shape! Looking at him objectively she decided he was hot!! Not in a pretty boy / hollywood way, but in a rough, rugged manly way. His face had character, and she liked that his five o' clock shadow gave him a slightly scruffy look!

"Hey... I missed you..."

Again she was wrapped in his arms, and she liked it!!

"I think I must have missed you too!!" she whispered, burying her head in his chest disappointed that she couldn't recall their relationship.

Enjoying his embrace, she asked the question that had consumed her since she had seen him.

"Daniel... I need to ask you some questions. I ... As you know, I can't recall anything, and I hate that, its very frustrating. Can you tell me about us? Do we have a good marriage? Like.... are we in love?" She felt stupid asking him that, but she needed to know!! She had seen a picture, presumably of their wedding day, with Daniel looking smokin' hot in his dress uniform, and her in a little white dress. They sure looked happy in that picture, but was that still the case? She was wondering about their sex life, was that mutually fulfilling, satisfying? She certainly found him attractive, very much so, and she could feel her body reacting to him.

She wondered if she would remember kissing him, and shyly, she went on her toes, reaching up, and pulling his head down, pressing her mouth to his. She ran her hands over him, loving the feel of him, pressing her small body against his, tugging his hair a little, pulling his head against hers, as she kissed him, suddenly needing this, needing to experience the physical expression of love, assuming that he must love her. He made her body throb with desire, and she decided, there and then, that if they had problems, she would fix them, she would make him love her.
Daniel was surprised by the kiss and sudden passionate interest that Michelle was showing him, he realized that it shouldn't, but he had been thinking about her question and how it was the perfect opportunity to begin playing his games with her. Only now, she was kissing him and wrapping her tiny frame again his, so cute and tender as she was. This was what had gotten to him in the first place, and it was getting to him again, yet he found that he did not mind. The chip of anger, an ember, was still there yet his mind had fused it into the passion that was rapidly beginning to consume his body. With ease that betrayed the hidden strength he possessed he slowly pulled Michelle more tightly against him, and then up until her feet had left the ground entirely.

A deep sigh left his chest as he relaxed his hold, but kept her floating in the air.

"Michelle... I'll be honest... Our relationship was... Different. You, I, we... Were kinky."

He raised an eyebrow, to see how she took that piece of news, and the blush was well worth it.

Suddenly his voice deepened and changed from the tenderness he had been using up until that point, his grip strengthened, and his voice deepened while rumbling with a slight catch.

"You're my devoted slave. You've given me everything, I control all of it, all of you. Your money, your education, your mind, heart, soul, everything. Even who you sleep with, how you make love, when you have sex, and even how you are fucked."

Not with care, but rather such knowledge of his own strength he tightened his grasp and pulled Michelle into a embrace that she was now forced to endure whether she liked it or not. He kissed her, and this time it was both firm and hard. Not sweet, but desiring, taking what he wanted from her tiny and pliable mouth. He doubted she had enough time to process everything he had just said, and while her mind was still catching up her body had already begun to react to his kiss. Returning it, or so he could sense. Both of his hands also took this new personality upon themselves, gripping her tight ass and pulling her up and into the embrace. Daniel's long calloused fingers slipped into her waistband and ran slowly along her warm skin underneath her panties.

This was just the beginning for him, and if all went to plan it would just be the beginning for Michelle too. In more than one way, Daniel thought. This would be her new life.

The only one she ever knew.
Daniel hugged her tightly to him, and it gave her hope that his answer to her worried question would be positive. She could sense the pent up passion, and could feel her body reacting in the most primal way to the feel of his strong body pressed hard against her. Yes, they must have a good marriage, she just knew it! And now, he had been deployed so long..... surely he must be burning for her as much as she was for him? His answer, however, knocked the wind out of her sails.

"Michelle... I'll be honest... Our relationship was... Different. You, I, we... Were kinky."

Kinky??? What did he mean by that?? She bit her lip blushing, wondering if it meant that he smacked her ass as he took her doggie style, or did he mean something different, something more??

He squeezed her to him as he clarified and explained.

"You're my devoted slave. You've given me everything, I control all of it, all of you. Your money, your education, your mind, heart, soul, everything."

W...what?? He was joking right?? He was going to burst into laughter and shout gotcha!! He wasn't! He went on.

" Even who you sleep with, how you make love, when you have sex, and even how you are fucked."

She was crushed to him now, his hand in her panties, squeezing her butt, her body reacting to his touch, her pussy moistening, opening, her nipples and her clit swelling and hardening, as her body wrapped itself around him. His strength, the power of his body enflamed her desire, and she wanted him, even as her mind struggled to take in and process his words.

"W..who I sleep with??? But.... no! I don't sleep w...with I??"

She loved the feel of him against her, and she wanted him so much, and her eyes searched his handsome face, confused, but desiring him none the less.

"I...I don't remember anything about that... about being your s...slave!"

But then she didn't remember him, not at all But the wedding photo showed a young couple deeply in love or at least in lust, and she knew that she lusted for him, and that was a start. Would he change their relationship now, to something..... less kinky??? Maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded.... perhaps if she gave it a try she might find that they could find something they could both live with.

His fingers had delved right under her butt now, and had found the quivering wet heat of her hungry cunt, sucking at them, trying to pull his fingers inside of her, and she pressed her clit hard against his chest, feeling the pressure even through the clothing, and she moaned with desire, with a burning need.

He must need it too, after so long a deployment.... as badly as I do. the thought filled her mind, as all other concerns slipped momentarily away.

" me Daniel... maybe it'll help me recall... I want you.. I n.need you!!"

She angled her face kissing him more passionately, more deeply as she clung to him as though her very existence depended on it.
Of course she would not remember. That was exactly why he'd mentioned her being a slave. There was an elaborate explanation that he had come up with in order to satisfy Michelle, but apparently she did not need it. Daniel didn't need to hear her say it, but she did anyways. His fingertips were wet, and her thighs were squeezing him between her soft thighs. Then she kissed him, and it woke within him a fire that had been slowly burning for such a very long time and was now being turned up to scalding. It was the anger of Michelle giving this to a man other than him, while his testosterone built in the sandbox and stewed as he stored it all away until he could see her again. She had done this with someone else, but now she loved him again? Well, she would love him for the rest of her miserable, pathetic, worthless life, whether she liked it or not.

Her body was light, and easy to move. He stepped across the plush living room and pushed her frame into the wall with a thud.

Daniel's hands pulled, and the fabric that covered her legs and pelvis ripped apart with a sharp shredding sound. He tossed it to the side without letting her feet even brush the soft carpet beneath them. The intense kissing was broken for mere seconds as he used one hand to rip off her blouse, hungrily gazing at her breasts, and ripping the bra off seconds later. Immediately his hands seized those breasts that he had been fantasizing about for his entire deployment, smashing them together, and pulling them apart as he squeezed the soft flesh. Then his hands slid from them, and down her sides to where thin panties kept the real desire and the real focal point for most of his troubles. She had been such a bitchy cunt. Sleeping with some other dick, if she hadn't, none of this would have happened.

At least, that was how Daniel thought.

The panties he disposed of in much the same manner. Snapping the thin elastic with ease that displayed not only the incredible power he possessed from his incredibly long hours of training, but also revealing a slight bit of the anger that was currently sparking the fires running inside of him. A deep growl broke from his lips then, as his now naked wife was pinned between him and a solid wall. Taking her hands from around his neck he placed them on his pants, then taking her fingers, he placed them on the belt.

"You should know what to do with that... The doctor said it was... Muscle memory."

His breathing was deep, and his voice even deeper, and it held a harder line that was almost sarcastic. She would also know what to his dick, or else he would teach her. She would learn quickly, very, very quickly indeed. But the sarcasm came from Daniel thinking that it too would be 'muscle memory' or whatever the fuck the doctor mentioned. Sucking, fucking, and worshiping dick, which was all that she did while he was gone apparently. Internally he seethed, and his thick hands curled around her breast and the back of her neck. The anger obvious, but hidden in play daylight as passion, as he pressed his lips to hers once again and kissed her firmly; another growl rippling through his chest. This one possessive. She was his, forever.
The air was momentarily driven from her lungs as her back hit the wall, with the full force of Daniel behind it! It took her a second before she was able to gasp air back into her lungs, by which time he had commenced tearing, literally ripping her clothing from her.

She was..... excited!! It seemed they were one of those couples, the ones who were so wild for each other that they shredded clothing to get to each other's naked bodies. Or at least, he did it to her.

She tempered her thoughts a little with the knowledge that he had been deployed for a long time. The likelihood was that he wouldn't be tearing her clothing off all the time..... but she liked it! It excited her and appealed to her on a primal level!!

