Forever Trapped ~ Closed for amchentai

Kazalyea started to fallow the roaming beast when the human woman screamed. Turning back to look the human female was beginning to change herself. With out hope the dark energy of this place was going to quickly taint her soul. Her once smooth looking skin looked cracked and she seemed to be in a lot of pain. The woman looked up at Kazalyea with eyes begging her for release, begging for death or some way to stop the pain she felt, both in her heart and the damage her soul was taking for the dark powers in the castle itself.


Many eyes were on Kazalyea as she worked, many wondered how she would deal with this, and if she would make it out of the castle or if she would be just another victim of this place and it's cruel ruler.
The scream stopped Kazalyea dead in her tracks and as she turned to look, the horrifying scene made her cringe. She couldn't for the life of her comprehend what was happening here and why this place would do such a thing. Then that small voice in the back of her head reminded her of where she is and it answered all those silly questions.

She ran back to the crying soul and knelt down with her. The angel did what she knew to calm the soul and attempt to put her at ease. Like before with the silky creature, the white flame surrounded them both and Kazalyea enfolded the soul within her wings. With the angel in control, she was able to embrace the soul in a comforting hug.

Soon she lifted the females chin up and forced her into a kiss that gave nothing but promise and hope. Kazalyea produced her flaming cock and rolled the female onto her back, not once breaking the kiss. Without hesitation she was impaling herself inbetween the females legs. It was nothing but pure love and light from the flames, fighting with everything she had to hold onto her soul. Refusing to allow anymore despair enter the pure soul.

In the eyes of others it would appear as though she was making love to the ghost, in reality she was simply attempting to regain the soul. Doing what she has learned from before, she needed to release the stress that has been put on this soul. The only way she knew how is to make it forget the outside world and force the woman to orgasm harder than she ever has.
The soul was in a far weaker state then the others she had taken. Her pussy felt loose around her cock and she felt as if she pushed too hard she was pass right through the soul like a ghost. The woman moaned softly, feeling what Kazalyea was trying to give her, but her hope was drained. Her pussy was also not as warm as the others, feeling the soul slip away slowly. She needed to hurry and fill the soul with love and hope or she would lose her forever and she would end up like her mate in this horrible place.
kazalyea didn't falter in the task athand. For she knew if her emotins faltered, any hope at all wouldbe lost. Instead she kept calm and proceeded to fill this soul with love once again. The white caressed every possible inch of her body, feeding her the hope she desperatly needed. All the while chasing away the tainted despair that tried to consume the soul.

"cum for me.... Like you did before... give yourself to me... trust me.."

she whispered
The woman moaned as the kiss broke and the pain shifted in as Kazalyea spoke. But the soul came, she then became the ball of white light and was reabsorbed into her body. But her soul was weak and she would have to be extra careful what she did with her from now on. But in doing so she had lost the Weretiger monster now. It howled/shirked again, but the echo of it was somewhere deeper inside. And no matter how hard she looked for it she would not find it for now. She would come across it again, because like her, it too was trapped in this place.
Kazalyea didn't cum herself, simply allowing the tigers mate to take full advantage of the angel. When it was over with she looked at her breast to see the mark return and smiled. A new plan started to form as she learned something new just now and more than ever, she was determined to claim this castle as hers.

The plan to remove the souls were no longer an issue for her, the ones that she held within her were weighing her down since they were full of emotions. She decided to work on putting them into slumber, a hybernation of sorts to keep them calm and quiet. That would be the succubus' job though, the angel could potentially do it, although she hasn't used such spells. The succubus does it to capture her prey and does what she wants while they sleep, so when they wake, they are in some situation or another.

Kazalyea roamed the hallways attempting to follow the tiger. The first place she went to was his room with some hope he'd be there. No sign of him could be found though and she couldn't just leave to go into another diamond realm. His mates soul would be distressed all over again, that is until the succubus figures out how to them to sleep without it affecting the body.

"I think it might be time to explore more of this castle. There are a lot of places I haven't found yet..."

