Hang the General

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
Okay I don't start a whole shit ton here but how the hell has nobody post about Trump and Paul Gasan have said publicly that General Mark Miley should be executed? I knows its been an exhausting couple of years but the last thing we can afford to allow is for this kind of rhetoric become normalized.

I won't rehash all of J6 other than to say anybody with common sense knows Trump and Conservative Media whipped the Right Wing into a frenzy and things could have been much, much worse than they turned out to be for us. I doubt General Miley is in any actual danger because he's far enough up the food chain that you're not just walking in on him. Though if you'd asked me a year ago if Nancy Pelosi was in any danger I would have said no. She wasn't home and it was Paul Pelosi who was at their home.

I will lightly brush upon other issues before returning to main topic. A lot of what is happening, primarily from the Right but some from the Left is very, very dangerous. Trump still not really admitting he lost, Nikki Haley refusing and just changing gears to try and be a Senator instead. A government shut down isn't the end of the world but this is becoming increasingly common.

Then we have the "book bans" which aren't real bans you can still go to the library or probably Barnes and Noble and you can definitely find the books online.

DeSantis has sort of backed off Disney but WTF man? All this talk of grooming children works on idiots but so many people are ill informed and it just fucks us over.

You can only play with fire for so long before the house catches fire.

Using words like traitor, executed should be hung, are serious things to say. Calling soldiers who die, get injured or captured suckers and losers is dangerous if only because recruitment, despite how much the media helps out, is way down. There are a lot of reasons for that that I will not go into right now but damn. If I thought instead of supporting me if I got injured doing my fucking there was any chance of the high ranking government people degrading me I'd decide that war is someone else's fucking problem real quick.

Okay I don't start a whole shit ton here but how the hell has nobody post about Trump and Paul Gasan have said publicly that General Mark Miley should be executed? I knows its been an exhausting couple of years but the last thing we can afford to allow is for this kind of rhetoric become normalized.
Oh, but MAGA normalized this years ago. The best thing to do is to very publicly give Milley a national medal.
Okay I don't start a whole shit ton here but how the hell has nobody post about Trump and Paul Gasan have said publicly that General Mark Miley should be executed? I knows its been an exhausting couple of years but the last thing we can afford to allow is for this kind of rhetoric become normalized.

I won't rehash all of J6 other than to say anybody with common sense knows Trump and Conservative Media whipped the Right Wing into a frenzy and things could have been much, much worse than they turned out to be for us. I doubt General Miley is in any actual danger because he's far enough up the food chain that you're not just walking in on him. Though if you'd asked me a year ago if Nancy Pelosi was in any danger I would have said no. She wasn't home and it was Paul Pelosi who was at their home.

I will lightly brush upon other issues before returning to main topic. A lot of what is happening, primarily from the Right but some from the Left is very, very dangerous. Trump still not really admitting he lost, Nikki Haley refusing and just changing gears to try and be a Senator instead. A government shut down isn't the end of the world but this is becoming increasingly common.

Then we have the "book bans" which aren't real bans you can still go to the library or probably Barnes and Noble and you can definitely find the books online.

DeSantis has sort of backed off Disney but WTF man? All this talk of grooming children works on idiots but so many people are ill informed and it just fucks us over.

You can only play with fire for so long before the house catches fire.

Using words like traitor, executed should be hung, are serious things to say. Calling soldiers who die, get injured or captured suckers and losers is dangerous if only because recruitment, despite how much the media helps out, is way down. There are a lot of reasons for that that I will not go into right now but damn. If I thought instead of supporting me if I got injured doing my fucking there was any chance of the high ranking government people degrading me I'd decide that war is someone else's fucking problem real quick.

It's already normalized. America's right wing (libertarians) have gone full retard and it's funny to see them try to argue otherwise.
See that's the thing, I don't believe that it has been normalized by the nation at large. It has been accepted by a larger group of people than I care for but I think many of the rest of us are just worn out after what's creeping on a full seven years. There is only so long I can remain upset about something before its just noise.
Pay attention to what Hutchinson has, and will, share. Her interview with Rachel Maddow has brought the lights on some terrible things that rump has done.