He had placed her hands at the waistband of his jeans, and she began to awkwardly tug at his belt, having difficulty in the small space between their bodies. But she wasn't going to let cramped conditions spoil this wildness, so she tugged and worked it, pulling it out and threading it through opening the buckle, and then beginning on his jeans,.

Popping the button proved difficult, and frustrated, she slid her hand down inside the jeans, inside his boxers, and then gasped, taken aback at the heat his dick was generating. She closed her palm around him, feeling almost as though it was branding her palm.

"MMmmm you're so hard Danny, like silk over steel!"

She squeezed him gently and began to move her hand up and down, while her other hand struggled with the damn button.

He was kissing her still, and she couldn't look down, see what she was doing, and then she felt it, the pop of the button, and she tugged at his zipper, and awkwardly began to shove his pants and underwear down to the tops of his thighs.

Feeling her way, kissing him passionately, she used both her hands one stretching lower to gently squeeze his balls, firmly squeezing his cock with her other hand, rubbing her thumb over the head where the small slit had leaked a bead of precum. She wiped it with her thumb, rubbing it in, moving in circles, as the fingers of her other hand brushed lightly over his sensitive flesh.

She moaned as he squeezed her tits, pressing them together, tugging her nipples.

"Oh God!! This is so good! I .. I just know that I love .... this!!"

Michelle was getting very excited, and began to roll her hips in the hopes of impaling herself on his hard dick. She had no memory of having had sex before, but she knew she had, and whether it was feminine intuition, or not, Michelle knew she loved fucking!
It was strangely rather easy for Daniel to just let go of himself. For so many years he had been the reserved, proper, and very respectful of women. Especially his wife whom he had loved. However, Michelle was no longer his wife. Now she was his slave. His bitch. His toy, to do with whatever he'd like and whenever he'd like it. Like now; he wanted to fuck her against the wall and not stop until he was done. It wouldn't be once, twice, or until she was tired or wanted to cuddle. No. Until he was finished using her the way she had used plenty of dicks during her previous life to get whatever the fuck she wanted. Today, right now, Daniel was letting himself go, and he wasn't going to stop until he felt like it, and whenever he felt like it he was going to stop. Until then...

His eyes narrowed.

"You do love it, and you will, forever."

The way her slim wrist touched him, like he was gold, mattered not. This wasn't about Michelle, or the way she was reacting to him. It was just about taking what he wanted from her. Daniel found his hands suddenly sliding up around her throat, pining it back against the wall, and the other into her hair. Then he kissed her face. Not her lips or her cheek (how cute!) but rather her face. Just next to her nose, under her chin, then he nipped at her jawline and bit her lips. It didn't take long for the non-too-gentle preamble to lead to what came next.

With a grunt he thrust forward, Michelle's hand guided the iron flesh to her wet and ready hole, where it slipped in with hardly a sound. It made hardly a sound. The same was not true for Daniel. A deep growling sound built far inside of his chest. It exploded outward with a roar and then a snap as both his teeth closed on the side of Michelle's neck after he had roughly jerked it to the side to expose her soft flesh. Daniel tasted blood on his teeth, on his tongue, he surprised himself, but not for long. His mouth immediately went dry with a need for more. His tongue dragged along the broken skin, gathering whatever red droplets it could find.

"Mmmm, cunt."

With a hunch of his hips Daniel pushed his cock deep inside of Michelle's eager pussy.

It almost felt like she was sucking him in; the way it squeezed and massaged the sensitive tip. Sucking him deeper in deeper, it didn't matter that it was his powerful thighs and stomach that were pounding her against the door. There was just the feeling of being pulled deeper that made Daniel sneer; she liked it, and she wanted more. Well, he was going to fucking give it to her. Hard. Each thrust sounded loudly in the room. A dull thud against the hollow wall. Like an echo in body of a soulless woman. A cheater. An adulterer. A traitor.

"You like this? Don't you, bitch!"
The air was being driven out of her lungs as Daniel pounded her hard against the wall, pounding into her with his thick cock!

She gasped, finding herself aroused by his passion, and more than a little scared.

His hand at her neck literally terrified her, and she wondered as he squeezed gently if he was about to strangle her, but he just kept the pressure steady, and didn't strangle her as she had partially expected him to.

She was still struggling to get her head around the dynamics of their relationship, that she was his slave. What did that entail exactly?? Christ! He had spelled it out clearly enough for her earlier, it was just up to her now to absorb that information and adjust to it.

He began to kiss her face, but not kissing her mouth, and it reminded her of something reminiscent of animalistic behaviour. It felt strange, odd and certainly unfamiliar, but then with amnesia, it would be unfamiliar, wouldn't it?? She would do well to try to readjust, and perhaps in time, she might recall more. That's what the doctors had told her to do.

Suddenly he bit her neck, not a gentle little love bite, but a vicious, painful bite that broke the skin, and she could feel him suck her. Was he sucking her blood, like a vampire???

"Mmmm, cunt."

Her eyes widened at the use of the expletive. Was that how her husband referred to her?? She said nothing, moaning and clamping her body down on him, as she struggled with the pain he was inflicting on her. But as it continued, this energetic, wild, primative fucking, something in her began to change, respond in a dark and twisted way, and she felt her pussy creaming, lubricating, easing his passage. Her nipples were hard as diamonds, and her clit was pulsing.

She was turned on by his rough treatment, there was no doubt about it!! For Michelle that, the fact that her body was so aroused, and responding to him, confirmed to her that what Daniel had said was the truth. Clearly she did like this, strange as that may seem.

Her climax was shimmering right before her, so close, and the wild thrusting of his hips was impacting directly on her swolllen clit. With her head thrown back, and an earpiercing scream, Michelle came harder than she ever had in her life, (not that she could recall the previous occasions), but this time, she shook, her pussy squeezing his dick so hard.

"You like this? Don't you, bitch!"

"Oh yeah!! Oh fuck yeah!!!"

Michelle was totally consumed by her climax, which seemed unending, and with Daniel still thrusting wildly into her, it was prolonging and intensifying the entire experience, turning this into something she had never even imagined!!

She clung to him almost lifeless, as her orgasm sapped her of her energy, and limply she moaned as she was pounded into the wall, and she thought to herself that she was like a ragdoll, a toy, his fucktoy.
Daniel gave a satisfied, but knowing smirk as Michelle came atop of him. Satisfied that she was being so compliant, and knowing that this was not the ending, but the beginning of what was to come. He continued to drill into her slouching body, over and over again as it seemed to melt into just an object between him and the wall. Just a piece of furniture that was warm, and wet. God, it was fucking awesome! With a savage growl he slammed into her again and all of a sudden he pulled her off the wall, swung her around, and slammed her down hard onto one of their expensive wooden furniture pieces. A phone, paper, and pens going flying. The wood buckles and groans, but does not break. Leaning over, Daniel leered down at Michelle; she laying with tattered clothes, but otherwise nude. No longer did she have any breath in her lungs either, thanks to his wrestling move.

She looked... Confused, dazed, but enthralled too.

With a soft shake of his head he grabbed both of her mostly lifeless arms and pushed them above her head. He didn't even need to hold them there, but he did just the same, because of what else he was doing. Placing a hand over her mouth so she couldn't make a sound, and hardly breath. That fucking scream was right in his ear, and he didn't want it to happen again. And it would, before he was finished with her wet little cunt. He began to move again; this new position being a new angle, which gave Michelle new pleasure, and caused her to make new noises that no longer came out.

It was going okay until Daniel pinched her nose because of the heavy breathing. He looked down into those angelic, innocent eyes, as he stopped her breathing and began to move heavily inside of her. Each thrust forcing more of her wet cunt to drool around his cock, his pre-cum and her wet juices dripping down between her thighs and over the table on it's way to the carpeted floor. They were heavy thrusts, and each one came after a long draw back, and then he would remain buried inside of her to let her quivering flesh massage his tool before he pulled it back and drove it forward once again. They both knew it was nearly time.

When he came it felt like nothing he had experienced in a very, very long time.

Daniel pushed inside of Michelle until there wasn't a millimeter of his cock resting outside of her warm entrance.

Each pulse seemed to run through his entire body before finally leaving the tip of his penis. With a shudder grunted. Deep and heavy, his entire body sounding off and forcing another inch or two inside of her; until he was nestled against the entrance to her womb. Spilling his fertile seed directly into the welcoming warm hole. The pleasure raced through Daniel like electricity, forcing his muscles to harden and relax, squeezing Michelle's face closed, and ripping more bits of her hair out of that pretty little head that had no idea, no concept, of what it was getting into. The orgasm did slow Daniel down. He paused, making sure that Michelle was full of his cum before he finished, Daniel did not consider children a hindering, they were a legacy. His legacy.

