Fucking Hell!


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
I'm installing new lighting in my house, and the people who installed the previous fixtures were such fucking idiots! It looks like instead of using a keyhole saw to make holes in the sheetrock they used a mini-sledge. And don't even get me started on how completely fucked-up-ly they installed the gangboxes. Fucking incompetent idiots!

So, I'm sitting here in the half-dark, project in full gear, and I have to rework a ton of shit before there will be light again. I'd like to beat the shit out of the lazy-ass bastards who did the original work in here. Grr!
I actually found some duct tape inside the gangbox. Just a little wadded up clump. It had no reason to be there. Is that a fuck-you or what?!

No, duct tape will not be a part of this operation.

MaximusPhalicus said:
So this is one instance where duct tape won't work?

Our house was similar, everything was so bodged and fucked up I'm amazed it's still standing. I'd tell you about it but really, we'd be here all week!!
Oh, there shall be light soon enough. I am not going to let some half-witted, ass-crack showing bastids get the best of me. I'm just a bit peeved.

SaraPet said:
No light at the end of the tunnel, eh super?
MaximusPhalicus said:
So this is one instance where duct tape won't work?
That is a hypothetical condition which has never been duplicated in real-world conditions.
Use candles...it's more romantic anyways, not to mention smell better.
superlittlegirl said:
Oh, there shall be light soon enough. I am not going to let some half-witted, ass-crack showing bastids get the best of me. I'm just a bit peeved.

Channel all this negativity into getting the fuckin' thing done!

You Go (superlittle) Girl!
superlittlegirl said:
I'm installing new lighting in my house, and the people who installed the previous fixtures were such fucking idiots! It looks like instead of using a keyhole saw to make holes in the sheetrock they used a mini-sledge. And don't even get me started on how completely fucked-up-ly they installed the gangboxes. Fucking incompetent idiots!

So, I'm sitting here in the half-dark, project in full gear, and I have to rework a ton of shit before there will be light again. I'd like to beat the shit out of the lazy-ass bastards who did the original work in here. Grr!


You're so fucking cool.

You need to change your location line to "superhappydarkfunplace." I got some candles you can borrow.
superhappyfunplace is dark, by the very nature of its being. :D

I have a couple of other lights running on the wall circuits. The only thing that's out is the ceiling circuit, so I'm just awash in ambience, is all.

Candles are good, though. I got a big fat pillar candle from my mom for <insert holiday of choice here> and I've almost melted through the center of it!

kotori said:
You need to change your location line to "superhappydarkfunplace." I got some candles you can borrow.
Yo. In prison, when the lights went out you had to be carefull. It's very easy to get a shinbruise from bumping into your cell toilet. It happened to me so often that I finally made some shinguards from a cardboard box.
OK, here's a visual aid. I'm more amused by this than anything else, at this point. The thing I think is the very funniest thing about this whole picture is the piece of masking tape by the edge of the hole. I wonder what they thought they were fixing with that? It's kind of reminiscent of the futility of a band-aid on a severed femoral artery.
Someone needs to get their ass kicked on general principle for such a shoddy ass work on that wall and the electrical components.

I suddenly more than understand your irritation SLG.
The tape visually balances the pencil markings on the other side. It's all about aesthetics, SLG.