Talking to herself again, though she knew there were ears listening to her. Slowly she worked her way up to the third floor, a floor she hasn't touched yet since all she's done is explore the second floor rooms.
Kazalyea is shocked at what she finds on the 3rd floor of the other worldly large castle. A open floor with glass boxes, inside each box are human, Elvan, Orc, Fairy and other sexual attractive females being fucked by monsters that her mind can only think of as monster, masses of tentacles and cocks, vines, rocks, you know it the things inside the boxes fucking the women were all scary in their own right. It was hard to tell if the inside of the boxes were memories of the past or maybe even the future. But their screams were real enough to Kazalyea. And it was weird, she could only hear the screams of the boxes she stepped close to, other wise it was dead silent in the room. Lights she could not see far above the seemingly open ceiling shown down on each box. But the most horrific part seemed to be that these poor women were real and not souls, and so too were the monsters trapped inside with them.

"Beautiful is it not?" A voice said and standing behind Kazalyea was a almost angelic older human woman. She stood slightly taller then Kazalyea and was wearing clothes that hid nothing. Strips of transparent fabric that some how only made her look more attractive. She had pale skin and deep crimson eyes. Long black hair and what looked like a bat shaved just above her slit. The neatly tripped hair over her pussy gave her a unique look for sure.
Kazalyea groaned with some disappointment when she looked around the floor. It appeared as though each cube took the space of where a room should have been. The angel felt like crying at the sight of all the women, naturally wanting to save them all. The complication came when she couldn't tell if they were alive or souls like before, they felt alive and real enough. The whole scene confused none the less and she retreated into the darkness of her own corner of the world.

The succubus couldn't help but grin at the sights and sounds, already feeding off what she could from their lust and orgasms. The moans and screams were music to her ears. Shortly after the initial shock of the scene before them, the succubus took over and trailed her fingers over one of the cubes. It reminded of her the tentacles she has within herself only this one were nothing but cocks at their tips. The female was swollen with nothing but cum and tentacle cocks.

A voice from behind her startled her and she turned quickly to face the female that stood there. Kazalyea's eyes flickered with excitement from seeing the females' beauty and instantly licked her lips.

"Yes, as a matter of fact.. they are beautiful. Quite the collection you have here. Are these the people from the dinner party? Or are they dreams?"

Kazalyea's demon eye glowed with lust and she openly looked over the female as her tail twitched with desire. Her own personal aura of the succubus poured off her with aphrodisiac energy. She didn't need to use it considering that this demon is most like all the rest in this place, nothing but pure lust. Yet, it was natural for the succubus to put of such an aura, it is meant to entice and seduce her prey. Right now this female is a new prey.... or at least that is what Kazalyea wanted to believe.
The woman's eyes flashed a deep crimson color as she looked at Kazalyea. She then grinned. She walked slowly up next to her and turned to look into the glass box with the woman and the dicked tentacle Monster. She let her eyes watch for a moment before she spoke.

"Your powers will not work on me dear... I might not be a Demon, but Vampires tend to be resistant to demonic lust powers... " She smiled and turned to her, smiling at her and showing her fangs.

"So you must be Lord Van'tarat's newest play thing?" She turned back to watch the show. She seemed lost in thought and Kazalyea's Succubus aura did not effect the older woman or if it did, she had much greater control then anyone she had met so far.

"They are real... Kept in these glass cages to feed me... Fucked to the brink of their mortal lives, just to have the dark magic turn back time and start their torment all over again... And all for this." The Vampire reached out towards the glass and held her hand just short of touching it. Moments later a small orb seemed to appear out of the glass and within it was a tiny amount of blood.

"All the women you see here are Virgins... And for all the fucking and torment they go through each cycle.. This is all the usable virgin blood give me..." The woman turned to Kazalyea and showed her the small orb or bead filled blood. Hardly more then a drop.

"I'm sure it is Lord Van'tarat's doing... Seeing as he does not wish me to regain my fill power..." she sighed before slowly and elegantly moving the orb to her mouth and then letting it slide into her mouth and down her throat. Kazalyea felt a pulse of power as the Vampire swallowed the small bead.