He had stood there, or crouched there, for quite sometime. Finally his eyes opened and he looked down at Michelle. He smiled, and his cock twitched deep inside of her. There was more. He waited for her to realize it before he started to move. Slowly, but steady movements that knifed his red-hot, wet, and iron hard cock through her now sopping, glistening, oozing pussy. Each thrust was like cutting through butter with a hot knife. Daniel's hands slid down slowly to grasp a breast in each; lying as she was flat on her back they were smaller even than normal. He squeezed them, hard. They weren't gentle pinches, but long, hard, twisting motions that caused pain. When she tried to shimmie away, he stopped twisting with one hand and slammed it on the desk next to her face, and then snatched her chin and forced her to look deep into his eyes.

"Don't ever turn away, dumb slut."

His eyes narrowed, and his hand slid down to her throat. This time he did squeeze, until he could feel her windpipe slowly collapsing under his grasp. A smile slowly slid over Daniel's face. He could end it here. All of his anger into the single act of destroying a life. She deserved nothing better. In fact she deserved worse. That was why he would let her live, because he could not give her worse than death if she was dead. He let go of her throat and placed his hand on her shoulder where he squeezed hard, and pulled her back down towards him as he began slamming into her once again. Abandoning the soft strokes in favor of hard, powerful lunges that rocked her tiny breasts when he was not bruising them with his free hand.

He didn't say a word. Only his eyes narrowed, and his mouth twisted into something akin to a grin as he fucked his... Wife.
Thrown violently onto the side board, randomly knocking at least some items off, the others, bruising her back, as he was all but dumped onto it.

Daniel held her hands, holding her immobile, as he took his pleasure in her body.

She knew she had screeched as she came, and at first when Daniel covered her mouth with one hand, she thought he wanted to quieten her in case their neighbours heard, but when he added to it, and pinched her nose, she began to struggle, her eyes flying wide, bulging slightly, with terror!!

Tears streamed down her cheeks, as panic began to build, and still Daniel pounded into her!! At this angle, his cock head was hitting her g spot, and she felt her body quickly respond, oddly becoming more aroused on account of her suffocation. It added a dark edge to her mounting pleasure, and she thought that perhaps she and Daniel messed about with breath play.

She was petrified, struggling, fighting for air, and when he thrust hard, and came, he loosed his grip enough that she could suck in a breath, and that, combined with the hot spurts of his seed as he painted her cervix, triggered a mind blowing climax of her own!!

Her back arched, and she moaned loudly, managing, through enormous effort to quell her scream into a moan. Seconds later his hand was at her neck, strangling her, and again she panicked, struggling to breath, desperate to suck in some precious oxygen.

She began to have blackspots in her vision, then her peripheral vision blacked and she began to think she would die!! But then, he released her, only to begin to abuse her tits. He pinched and squeezed and twisted her nipples painfully, as he thrusts sped up, her now sloppy cunt making obscene sucking noises as he pumped in and out, and her juices combined with his cum squelched out of her, and trickled down her ass crack, onto the sideboard, and then drooled down onto the floor.

She looked up at him, in amazement. Surely he should be worn out now??

"Danny?? Daniel?? I... I... I'm not sure I really.. um like it when you.. when you choke me, and cover my ... my mouth .... and .. I'm getting a bit sore... my.. er my pussy, and my back's sore from this..........."

She patted the furniture under her.

"....and there is more stuff cutting into my back... could we at least go to the bed?? Please???"
Daniel did not hear a word, really, until the last whining please broke through his concentration. At first Michelle might have hoped that he really had heard her and was listing, but this was just not the case. He had heard her, but he didn't care. It was just the last please that fucking pushed him over the edge. With no prelude, and very little wind-up his open hand crashed against the side of her face. Smacking her head to the side and slamming it into the table or some odd ornament, "Shut the fuck up." He growled lowly, as he carefully replaced his hand on her shoulder and began to pound into her again. Each powerful thrust moving the table along with Michelle, so unless he continued to hold her down she would be pushed off the damn thing.

The single slap was enough, for now, especially with the way he was fucking her.

He grabbed her tits suddenly, and used them instead of her shoulders to hold her still. Pinching the tips and pulling them back like reigns toward his high, broad shoulders. Soon he had lifted her off of the table into a half-sitting position, it was then that he smacked her again, for no particular reason, other than to see what would happen. She fell back; slamming the side of her face against the and a trickle of blood began to ooze from her nose. When she saw it, the fear, the fear that Daniel had been waiting for finally flickered across her face. He simply grinned and pushed his finger against the bleeding orifice; then wiped it across her cheek.

Leaning over he whispered into her tiny, frightened face, "Listen very carefully to me Michelle. When I said you were mine... I meant it. You are mine. Every piece of you. Your life, is mine, and if I wish to end it... Then I can... The sooner you remember this. The better it might all work out for you."

Carefully he pushed both of her wrists above her head, and cupped them together. His thrusts continue, harder, pushing against that pleasure button that quite soon will become pain, Daniel knows this, but continues anyways.

"I'm going to fuck you. Until I'm finished, and then I might just fuck you some more with my hand. One thing you'll notice is that I said fuck. That is right. We don't make love, or have sex, or fool around, we fuck, well no... I fuck you. You just get fucked. By me, or whoever, or whatever, I want. That's all you do. Is... Fuck..." With that, and a laugh, Daniel pushed his nails into her chest, near her collarbone and dragged them down her side slowly. Drawing thin lines of red blood along her ribs all the way down to her hip.

"God, you get so fucking tight when I do that... Let's try the other side."

Switching hands, for a second, Daniel lost control of his grip of her hands.
The slap seemed to come out of nowhere, and shocked her, making her gasp, and then tremble with fear!! She hadn't even seen it coming.

"Shut the fuck up."

Her mouth snapped shut, aborting the plea for mercy that had been forming on her lips. Was he abusive to her.... it certainly seemed that way!

He continued to fuck her, pounding her brutally,and it was becoming progressively less pleasurable now, and a whole lot more painful. Her pussy wasn't producing much to lubricate itself and he was so rough with her that his salty cum was beginning to sting her, as he rode her raw.

His fingers grabbed her nipples, sending waves of pain through her, making her scream! He began to lift her off the sideboard holding her, supporting her by just her nipples!! It was excruciating!! Tears flowed freely now, and both her tits and her nipples felt like they were on fire.

He hit her again, and she was shocked even more this time, she hadn't even done anything, she hadn't made noise, or spoken, or done anything to deserve that!! her nose began to trickle a little blood, and he seemed to wipe it almost tenderly across her cheek, and terror consumed her. Something must have happened to him over there!! He was going to fucking kill her!!!

"Listen very carefully to me Michelle. When I said you were mine... I meant it. You are mine. Every piece of you. Your life, is mine, and if I wish to end it... Then I can... The sooner you remember this. The better it might all work out for you."

She very nearly peed herself at that point, as abject terror seized her, making her mouth dry.

She watched him. Carefully. Trying to anticipate the next strike, and to avoid it somehow!

Her pussy was getting really sore, and abraded, her nipples were literally throbbing with pain, and there was a picture frame cutting into her hip, and something else, some thing plastic..a CD box?? cutting into her back.

"I'm going to fuck you. Until I'm finished, and then I might just fuck you some more with my hand. One thing you'll notice is that I said fuck. That is right. We don't make love, or have sex, or fool around, we fuck, well no... I fuck you. You just get fucked. By me, or whoever, or whatever, I want. That's all you do. Is... Fuck...

Her eyes widened. The whoever or whatever part terrified her. What if he wanted her to fuck someone she didn't want to? Someone she was not attracted to?? A fat guy, or an old guy or... oh fuck... another woman??? She shuddered!! And what did he mean by whatever?? Was he going to pump her with a vibe when his cock deflated due to exhaustion?? Already she was getting raw, and he was like the durecell bunny, going on and on and on!!

He suddenly scrope right down her body with his nails, hurting her, drawing blood!! It stung!! and hurt like fuck!! Michelle couldn't stop the agonised scream, as every muscle in her body revolted in protest.

"God, you get so fucking tight when I do that... Let's try the other side

The second side was worse, because she knew what was coming this time!

"No no no nononononononooooooooo please!! No !!!"

She was shaking her head frantically, in desperate denial, but it stopped nothing, and her body arched in pain, as she shrieked, an agonised exclamation of desperte, unbearable pain!

"Please Danny don't!! Don't do that anymore!! It hurts!!!"
It was not just the pain that was getting Daniel harder and harder, but the screams. They were painful, wrenching, and ear-splitting of all things. They produced goosebumps that traced from his hear, to the tip of his spine, and then all the way down to his tail bone before zapping like lightning to the tip of hid dick where it swelled that part of his body in preparation for what was going to come next. With glee he ran his hands up along the red and somewhat bloody streaks he had created not moments earlier and upon reaching the top he stopped to grab hold of her throat with now bloody palms. Leaving two imprints upon her pale flesh. Then he shook her.

