Gay bashing.


Tight Jeans
Jun 22, 2001
Why is it men are more prone to intolerance of gay males to the point of harrassing them?

You rarely see women bashing lesbians.

Is it that women are more secure with their own sexuality? I'm not saying all men are insecure, but some of the more vocal members here seem to have some deep seated problems related to their own sexuality and feel threatened.

Personally I don't really care what someones sexual preference is. They don't force theirs on me, I don't force mine on them! Live and let live!
Straight White males are generally more intolerant than anyone. I think it's jealousy. :p

Okay seriously I think this particular case goes beyond homophobia. I honestly think he's angry at Glam because all of the women here adore him and have all come to the conclusion that killswitch is a jerk and won't give him the time of day and it burns him because Glam bumps booties.
you've got a great point come women can be bisexual and be respected...but if a man is...its considered dirty?
I remembered this theory from back in college- I am recycling it.

I wonder if it's true that people who spend so much time degrading others for a particular reason, do so because they secretly have wishes to be just like that person. But because of society thinking its sinful, they struggle against these desires and act out aggressively to reinforce what society expects of them?

I really am not sure- but my psych prof. said this was often the case. I guess he would know having studied this sort of thing for 20 + years.
Angel said:
Straight White males are generally more intolerant than anyone.
as a semi straight white male, I will go on the record I'd would rather "bump booties" with glam if given the choice of him or killswitch.

The peoples have spoken....
i agree with angel that killswitch and glam wouldn't get on even if both were gay or both straight

but i hope killswitch realizes not only is he insulting glam he is insulting every other gay or bisexual person on this site (male or female) and he is showing his true colours

*sigh* i probably shouldn't be posting i don't feel well i'll shut up now :)
brokenbrainwave said:
as a semi straight white male, I will go on the record I'd would rather "bump booties" with glam if given the choice of him or killswitch.

The peoples have spoken....

FAG!!!!! *Bash* Bash*
sexy-girl said:

*sigh* i probably shouldn't be posting i don't feel well i'll shut up now :)
Yes, you should. Your opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.

Killswitch is a dick.
Hell yeah jealousy... I'm so jealous of bisexual males you have no idea! They got best of both worlds.
Angel said:
Yes, you should. Your opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.

Killswitch is a dick.

thanks but i say stuff without thinking when i dont feel to well

and i think theres more then enough opinions without me butting in at the end of it all :)
Hanns, go answer my question in your 'camp faggot' thread.
sexy-girl said:
thanks but i say stuff without thinking when i dont feel to well

I do that on a daily basis.

The thing is, I still feel the same way after I stop to think about it.

plasticman33 said:

Personally I don't really care what someones sexual preference is. They don't force theirs on me, I don't force mine on them! Live and let live!

I agree.

in a word...stereotyping

gay male: a tinkerbell, a fag, a sleazy makeup wearing-fuck-any-guy-in-sight aids transmiter

lesbian: seductive chick who has secret hot liazanne (sp?) with her best friend OR a harmless shorthaired butch who wears suits and sings in a deep voice

and no, these are not my thoughts, but what I perceive as the general impression of the uneducated male (and there are many many of them)
huskie said:
No. He's just a big tease....... but get him alone with a six pack and maybe.............

and your <hic> point is <hic> what you shilly sit.
JerseyBoy said:

lesbian: seductive chick who has secret hot liazanne (sp?) with her best friend OR a harmless shorthaired butch who wears suits and sings in a deep voice

You forgot the part where the lesbian, when confronted with YOU, yes YOU, the greatest male on earth, will sway from her lesbianism, and invite you into bed with her female partner.

(general comment, not directed at you, JerseyBoy)
brokenbrainwave said:

and your <hic> point is <hic> what you shilly sit.

you know? I had a gay neighbor once. Nice guy, we got alone just fine. But my wife said he would stare at me while I cut the grass in my shorts and this pist her off :)

I never gave him "Any", though.