Chanting along with the seditionists to 'Hang Pence' while in the White House!!! What sort of creature is he...and the MAGidiots?!?!
See that's the thing, I don't believe that it has been normalized by the nation at large. It has been accepted by a larger group of people than I care for but I think many of the rest of us are just worn out after what's creeping on a full seven years.
Or maybe it's just that Trump and Gosar in particular are so well known for this sort of thing, no one is surprised they went there again.
Trump I'll give you, I don't think I'd even heard of Gosar before this. Where the hell are Cruz and Rubio. Maybe I watching and reading the wrong stuff but it certainly feels like those two are practicing the ancient art of "I won't speak against Trump, I just won't speak too often."
To the OP:


I think it would behoove you to look into some of the rhetoric of the Left.

I mean, we're fresh off of,

What do we want?
Dead Cops!
When do we want them?
Milley is a 'political general' through and through. He is well known in the SF and Ranger community as a 'get your ticket punched and move on' sort of officer. He stayed around long enough to get his tabs and then moved on, he was never operational. If I were Trump I'd be more pissed at whoever recommended Milley for the post.
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So, he thinks...

Peacetime Generals just don't do well in the free-market.
They've already pissed off the majority of people who would read a book written by a soldier.
To the OP:


I think it would behoove you to look into some of the rhetoric of the Left.

I mean, we're fresh off of,

What do we want?
Dead Cops!
When do we want them?

So some random idiots, with no known political affiliation, chanting outrageous things in the wake of a police brutality incident or unjustified shooting, is now equal to the draft dodging FORMER POS POTUS and CURRENT GOP FRONT-RUNNER calling for the execution of a distinguished General who served this country with honor???


And, oh by the way, the "right" did more than chant about dead cops on J6, in Oklahoma City, at Ruby Ridge , etc.

Ironically, the far left has a lot in common with today’s GOP when it comes to fomenting violence against law enforcement,. The main difference is, the far left has FAR more VALID justification for their anger.


Yeah, no Left-wing shooter has shot up anything like the Philadelphia Naval Yard.

You have a 100%, 20/20, hindsight "targeted" political memory...

🏹 Bullseye!
Yeah, no Left-wing shooter has shot up anything like the Philadelphia Naval Yard.

You have a 100%, 20/20, hindsight "targeted" political memory...

🏹 Bullseye!
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

Did the idiot quoted above mean to reference The WASHINGTON naval yard shooter???


Did the idiot quoted above realize that the shooter was a military reservist and contractor???


“Left-wing shooter”???


👉 idiot quoted above 🤣

Sorry. A misattribution on the site, but not the politics. There are other examples too, and y'all know that.
Okay I don't start a whole shit ton here but how the hell has nobody post about Trump and Paul Gasan have said publicly that General Mark Miley should be executed? I knows its been an exhausting couple of years but the last thing we can afford to allow is for this kind of rhetoric become normalized.

I won't rehash all of J6 other than to say anybody with common sense knows Trump and Conservative Media whipped the Right Wing into a frenzy and things could have been much, much worse than they turned out to be for us. I doubt General Miley is in any actual danger because he's far enough up the food chain that you're not just walking in on him. Though if you'd asked me a year ago if Nancy Pelosi was in any danger I would have said no. She wasn't home and it was Paul Pelosi who was at their home.

I will lightly brush upon other issues before returning to main topic. A lot of what is happening, primarily from the Right but some from the Left is very, very dangerous. Trump still not really admitting he lost, Nikki Haley refusing and just changing gears to try and be a Senator instead. A government shut down isn't the end of the world but this is becoming increasingly common.

Then we have the "book bans" which aren't real bans you can still go to the library or probably Barnes and Noble and you can definitely find the books online.

DeSantis has sort of backed off Disney but WTF man? All this talk of grooming children works on idiots but so many people are ill informed and it just fucks us over.

You can only play with fire for so long before the house catches fire.

Using words like traitor, executed should be hung, are serious things to say. Calling soldiers who die, get injured or captured suckers and losers is dangerous if only because recruitment, despite how much the media helps out, is way down. There are a lot of reasons for that that I will not go into right now but damn. If I thought instead of supporting me if I got injured doing my fucking there was any chance of the high ranking government people degrading me I'd decide that war is someone else's fucking problem real quick.


Trump has made remarks like those household banter. It's as if he and others think they are internet posters instead of leaders.
"I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell."
Harry S. Truman