"Don't you fucking get it?" He hissed, his voice, eyes, seething angrily with a rage she could no longer understand. He shook her again; this time smacking the back of her head against the wooden table. The thud sending a wash of pure, primal, primeval, power through his entire body. His cock flared, and he felt a warm dribble from the tip of his cock as her body tightened around the expanding flush.

A small growl preceded what he said next, "You are a piece of flesh. My. Flesh. And I love your flesh... It is... Delicious."

Leaning forward Daniel took a piece of Michelle's ear in his teeth and bit. Until the skin broke and he could taste her blood. His tongue ran over the abrasion, feeling the cracked skin, tasting the metallic blood, enjoying her scream as the saliva washed her wounds out slowly. He dragged the damaged ear through his mouth with slow enjoyment, leisurely taking his time as he fucked her good and hard to the tune of the table scratching across the carpet beneath them.

Daniel used his hands to keep Michelle from moving as he pounded into her beaten cunt. It didn't matter that she was beginning to hurt; there was still plenty of fluid from earlier, and from his own leaking dick to keep her smooth enough to fuck. Even if she did rip or bleed, it would just be more lubrication that he honestly didn't even fucking need. The way she was squirming, wriggling, trying so desperately hard to free herself all seemed to suddenly combine into one single form of pleasure focused right on the very end of his swollen dick. Right at the mushroomed shape of it's expanding head. His body jerked; sending his cock as deep, if not deeper than before. Then he came, hard.

His hands squeezed, and his ass clenched. Locking his hips forward and pulling Michelle down towards him violently. His teeth dug into her bloody flesh and his eyes narrowed as they stared into her painfully screwed up face. With a rush the pleasure swarmed over him and his eyes closed. Soft, but deep growls of pleasure rose up from the depths of his chest before spilling out into the suddenly much more quiet, and rather empty house. Then it was over.

Slumping forward, Daniel rested his head on Michelle's heaving, bloody chest. His own slick with sweat, heaving for air, and rippling with muscles. Slowly he looked up. A satisfied, but sickening smile plastered on his face.

"Welcome home, cunt."

Leaning over to kiss her; he used both hands to steady her face as he kissed her softly upon her lips before standing up, and slowly pulling his dick from her body.

"Looks like you made a fucking mess... Better clean it up."

Daniel turned, and headed for the kitchen to find something to drink.

He wondered with amusement what he might find when he returned.
Michelle's eyes widened as Daniel's hands closed around her neck, and she was terrified that he was going to strangle her, tighten his grip just a little and end her life! She squeezed her eyes shut, frozen with fear, time seemed to slow, and she lay, helpless, waiting, and waiting for that extra squeeze to come.

"Don't you fucking get it?"

Her eyes flew open again, and looked into his, and she realised that the Danny that was so violently fucking her, was flooded with emotion, and looked far more alive than the man who had collected her from the hospital. She shook her head. No, she didn't get it, she didn't get it at all!! But no words came to accompany her action, noting but a squeek passing her throat.

"You are a piece of flesh. My. Flesh. And I love your flesh... It is... Delicious."

Ridiculously, she smiled at that! He loved her flesh! She chose to interpret that as an ' I love you', she clung to his words, wrapping herself in his praise, his possessive tone, words like 'love' and 'delicious' creeping into her psyche and she drew a warmth from them.

He suckled her ear lobe into his mouth, and she began to moan with pleasure, only to scream when he clamped his teeth down, breaking the skin, and then worrying it with his teeth. She sucked in another breath, screaming again, until her lungs hurt, with all the air expelled. She was hoarse, her voice cracked from the sheer force and desperation of her scream.

She struggled wildly, trying desperately and futilely to get away, as excruciating pain assaulted her. Not once did he miss a stroke, pummelling her, pounding her with the entire weight of his body behind him. The edge of the table cut painfully into the cheeks of her ass, and the items remaining on the table cut into her back. But her pussy felt as though he was punching it, and he was driving so deeply into her cunt, hammering her cervix, sending waves of agony through the deepest part of her. Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she lay helpless, completely at his mercy.

He bit her even harder as he came, and Michelle wondered if her ear was permanently mutilated. Adrenalin was pumping through her, helping with the pain, and making her cunt lubricate itself more. She looked up at him, terrified, and yet..... and yet, as he plunged particularly deep, hammering her womb, her back arched, and she came hard, her body convulsing under him. She closed her eyes, horrified that she had responded that way to his brutality, unable to look at him, in case she saw a smug look, confirming he knew she came.

"Welcome home, cunt."

To her surprise, he kissed her, softly, tenderly, his actions contrasting with his choice of words, and the violence of their recent joining.

She looked at him, stunned, confused, as little aftershocks from her climax pulsed through her. She looked at him, trying to read him, thinking that this was the happiest she had seen him look since his arrival at the hospital. She managed a watery smile herself, and sat up, wincing.

"Looks like you made a fucking mess... Better clean it up."

She stared at him, or rather, at his retreating back as he walked in the direction of the kitchen. She slid off the table, and slumped to her knees. She had to take several deep breaths, before she braced herself on the table, and struggled to stand. Her legs felt like jelly, quivering, and she wondered if they would support her. She looked about, surveying the mess. Most of the items that had been on the table were on the floor, some of them broken, most just in disarray. She struggled to pull and push the table back to its original position, muffling a scream as pain ripped through her with ever step, finding that now that her adrenalin had faded, the pain had increased.

The table back where it ought to be, she picked up the book, picture frames, and other items, and arranged them once more. A little dish, that seemed to have held keys, was in multiple pieces on the floor, so she gathered the keys and put them on the table, and picked up the pieces as best she could.

She straightened, and spotted a mirror near the hall, and she went and looked in it, shocked and repulsed by her reflection! She was smeared with blood - hers- and bloody hand prints were on her neck, her ear was bleeding profusely, and she looked around for something to stop it.

She went to the pile of discarded clothes, picking up her top, which she gingerly pulled over her head. several buttons were ripped off, but it covered her to an extent at least. She decided to forgo the bra, as her sides were stinging painfully where Daniel had scratched her. The pants she had been wearing were torn, another victim of Daniel's passion, and she looked around, wondering what she could put on. The top skimmed the tops of her thighs, and she felt better, and less exposed now.

She gathered her torn pants, and ripped panties, and she threw them in the trash, and with the place straightened out, she stood, waiting for Daniel to reappear, feeling the loss of his presence, feeling out of balance, feeling vulnerable.
With his body sheening in sweat and tinted in blood Daniel walked back into the living room. He smiled as he saw that the living room cleaned up. Tilting his head to drain the bottle of water he had been holding he let some of the cool liquid splash over his face then he wiped it off over his face and through his hair. Glancing at Michelle his smile grew slightly and his eyes ran from the top of her head to where her tiny toes were curling and stretching out nervously. She looked like shit, and it was the prettiest she'd looked since the very first time he had laid eyes on her before they were married. He felt a shiver go through his spine, and he stepped forward to cross the space between them. Leaning over he pushed the hair behind her ear, then touched where he had bit it, suddenly his smile went to a smirk and he gave the ear a squeeze.

"Aww, I'm sorry... Does that hurt? Haha," He waited until she stopped flinching, before leaning over to kiss her ear. "Don't remember where the bathroom is? Why don't you go freshen up, and I'll find something for you to... Do. In fact. Unpack first, then go clean yourself up. I'll be ready for more by then."

Daniel headed back toward the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. His mind wandered over what he was going to do to Michelle, and quickly came up with a plan. Walking back into the living room he reached into his pants and pulled out his cell phone. The number he dialed was one he had not called in quite sometime, but a friend of his who had been kicked out from the Army for being a douche bag. The kid could find a brothel in the middle of the desert, and a bottle of booze in the middle of the Holy Roman church itself. Not to mention drugs inside of a prison. He always had a crew with him, and they always liked to play rough.

"Robert, you busy? Yea bro, I'm back in time. I've got something to show you. Hour? Good shit. Cya then."

With a happy chuckle he bounded back into the kitchen and finished making a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. With them, and a glass of milk he walked through the master bedroom and into the bathroom where Michelle was cleaning up. He left the milk and food there after picking through the clothes she had picked out. With a chuckle, he tossed them into the garbage and instead picked out one of his long sleeved white, silk shirts and put that along with a pair of thin panties in place of the things she had picked out earlier. He also threw on a pair of sweats. Then he ate one of the sandwiches and watched through the misted shower curtain as Michelle cleaned up.

When she got out he pointed to the clothes, and spoke, "I've got friends coming, and you're wearing that."

