Freedom to be - you and Me

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Didn't need reminding. My thread, I created it and I can break the rules. Besides, I only get a handful of posts lately. Doesn't matter a tinker's damn what I post, most people can't be bothered to stop by in the first place.

Just sayin'.

BrettJ in Canada


I think you have a lot of fans on Lit. I certainly enjoy what you write about sex and sexual fantasies.

I don't want to go all squishy about this but have you considered seeking the right kind of church for you? Whether you have faith or not, a church can be a wonderful place to find community, meet interesting people, have some meaningful social activities in service to others. Give it some thought.

Thank you dear - I just have to get through the next number of months (and damn, is it COLD out here today!)

BrettJ in COLD Canada
The weather service says it's 23F. My arthritis and foot tell them it's colder!!

Snow's coming, I can smell it.
We had a blizzard today RJ and the snow is back. Supposed to be gone by Sunday.

Rex, I appreciate the thought - but church didn't work for me either, when I was a kid. I was always the outsider. Believe me, nothing works for me and I've grown to accept it. I try to keep busy, like with the volunteer work I've done over years, but even that has yielded little in the way of friendships. Only thing I get from it is knowing I helped someone (or in the case of the animals, some little furry things)

Thanks KJ and if anything below my waist worked, I'd salute you.

BrettJ - in frigid 21degree Ontario
Here's a picture of what my son picked up on the way home from classes

If there's supposed to be a joke (big screw, long screw?) I am not sure I am getting it.

Don't mind me - things continue to get worse. Mid-February now before anything gets better.

BrettJ in Canada
# 391 is now up - I might just make the 400!

BrettJ in Canada
I like you KILLJOY - something give you the idea that I didn't?

Thanks for voting, I'll get there sooner or later.

BrettJ in Canada
# 391 is now up - I might just make the 400!

BrettJ in Canada

I've come to realize that whatever story I put up on here is going to recieve low scores, mostly due to the pettiness of people in the GB and those that are jealous I can tell a good story.

I counted how many story notes I have: It totals 33 complete and 23 started. Think I need to sit and write some onto the computer? LOL
I had lost over 50 of my Red H's RJ. I got almost all of them back. There is a way to deal with that kind of situation, so yes, get writing!

BrettJ in Canada
Good evening (late) to darling {{SIENNA}} and thanks for popping in.

Decided to stay up as my stomach growled, so here I am again.


Author / Creator / Sensualist

I think you have a lot of fans on Lit. I certainly enjoy what you write about sex and sexual fantasies.

I don't want to go all squishy about this but have you considered seeking the right kind of church for you? Whether you have faith or not, a church can be a wonderful place to find community, meet interesting people, have some meaningful social activities in service to others. Give it some thought.


I fully agree! You know the crap I put up with so If I can do it you'r can! I love you and your work and if others don't, they are just clueless!:rose:
I had lost over 50 of my Red H's RJ. I got almost all of them back. There is a way to deal with that kind of situation, so yes, get writing!

BrettJ in Canada

I have been voting and I believe Allen and Ashley are so why?
KILLJOY, those are old posts. The ratings on my stories have been corrected and should the flamers strike again, I can correct the situation again. So don't worry - all is (relatively) well, aside from a bit of pain which I live with most days anyway (old work injury)

BrettJ in Canada
Here I Go Again ...

I have now written 393 stories for LIT. Nowhere near what I've done in my professional career, but still a fair numbering. A lot of them this year, I believe my most prolific year since my start some years ago.

I am still somewhat stunned (and grateful) that people want to read what I write. At the beginning I was unsure of things and yet, when I look at my earliest efforts, even they had a nice little charm and wit about them. I can honestly say now that I believe I was always meant to write. I wish very much I had done so earlier.

My thoughts are that anyone who believes he or she should write - SHOULD write. If you're uncomfortable with spelling and grammar, find an editor. Read other authors you like. But WRITE. You can only get better. You won't get worse.

If you think you can't write alone, ask someone to collaborate. I did so early on, now I usually suggest to those who ask (although it has been a while) that they write and I make suggestions.

Still here after all this time. That alone astonishes me

Back later and with comments when I hit 400


Author / Still at the Game / Sensualist
Babe o' the Day

Going into some years past with Ms. Jeannette Littledove as photographed by Suze Randall.

Things continue along.

BrettJ in Canada


  • Jeanette.jpg
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Hi back KJ and thanks for dropping by - "everyone" is me for the most part today.

BrettJ in Canada
Good News

Without further ado, I am happy to announce I have signed my 2013 contract with Group MVP. This ensures me yet another year of paid employment.

As one who loves what he does (despite struggles) it's a thrill to know I can keep doing it.

Yay me!

BrettJ :catroar:

Writer / Still Gets Paid / Sensualist
Without further ado, I am happy to announce I have signed my 2013 contract with Group MVP. This ensures me yet another year of paid employment.

As one who loves what he does (despite struggles) it's a thrill to know I can keep doing it.

Yay me!

BrettJ :catroar:

Writer / Still Gets Paid / Sensualist

Congratulations Brett!
Without further ado, I am happy to announce I have signed my 2013 contract with Group MVP. This ensures me yet another year of paid employment.

As one who loves what he does (despite struggles) it's a thrill to know I can keep doing it.

Yay me!

BrettJ :catroar:

Writer / Still Gets Paid / Sensualist

Thanks very much you both Rex and RJ. I am taking the afternoon off (and like yesterday, unintentionally) and now relaxing with some caffeine.

My latest few seem to have garnered favorable responses as well, so that's all good too. Heading to 400!

BrettJ in Canada
Last edited:
Almost There ...

Stories 398 and 399 are now in the pipeline. I'm pleased with both of them and now I know I will make my 400. That's my goal and I am pleased about that.


Author / Still at It / Sensualist
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