"So what is it I can do for you?" The Vampire asked as she slowly came down from her quick high of the blood bead. Her own aura able to rival Kazalyea's in power at the moment.
Kazalyea listened and watched the vampire closely as she drank the single drop of blood. Some part of her felt bad knowing that she couldn't possibly survive on such a small amount of blood. Also she didn't approve of how the females were being treated either, always in a constant state of starting over as virgins.

"What do you mean by what you can do for me? Are you not suppose to lure me into endless torment... like those females you have here?"

She circled around the vampire to look at the other cubes, intrigued by the different creatures that were raping the females. Even the females were enticing to the succubus and licking her lips again as her arousal increased, how can it not after watching the different scenes.

"I have much virgin blood within this body, would that be sufficient for you gain more strength? I would hate for such a beautiful creature to suffer."

Kazalyea came back up to her and ran a claw like nail down the vampires back, slowly tracing her spine to almost the cleft of her ass.

"As for what you can do for me, I doubt there is much you can do that will help me. Although, have you seen a severely deformed soul running through these halls? I am in search of him and I have seemed to of lost him."

The last few words she spoke were right against the vampires ear as she licked it just before stepping away again. Pretending as if she done nothing at all while watching another cube that appeared to have a pack of werwolves in it, constantly taking turns on a very beautiful female troll. The one next to it was a fairy in a similar situation of getting gang raped by some creatures she couldn't identify.
"Ah you see, I had gotten very far in Van'tarat little game... Sadly I under estimated his power... So now I am one of his toys, though he knows better then to have me cleaning the floors of this place... But like you and many of the others I am trapped here. As for luring you to your sexual end... No... This floor of the castle baring the staircase is mine and mine alone... I can do as I please here." She told Kazalyea as she circled her once then moved to look at the boxes and their content.

"I doubt your virgin blood would agree with me... Being a Vampire and all we are rather picky about just who's blood we take. Virgin or not." She said as she watched Kazalyea move about then walk up behind her and trace her nail down her spine and then whisper into her ear.

"I have no seen this soul you seek... Though it more then likely smelled the feasting floor near the top of the castle... If you go up there, watch yourself... It is not the place for the weak..." She warned Kazalyea and for the first time turned to look at the half demon half angel. Giving Kazalyea a face that told her that whatever was up there was probably more powerful then she could handle at the moment.

"But as for not being able to help... That is still to be seen... You know I can not help you escape or I would have done so myself long ago... I also do not wish to angry Lord Van'tarat either... I have enough problems with him as it is... But ask, I will see what I can do to help the first being to make it this far in the last 1,000 years..." She said and gave Kazalyea a weak smile. It was now that Kazalyea could see how tired she looked. Being forced to live off just enough blood to keep her alive and nothing more, kept as a prized animal in a cage.
"It might be for the best, my sister would probably kill you if you tried to bite us anyway."

Still, she wanted to do something for her, especially realizing that she too had been apart of this sick, twisted game of the demon lord. She thought about the rest of what she said and noticed how drained she truly looked as she gave the warning.

"I do not plan on going any further. Not yet anyway... I am especially not going to something call a feasting floor. After seeing what I have already, I can't even begin to imagine."

Plus Kazalyea knew she wasn't nearly strong enough to go deeper into the castle. In fact she was surprised that nothing has tried to rape her on those floor yet. With the shrug, she considered the vampires offer and thought of her own issues. Although the succubus has managed to put the souls into hybernation, they were still a burden on her physical being. Ultimately they would slow her down and suck up what energy she gains or uses by going further, who knows what she will face next.

"Alright... I need a safe place to store the souls I have been collecting. A place where he can't get them, nor turn into the one that I am seeking. My sister will enchant it so they can't escape without her guidance. We just need a..... storage... of sorts. I was thinking of a mirror, although so far the rooms on the second floor have proven to be unsafe."

Of course she didn't think a vampire would have a mirror around, however if she had something usable Kazalyea would consider it.

"My sister has a thing for saving the pure souls. But if she takes on anymore, they will consume us."
The Vampire looked at Kazalyea and thought for a moment. She finally turned all the way around and slowly walked around the slightly smaller woman.