Daniel knew he should give her some time, and allow her to catch up. Get used to her role with him, but he wanted to see her screaming and crying. Just like she had been not thirty minutes ago, but also he wanted to see her embarrassed as she had been earlier. Embarrassed that she came so hard from what he had done to her. "Eat something... Drink something... Hurry up... They should be here soon." With that he turned and left, heading towards the porch where he waited for his friends, and Michelle. Knowing she'd come out to him earlier. To plead or beg, or just... Learn. She came for all three. He knew it was all three of them the moment he saw her cute little face poking out of the door; she was crying, blushing, and trying to smile all at the same time. Immediately sensing she needed a little confidence he wrapped his large arms around her. "Don't worry... It'll be alright..."
the water was so hot it stung her flesh, and Michelle scrubbed herself, while her mind struggled to take in what had happened. Daniel had been..... well, he'd been horrible to her! He had raped her... no, that wasn't true, she had wanted him, but he had taken her brutally. He had hurt her, quite deliberately, but she had cum.... what was all that about?? She bit her lip, and then rationalised it as the nature of their relationship. Hadn't Daniel said that this was the type of sex they had, that she was his slave?? Clearly her body liked it, and it just seemed so strange to her because of the amnesia.

She had laid out some clothes, a pretty sun dress, and clean panties - forgoing the bra as she was very sore where Daniel had scratched her.

She remembered Daniel's words that had meant so much to her, he loved her flesh, and she was delicious!! She recalled his possessive tone, and she clung to that, feeling special, loved.

She came out the shower, and found that he had changed out her clothes, leaving her some skimpy panties and his white silk shirt. She smiled and began to put them on. It would be sexy to wear that, they could curl up on the couch and watch a movie!

"I've got friends coming, and you're wearing that."

What??? The slight blush that had stained her cheeks drained, and she stood ashen before him, her hands shaking as she buttoned the shirt.

"Eat something... Drink something... Hurry up... They should be here soon."

Almost absentmindedly, she ate her sandwich, and drank the milk, surprised at how hungry she was. She would be embarrassed, his friends seeing her in just his shirt, even thought it fell almost as long as the sundress, given his height relative to hers. She had to roll back the cuffs several times. She didn't want to anger or embarrass him, and she wondered if she had been in the company of his friends before, scantily clad in just his shirt.

She made her way out to the porch, uncertain, embarrassed, and a little aroused. Daniel was wearing only his sweats, and his body was honed from his training, and she was struck by how handsome he was.

She could do this, she would do this, it was something so small, and she was grateful when he wrapped her in his arms, and she knew then that she would do all in her power to make him happy, to be the recipient of his affections.

"Don't worry... It'll be alright..."

She nodded, and clung to him, holding his hand, waiting on his friends to arrive. She wanted to ask if these friends had been over before, if they had seen her in only a shirt or if they were likely to be shocked by it..... but something held her back, and the question died on her lips. She realised she needed to use the bathroom, and she excused herself, and ran off to pee. As she returned she heard a car in the driveway, and she froze, suddenly terrified, her eyes going wide.
The look of fear upon Michelle's face reminded Daniel of a surprised cat for some reason; perhaps it was the cute little outfit he had dressed her in, but nonetheless it made him smile. Not one of his darker smiles, but a warm one that must have gave her some sense of confidence since she came walking over to his side. As he wrapped an arm around her slender body and rested his hand on the inside of her thigh the car doors opened and shut. Three times. Out stepped three men. None nearly as impressive looking as Daniel, even standing there in just sweatpants, but each had their own... Traits. Robert was taller than even Daniel, standing at an impressive six-four, Hector had deep Latino features and black pools for eyes, Patty, or Patrick, was an Irish ginger as original as they came. A full beard, mustache, and head of curly, thick red hair. He was also sipping from a flask as the trio walked toward Daniel and Michelle; who seemed to simply shrink into his side.

"Sup boys,"

"Hello Danny boy ole friend, and little lass!" Shouted Patty, as he raised his flask.

"Buenos bitches amigo," Said Hector, his eyes taking in all of Michelle without blinking and his face not flinching.

"How you doing Danny?" Asked Robert, as he stepped close and the two of them shared a handshake that momentarily left Michelle adrift by herself.

Almost immediately Patty darted close to her, and took her slender hand; which he kissed politely before bowing low and nearly spilling his drink, and himself, upon the floor. As he stood up, he drew closer; and being the only short one amongst all of the men he stood nearly eye level with Michelle. His breath was surprisingly minty, and his blue eyes twinkled against fair skin. Leaning over, and lifting himself on his toes to do so, he whispered into her ear, "Ye appear as delicious and ravishing as the queen herself m'lady, I am not able to wait until we shall become better acquainted with thee. As thou may seest?" He took her hand, that he was still holding, and placed it against the bulge between his legs. Then, with a laugh he brushed past her and like the red haired whirlwind he was, made his way into the house.

Daniel and Robert were laughing, Hector had only a sly grin on his face as he continued to watch Michelle like a hawk.

Finally Robert straightened himself, rising to his full six-four, and his voice boomed out, "So this is the pretty wife we've yet to meet. It's a pity you couldn't introduce us sooner Daniel, she's quite lovely, and not too damaged..."

"Yet," Added Hector softly as he approached Michelle.

"Michelle..." Daniel said softly, as he placed a hand on her lower back to keep her from backing away, "It's okay."

Hector was not nearly as flamboyant as Patty. Instead he carefully looked her over, top to bottom, like a man deciding whether or not he would be buying a horse or some other animal. Firm, fat fingers prodded her jaw, neck, breasts, stomach, hips, legs, feet, and finally he pushed his fat middle finger up into her still sore cunt. Not once had his face flinched even when Michelle whimpered from when he pressed on her bruises and cuts, and it only flickered now. Going from nothing, to a slightly pleased purchase, "Good."

Then he too left. Heading for the house. Leaving just Robert, Daniel, and Michelle.

"Michelle... Give Robert a kiss," Daniel said sweetly in her ear with his hand still upon her lower back.
Michelle watched the three characters as they left the car, her heart beating hard, as she wondered what was going to happen. The little Irish guy, who reminded her of a leprachaun come to life, was the first over to her, and given that he was drinking out of a hip flask, she expected him to smell of whatever alcohol he was drinking, but to her surprise, his breath was minty. he kissed her knuckles in an oddly old fashioned way, which was reinforced by his humorous language.

To her surprise Michelle found herself responding to his quaint charm. She relaxed a little. The two men with Daniel were laughing, and even Michelle managed a smile. She would have been relaxed, if she had not been wearing nothing but a skimpy panties, and Daniel's shirt. Robert was the polar opposite to Patty. Tall, even more than her husband, although not as good looking. He turned his attention to her.

"So this is the pretty wife we've yet to meet. It's a pity you couldn't introduce us sooner Daniel, she's quite lovely, and not too damaged..."

She managed a smile, which disappeared quickly when Hector added a single word.


Her eyes widened, taken aback by this man. He was different, scary, almost emotionless, although he had laughed earlier, proving that he wasn't as stoic as he appeared.

Instinctively, she backed away from him, he scared her. Or she would have backed away had Daniel not pressed his hand to her back, telling her it was okay.

Her eyes flew open, and she gasped, horrified, as he held her chin, examining her, and then working downward, palming her breasts, weighing them, clearly realising that she wore no bra. He made free with her body, and Michelle, trembled, turning an ever deeper crimson, as tears glimmered in her eyes, and she looked to Daniel, confused, and somewhat hurt that he was allowing his friend to touch her so intimately. Then Hector's finger, thick, long and fat teased the lips of her sex, and then plunged into her, pumping hard, hurting her, driving her up onto her tiptoes. She bit her lower lip, stifling the pleas that threatened to spill, drawing blood, the coppery taste filling her mouth. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the cold expression on his face as he finger fucked her like he owned her.


A single word. What the fuck did that mean?? Good. She was good? She just stood there and endured and for some reason, she found his remark utterly degrading! She looked to Daniel, hoping to read his expression. She was confused and hurt that he was allowing his friends to touch her so intimately.

hector stood there, looking, as Daniel spoke.

"Michelle... Give Robert a kiss,"

She froze, shocked. He couldn't mean it....... could he? She looked at him, looking over her shoulder, as Daniel pushed her toward his friend.

She reached up on tip toes, and kissed his friend, a chaste kiss on the cheek. Robert looked at her, shaking his head, and then he reached forward, his fingers gripping her hair, and he leaned forward, holding her head, and pressed a kiss to her mouth. Michelle could feel his tongue trying to force its way between her lips. She clamped her teeth shut, as tears spilled, but his hand slid lower, seeking, finding and pinching her nipple quite viciously, making her yelp, making her open her mouth, and he forced his tongue into her mouth, and swept it across hers. She froze, for several seconds, and then, slowly, she began to respond, twinning her tongue with his.
Daniel watched without jealousy. His wife was gone to him, and she had been replaced by this Michelle, this slut, this whore, this piece of trash that would sell her body for a piece of candy, or would soon at least. Robert was taking firm control of her, and he was getting into it pretty heatedly. What was turning Daniel on more than anything was the way Michelle reacted, of course she hated it at first and the sweet tears dripped down the side of her face. It was rather beautiful, and quite fitting he thought. The best part was that once she forced herself to continue kissing the tears had not even gone away, they were still there, and as one ran down her cheek Daniel stepped over to wipe it away with his finger. Her eyes flashed open, and he smirked into them. She was only just beginning to understand what kind of relationship they had. It would take sometime for the realization to really sink in.

"Damn Danny boy, she's a special girl," Robert said. As he gingerly let Michelle back down onto the ground. Daniel quickly wrapped a protective arm around her as Robert now walked pass and into the house.

"Shh, wait..." Daniel turned, just as Michelle did to him, and placed his finger upon her lips to keep her from complaining. His fingers slowly traced down the inside of the shirt she was wearing, and across her taunt belly and the waistline of her panties. Lightly, his fingers slipped underneath the stretchy fabric and brushed against the entrance to her wet cunt. His eyes lit with not only surprise, but a confident happiness. "I knew you would remember," He said softly as he brought his fingers upward and presented his evidence; she was aroused. Carefully he placed his fingers against her lips and spoke softly as he watched her lick them clean.

"This is the lifestyle we chose together. I'm not making you do anything that your body does not remember. You've only forgot in your head. But, if you expect me to take it easy on you because of that then you might as well leave right now. Just walk down the driveway and into the road, because the only person I want to be with is the person that was in that accident, in the hospital bed, and is here in my arms right now."

"Eh McLucky, you got yerself anythin other'n water ta drink!?" Called Patty from the front door.

"In the basement McFuckyerself!" Daniel shouted, his eyes glaring over Michelle's shoulder, before he looked back down into her eyes.

"I'm going inside. Once you're done deciding and come in, you will go right over to Robert and open your shirt. You will bow your head, go to your knees, and ask to suck his cock." Daniel tilted her head up, and kissed her lips swiftly; powerfully connecting them together and closing his eyes as he pulled her slim body into his. Then he let go altogether, "See you in there."

Once inside Daniel quickly went to Hector, and said, "How much?"

"She'd bring in a couple g's a night if we use her right. Preferred customers. She could do high-end clientale."

"What about the psycho's?"

"Shit Danny, I only give them my old bitches and toothless whores. They don't pay more'n a stack, for the whole damn night. I'm just glad I make something from those stretched out old cunts, and buddy. I gotta warn ya. I loose at least one of those ho's a month because some psycho goes overboard..."

"... I don't want her to die. I want her to hurt."

Robert suddenly spoke, "Danny. I think you are speaking my clients language, moreso then our mexican friend."

"I'm Dominican you bitcho,"

"Sorry friend, no offense meant. Danny, the rich perverts would be perfect for her. They pay more for the anonymity then anything, and they do things that quite often shock the shit out of me. We could run her with that group over the weekend, and then send her to Hector's for the week. She'd get the full effect then. Patty could handle the... Special events..."

"That might work, we could-" Suddenly the door opened, and things went quiet.

Daniel looked up, an expecting smirk plastered upon his face.
Michelle was panting when Robert broke the kiss, putting her down. She hadn't even realised that he had lifted her up! She was terrified. Petrified by how this was making her feel. Her head revolted, by her body seemed to love this! She was lost, and then Daniel took her in his arms, and she felt she was home!

"I knew you would remember,"

He looked so happy. Is that what this was, was she remembering?? She moaned as his fingers stole inside her panties, her excited pussy quivering at this touch. HIs wet, glistening fingers were before her, taunting her, reminding her of her arousal, belying the protests in her head. Almost unconsciously, she leaned in, licking her cunt juice from his fingers, moaning quietly.

"This is the lifestyle we chose together. I'm not making you do anything that your body does not remember. You've only forgot in your head.

Okay, that made sense. She was scared, by she couldn't deny how wet she was, how hard her nipples were, how much she wanted to please Daniel.

" But, if you expect me to take it easy on you because of that then you might as well leave right now. Just walk down the driveway and into the road, because the only person I want to be with is the person that was in that accident, in the hospital bed, and is here in my arms right now."

She sucked in a breath, instantly terrified by his suggestion that she leave, fear of the unknown riding her hard. She almost panicked when he turned and went inside, and his words played over and over in her head. She was terrified. Could she do it? Could she really do that to a stranger?? She walked to the door twice, even put her hand on the latch, but she knew what she had to do, she was just afraid to do it.

She could have really used a drink! Something strong and stiff. She giggled, thinking that that description could be applied to something else. Oh Shit! This was hard. Could she do it? Could she? She counted to three, deciding to walk in on three. She remained rooted to the spot. She counted again, and this time she flung open the door and strode in before she could chicken out, and was struck by the sudden silence, and four sets of eyes, watching her closely. She wanted to make Daniel proud, she really did. She could do this! She would do this!!

She was shaking life a leaf as she stood before Robert, her hands shaking as she tried to unbutton her shirt. There were only four buttons, but she was shaking so hard, she couldn't do it!! After what seemed like an eternity, the silence stretching, she gripped the neck line, and yanked, sending two buttons flying. She had to tug hard three more times before she was able to pop the other two buttons. She bowed her head, hiding her red face, as the tears that brimmed. She slid to her knees before the strange man, setting between his out turned knees. She began to look up, and then remembered to keep her head lowered.

"Robert, would you like me to ... to um, to er give you a blowjob??"

She couldn't bring herself to say it in the words Daniel had used, the crudity proving difficult for her. She waited, as the silence stretched again, and, feeling like an insect under a microscope, she looked up, and rapidly lowered her gaze again. He looked pissed. Maybe he wasn't, but it looked like that to her.

"Please Sir, may I suck your cock??"

Her face and breasts heated profusely, and, at his affirmation, she leaned in and unfastened his belt, her hands shaking still, as she popped his button, and lowered his zip, all with no assistance from him. She wondered if he was going to undress, but apparently it was only his cock to be freed, and she managed to pull an impressively long, thick cock out of his pants, working it through his boxers.

She held it in her hand, looking for a moment, trying to summon the courage to go this next step. She looked at Daniel, trying to be certain that this was what he wanted. It was. She leaned in and tentatively dabbed her tongue to the cockhead, probing the slit in the head, before she began to lick a little more confidently. Conversation in the room restarted, jolting her to a stop, as she was suddenly reminded that there were three more men in the room.

Slowly she began to suck his shaft into her mouth, taking more and more of his dick, gagging on it, and pulling back, coughing and spluttering, before she resumed, trying to do better!
Every second that past between the time that Michelle entered the house to the time she placed Robert's cock into her mouth had increased in arousal for the other three men; Daniel especially. Her unsure determination, giving way into nervous embarrassment, and determined fear. All of her emotions were like tender fingers playing on the strings that caused the erection in his pants to grow. Not only that, but the simple fact that she had returned made it ever so much more... Sweet, and delicious. There was no longer the thought that she would try to flee, well there was, but not for today... Perhaps once they ran into a few of the more depraved things he was planning for her sweet ass and tight little pussy.

The way she removed her shirt; frustrated by her own inability to keep her fingers steady, it made him grin and shift upon his feet as his cock grew within the loose sweatpants. The way her ass stretched the tightly fit panties started his balls throbbing slightly. Then when she took Roberts rather large cock into her mouth like a tentative little kitten nearly made him blow a load in his own pants. When she glanced his way; searching for his approval he smiled and felt his body flex, raising himself up on his toes. He was about to step forward and do something about it when Roberts loud laugh jerked his attention away from his wife to the man's rather rugged face.

"She forgot how to give head, huh? Or did she just forget that I am such a stud?"

That brought a few chuckles except for Hector of course.

"Give her a break... She didn't know her own name a day ago, Bob." Daniel retorted with a snort.

"My name, is Robert you dick-shit." The playful banter went back and forth for a little while and it went on just above the soft suckling noises that Michelle was making as she continued to suck the cock that was in her mouth. Once they'd all quieted down to just watching her Daniel was glad to see the blush return to her face as it bobbed up and down on 'Bob's cock.

When a man of Robert's stature climax's everyone knows it. This time was no different. His massive hands pulled Michelle as far as her tiny throat could bulge onto his massive erection, which only grew as a thick load of semen was pushed through it and into her mouth, throat, lungs, and stomach. He let her go with a shove and grinned as she fell to the floor coughing violently. Daniel didn't even flinch. He waited for Michelle to collect herself before motioning for her to join him. They sat together on a love seat, facing the other three men, he pulled her onto his lap and reached around to open her shirt wide; revealing the scratches he'd given her earlier, along with her white breasts. Tenderly he cupped both of them, and massaged from the top of the white globes down to the already erect tips.

"They ain't very big, fer tits," Said Patty.

Hector retorted quickly, "Theys firm though... Plenty perky, the real pervs like'em that way... Makes her look, young."

"She'll do fine boys... That blush? That ass? Those eyes. We'll be rich. Who do you think we should send her to first...?"

Daniel suddenly whispered in Michelle's ear, "I want to show them Michelle." His teeth grazed against her ears, and then his hot breath cascaded down upon her neck before he kissed and nibbled. Pulling her skin away from her flesh before letting it snap through his teeth. "I wanna show them what I do to you, what I make you feel, what makes you..." Once again his mouth moved over her throat, sliding his tongue against her jaw as it turned toward him, "Remember." He breathed the last word as their lips met and his hands began to move.

First, between her legs. Dipping against the soft thighs before sliding up to rub against her warm pussy that lurked just beneath the thin material. It was wet. Soaking wet through the lacey stuff. He rubbed harder, feeling the hardened nub of her clit, and the tight curves of her lips that flanked the entrance to inside her tender core. There he rubbed as his cock grew against her tight; flexing ass until he could take it no more. With ease he lifted her, and fished his cock out of the sweatpants. With a swift jerk of his hips as he pressed aside her panties he slipped into her warm, wet, tight confines swiftly. A delighted growl passed his lips, as he nibbled on her shoulder. One of his hands remained below, pinching her clit with his fingers through the wet silk, as the other rose to her breasts; teasing along the scratches upon it's way there.

"Fucking little whore," Hector said with contempt, as he watched how easy it was for Daniel to get Michelle going.

"You are a little fucking whore, aren't you?" Daniel suddenly whispered in her ear. "Say it, tell them what you are, tell them what you're proud to be... My little slut."
"She forgot how to give head, huh? Or did she just forget that I am such a stud?"

Michelle turned a deep crimson, as her cheeks heated, humiliated at the remark! She redoubled her efforts, trying to relax her throat to take him deeper, sucking more, and fluttering her tongue over the length of his shaft, paying particular attention to the sensitive area just under his cock head. Seh choked and gagged when she tried to take him deeper, but she kept on trying. She didn't want any more negative remarks, and she didn't want to shame Daniel with a lacklustre performance!!

"Give her a break... She didn't know her own name a day ago, Bob."

She smiled. Wasn't Daniel wonderful sticking up for her like that?? Her heart swelled, and she squashed down her shame, and tried instead to concentrate on doing a good job, of making Danny proud of her!

Her jaw was just beginning to cross the line between uncomfortable and really painful, when Robert suddenly forced her head down, driving his cock painfully into her throat, making her neck bulge, suffocating her. Her eyes flew wide, as she panicked, her throat spasming, as Robert shot his load down her throat. It seemed to go on and on, and Michelle was getting black spots in her vision from lack of oxygen, when he finally shoved her back, off his cock.

She sprawled ungracefully on the floor, coughing and spluttering, trying to suck in the lungfuls of air she so desperately needed. Tears were making Daniel's white silk shirt stick to her, and one tear clung to the point of her nipple, defying gravity, until Michelle hiccuped, and it fell, rolling down her body, making its way to the apex of her thighs.

When she had sucked in enough air, she looked around, everything blurry through her tears, and she saw Daniel pat the seat next to him, and she pushed onto her hands and knees, and covered the few feet to him, letting him help her up, as she settled on his lap. She was relieved, feeling safe now, Daniel's big frame wrapping around her, as she sat with her back pressed to Daniel's strong chest! He hooked her thighs over his, and slowly parted them, as he hands pulled the sides of her shirt apart, baring her breasts, and her lacy covered pussy to the curious views of the other three men.

Daniel began to squeeze her tits, pinching and rolling her nipples, making them even harder, red, sore and angry looking. She could feel the men's stares as they looked at her, examining her, lusting for her, and although she closed her eyes, trying to imagine she was alone with Danny, she blushed, feeling more exposed that she had during the blow job, when at least she had had her back to most of them.

"They ain't very big, fer tits,"

Oh Christ!!! She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, and brought her hands to her cheeks, covering her face, which was so hot with shame. She felt like an animal that was being discussed in the show ring!! She tried to pull her thighs closed, but Daniel's legs prevented that.

"Theys firm though... Plenty perky, the real pervs like'em that way... Makes her look, young."

The hispanic guy, that was his voice, she recognised it. He was the scariest of the three! This time she was less concerned with his comments on her breasts, and more concerned with the last part of his sentence. the real pervs like 'em that way, makes her look young! What was that about. Her eyes flew open, and she turned her head, trying to look at Daniel's face, worry etched all over hers.

"She'll do fine boys... That blush? That ass? Those eyes. We'll be rich. Who do you think we should send her to first...?"

Robert's voice again. She looked at him, and quickly dropped her gaze. She wanted to ask what this was all about. What was this we'll be rich and who should we send her to first about. She bit her lip, summoned her courage, and half turned, looking at her husband.


Her voice was small, barely audible, as fresh tears filled her eyes, threatening to fall- then his breath, hot and sensuous in her ear, tickling her senses.

"I want to show them Michelle."

His mouth worked along her ear, and her neck, teasing her in a way that sent shudders down her spine. She arched her neck, pushing her head to the side, enjoying his touch on her, feeling her body respond.

"I wanna show them what I do to you, what I make you feel, what makes you... Remember."

She moaned, highly aroused at his words, both pleased and relieved that it was her husband touching her. His fingers, light and teasing, gently touched her pussy lips through the lace, eliciting a moan from Michelle. His fingers teased and toyed with her, making her arch her back, and press her pussy harder against his finger, silently seeking what he offered.

Her panties were pushed aside, and she looked down, blushing, but mesmerised by the vision of his thick, strong calloused fingers flicking her clit, and then pumping into her hot, slick wetness. She cried out, and Daniel moved, standing partially with her held against him. He sat back down, and now his cock feeling hot enough to brand her, was pressing between her legs. A moment later, he entered her, and she cried out loud, his thick shaft stretching her sore and abused cunt. She was dripping, slick with her arousal, and that, at least eased his cock's passage!

His mouth on her shoulder, and his finger flicking her clit, pressing it oh-so-lightly, as she stretched to accommodate him, feeling his cock head bottoming out, and pressing very hard against her bruised cervix!

The pain and pleased mixed, confusing her, but the overwhelming sensations made her moan and writhe upon him, beginning to bounce a little on him, making her tits bounce.

She could feel the muscles in her lower belly fluttering, tightening, and she knew she was going to cum soon, and she fought it, embarrassed at the idea of climaxing in front of three other men!

"Fucking little whore,"

Hector's words made her blush profusely once more, and she squeezed her eyes shut, but this time, his humiliating remark mixed with her arousal, confusing her. She was not getting turned on even more by his derogatory remarks..... was she?? His tone had made it clear it was NOT a compliment!!

"You are a little fucking whore, aren't you?"

Daniel's words in her ear sent quivers through her, making her moan. Her clit was deep red, swollen and throbbing hard, and she felt as though one touch would send her over the edge. Daniel's words wrapped around her conscious mind, mixing with her arousal, and exciting her in a way she did not want to examine!

"Say it, tell them what you are, tell them what you're proud to be... My little slut."

Michelle bit her lip, tears spilling confused, aroused, feeling degraded, humiliated, and more turned on that she would have thought possible. She wanted to please him, to make Daniel proud of her. She didn't like Hector or Robert - they scared her, Hector especially, and suddenly it occurred to her that she would show them what Daniel had, that they didn't. She would do it! She just needed to take a few deep breaths!

"I..I'm a ...... l.. little fucking whore!"

It was barely a whisper, and she said it in a rush, red with embarrassment, moaning as a little quiver pulsed through her coming from deep in her cunt.

She began to move quicker, as a her arousal grew, the nasty words feeding a deep darkness within her. She spoke again, louder this time, as she moved faster on him, moaning each time his cock hit her cervix!

"I'm Daniel's......... Little slut! I'm proud to be his sl...slut!"

The words tipped her over the edge, and she bounced frantically, red faced, tits bouncing wildly, the wet slurping of her pussy filling the room, and she screamed.

"I'm his whore! His slut and I fu... fucking love it!!!"

Her entire body quaked as the most powerful orgasm she had ever imagined pulsated through her, her cunt the epicentre, exposed as her legs were widely spread. Hot cum pulsed from her body, arching out from between her legs as she literally squirted her climax!

She screamed, as it went on and on, and slowly subsided, but now, while she slumped almost motionless, Daniel was bouncing her on his lap, his cock sending aftershocks through her.

She was mortified, struggling to comprehend that she had uttered such filthy words, and cum so hard in front of them all!! She lifted her hands to her face, hiding it from them all!

Her arousal never really faded, and in less than two minutes, Daniel had her rushing up that slope again.

"Oh God! Oh yes! Please Daniel, please!!"

She couldn't have said what she was pleading for, but she knew an over whelming need to climax again. She was close, very close!
"I..I'm a ...... l.. little fucking whore!"

The muted whisper dripped into Daniel's ear like honey, but could not be heard by the others. He shivered in delight. Those words were the cherry on top of what was probably the best few minutes in his life. Absolutely nothing compared to them. He was thrilled by the way Michelle reacted to the conversation going on around her, and the way she was reacting to the way he touched her. In their previous life this would not have been possible in the least bit, not just the overt sexuality, but the things he was saying to her and the way the others were speaking of her would have just set her bitch mood to it's highest level. Now she was getting into it. Enjoying the humiliation that went with being a slut, a whore, a slave.

Possibly the only thing that situation remotely more entertaining was the fact that this was only the beginning. They were only scratching the surface of Daniel's (and in turn the others) plans for Michelle. A private fucking by her husband in front of other men would soon be a treat for his traitorous wife.

Robert was one of the friends that had gone with Daniel to take care of the shit head who had slept with Michelle during her tryst, and even though he had a drug, booze, and pussy addiction, Daniel considered him a good friend and someone worth trusting. Especially with a wife who had cheated on him. The crazy thing was that Daniel was beginning to develop new feelings toward Michelle; not just the simple base ones of rage and revenge, but he was beginning to... Love her, again. Not like a wife, but as a slave. He loved the very idea of making her completely dependent on him, contrary to before when she was quite an independent woman. From now on she would always be his to control, and like this... He was beginning to believe he could love her again that way.

"I'm Daniel's......... Little slut! I'm proud to be his sl...slut!"

Daniel grunted as he felt his cock slam home against her cervix. The memory of this morning flooded his veins, and he could feel the blush heating Michelle's angelically young face heating against his cheek as he lavished the sensitive flesh about her throat with kisses and hungry bites.

"I'm his whore! His slut and I fu... fucking love it!!!"

Suddenly Daniel felt his cock being drawn deep into Michelle's clenching pussy as it wrapped warm layer after warm layer of slimy liquid against his cock, and exploded. She had never once in their entire life together cum so hard. Squirting, Daniel thought it was only a stunt put on by porn stars, but there it was happening to his formerly innocent wife. The other three men in the room stood speechless; each ones cock growing within their pants, and the best part was that she was hardly finished. He could feel her body still rippling with the post-orgasmic trembles, and pre-cumming jitters. She was going to explode again soon, and her gripping pussy told him this as he forced his throbbing cock in and out of the mass of wet flesh.

Daniel could feel the wet juices dripping down the inside of his leg; coating the skin and even reaching his knee on one leg. The cool air quickly dried it, making him shiver and growl into Michelle's ear. Just as he did she let out another burst of noise and delight.

"Oh God! Oh yes! Please Daniel, please!!"

With a delighted laugh, followed closely by a deep, rumbling growl, Daniel stood up. Pounding Michelle forwards down onto the floor so that she was on her hands and knees. Reaching forward to take her hair, he snapped it back with glee as he set his feet and pulled upon the sweaty hair back while twisting to the side so he could see her glistening, blushing, sweat framed face. Eyes dark, mouth in a jaded grin, muscles around his neck and shoulders tense, Daniel was ready to fuck once again.

Keeping one hand wrapped in hair, and the other going to her firm midsection, gripping her ribs, he began to move. Pulling his hips back slowly, sliding his cock slowly out of her tight cunt, which was still throbbing and holding back his erection; trying desperately to keep him from vacating her jealous cunt. Then he would not just thrust forward, but rather throw his entire body into Michelle. The only reason they stayed upon their feet was because Daniel also, at the same time, would yank back on her glistening hair and sheening side. He could feel her stomach quivering where his massive hand wrapped around half of her waist, and the way her mouth lolled open with each thrust made it clear that she was on the very end of her tolerance.

But Daniel wasn't finished.

He pounded her tiny frame into submission, hitting her cervix with every thrust, and shaking the both of their bodies with every lunge.

A growl slipped through his lips, and like the breaking of a dam it was followed by a wave of words.

"You little piece of shitty cunt. Cumming whenever the fuck you please, taking your pleasure without giving any. I out to give you away, for free, fuck this pretending that you are my wife. You are my cunt, and I'm the only one who decides when you can fucking enjoy yourself. And right now, is not one of those times..."

The last sentence came out in a hiss, and Daniel's hand moved from her hair to the collar of his shirt that she was wearing. With a tug he ripped it down the back, and as he ripped his fingernails left four long red streaks down the center of Michelle's completely unblemished skin. Her scream, and resulting arch of her body set him off. By catching her hair as she arched he pulled her hands off the ground and let them wave wildly as he drove deep inside of her cunt, pounding into her cervix as his cock flared and began to spew his load deep inside of her.

With her head pulled up and next to his, Daniel took the moment to hiss in her ear, "Squirt now. Or else I'll kill you. Slave."
Michelle was still trembling from her unbelievably powerful orgasm, when he moved, position them both on the floor, her on all fours, as he wound his hand in her hair, pulling her head right back, while he fucked her, not missing a beat.

"You little piece of shitty cunt. Cumming whenever the fuck you please, taking your pleasure without giving any. I out to give you away, for free, fuck this pretending that you are my wife. You are my cunt, and I'm the only one who decides when you can fucking enjoy yourself. And right now, is not one of those times..."

She moaned, her traitorous body reacting both to his course words, and to the content, but her mind was simultaneously recoiling!! Her husbandd was calling her a little piece of shitty cunt. She was embarrassed at being chastised for taking her pleasure, and more especially at being told she had given none!! She sucked in a deep breath, her heart beating hard, crying out again as Daniel fucked her almost viciously. Her bruised, abused pussy felt almost raw, and pleasure and pain melded into one indecipherable sensation for her.

His words made her feel...... small, lesser, somehow, like she was not quite worthy. She wasn't his wife here, she was his cunt. The word offended her greatly, and brought a fresh flood of tears to stream down her face, and throughout this maelstrom of warring emotions, swirling feelings, shock at his words, even greater shock at her own reaction to them.

She screamed when he ripped her shirt, dragging four lines of stinging fire down the length of her back, as his nails cruelly tore her skin, drawing blood. She screamed until her lungs hurt for air, and, as she sucked in her next breath, Daniel yanked her right back, pulling her body up to a forty five degree angle to the ground, her eyes wide, her face, a mask of shock and pain, as he pumped her cunt with cruel disregard of her comfort.

She looked around, the lust filled gazes of the three other men occupying their sitting room, burning into her. She was being tortured, played with, used and abused, and they were watching, riveted to the edge of their seats!!

She screamed with his every thrust, his cockhead hammering her cervix, her scalp burning as it supported her body weight, and he pulled hard on her hair, tugging her violently in counterpoint to his thrusts. She felt him hit deep, particularly hard, and then the hot pulses as his hot, sticky seed painted her womb.

Her attention was suddenly focussed by Daniel's hot breath, his voice low in her ear.

"Squirt now. Or else I'll kill you. Slave.

She sucked in a breath, shocked anew at his appellation! Slave. Slave. His threat to kill her also sounded horribly real at that particular moment, and she panicked. She tried. She really tried to cum, to squirt again, no matter how horribly humiliating it would be repeating that in front of the three men, but she daren't defy him, but her body had a mind of its own. Terrified she looked around frantically, and her eyes connected with Hector's. She felt more naked that her nudity dictated. He seemed to look inside her, seeing her soul, and the lascivious look he gave her, a slight smirk on his lips, sent her over the edge, cumming hard.

Small spurts of warm cum pulsed from her pussy, squirting a little, but lacking the volume of earlier, nothing compared to the arching stream that had shot three feet from her earlier. Nonetheless, she squeezed her eyes shut, utterly mortified, the pain from her scalp, back and cunt seemed to dim in the face of her climax, making it endurable, at least for the moment.

She was struggling to accept that her husband thought of her as his slave, his slut, his whore, his fucktoy, and that this was, apparently, normal for them!! She was like his pet dog...... only worse, she was somehow, less than human, and god help her she had just imploded for him, twice!! She was struggling to breath. She was ashamed of herself, her body still trembling with the powerful aftershocks, as she moaned, and moaned.

Suddenly, he pulled out of her, releasing her hair, and Michelle fell forward on her face, just managing to get her arms to prevent her from smacking full force into the carpet. She remained there, helpless, realising, as she looked that both her knees were friction burned from the cheap nylon carpet.

She slumped on the floor, almost lifeless, like a discarded rag doll, used, and then thrown aside. She managed to roll to her side, and slid her hands between her legs, coating them with the sticky mess, and she clutched her battered and bruised pussy.