"I can remove the souls with out damaging them or you... But it might hurt you a bit..." The Vampire said as she stopped in front of Kazalyea and waited for her answer. Vampires had no need for souls, simply the blood of mortals. Many had learned skills to keep the souls safe as dealing with the Grim Reaper if the soul was damaged always was more trouble then it was worth at times. So many learned how to remove them or keep them safe till he or she showed up to collect them.

"As for storage.. You can keep them here, I will put them in a safe spot and you can return from them when you leave..." She adds. Waiting for Kazalyea to think it over.
Kazalyea didn't quite know what to think about the vampires offer. It became a moment of "it sounds too good to be true" concept and she didn't want to trust it.

"We can handle the pain well enough... after everything that has taken us so far, I'm sure we can handle the process you have..... however..."

She turned to face the vampire, looking her straight in the eyes and despite the weariness that hid within the vampire, Kazalyea was cautious.

"However, we do not handle betrayal very well. We have been betrayed for the better part of our lives... we do not take future ones very kindly."

Her tone became quite serious, losing the seductive tone it had moments ago when she first started speaking to the vampire.

"What kind of promise can you give, that we can trust, that you will not hand these souls over to him? He is desperate to get them back, he will punish you for helping us... Perhaps even kill you... How can be reassured they will be safe in your hands?"

This time she didn't take her eyes off the vampire, watching her closely now to make sure she wouldn't make any sudden moves. Kazalyea knew that the vampire herself had no use for the souls, they provided her nothing, she had no gain in helping with this. At least none that Kazalyea could see right off.

"What is the price that I must pay for your help? You can not possibly be offering this without some kind of catch. What is your gain by doing this?"
"I can not promise you anything... And I doubt anyone in here could promise true protecting of anything... As for what I gain from helping you... A chance at a way out... Your a wild card no one had foreseen... But I can tell you this... The lord will risk much to see how this plays out. It has been over 1000 years since the last person made it farther then the first room... I should know It was I who holds the title of most rooms cleared... And if your wondering 9... I have been here for over 1000 years... For a chance for freedom again I will protect what you tell me to with my life... Death is starting to look like the only other way out of this place..." She tells Kazalyea.

The lovely Vampire takes what Kazalyea said and kneels down in front of the smaller woman. She spreads her legs apart and with her right hand, she first shortens the nails at the ends of her fingers to cause less pain and then in a swift motion slides her hand up into Kazalyea's pussy. It's both filled with pain and pleasure as the Vampire's hand stretches Kazalyea open as she moves deeper, but as she moves deeper she begins to reach into Kazalyea in a different way, reaching for the souls. It gives Kazalyea a weird feeling of pleasure as the Vampire reaches into her body for the souls, pushing her hand deeper and deeper forcing Kazalyea's tender pussy wider and wider the deeper her arm goes. After a while She stops going deeper and begins to pull out. Finally pulling free of Kazalyea pussy. Her arm up to the elbow and covered in her sexual juices a bit of blood and a cum like liquid Kazalyea could not place.

"And here we are..." She says and shows Kazalyea the small crystal orb in her hand. And Kazalyea would know which soul she pulled out, the cracked white crystal damaged.

"I... It seems this soul is damaged... I do not believe it is something I did..." The Vampire says as she looks at the liquid covered small orb containing the soul in the palm of her hand and looked at Kazalyea to see if she was doing ok or not after having reached into her to remove the soul.
Kazalyea didn't honestly expect any real promises, none that she could trust that is. Although, she didn't have a choice when the vampire started to push in between her legs. At first the discomfort wasn't so bad and she came a couple of times when the vampires hand reached certain spots.

It was when she kept going that started to cause more discomfort and soon pain. Kazalyea felt the sharp prick from the soul being pulled from its spot and she cried out. It almost felt as though her own soul was being torn from her as the vampire pulled her hand out.

Kazalyea couldn't stand for long after that and sank down to her knees panting hard while listening to the vampire.

"No... No, it isn't anything you have done..... That one... That one is hurting right now, very delicate matter with her."

Kazalyea was trembling slightly with a need for more and also from the slight pain she had felt. All she could think about is having that sweet vampire hand back inside of her. Sadly, this isn't the time for such pleasant thoughts, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Can you get the rest of them? And where will you put them when you have them? They can't stay out in the open like that?"

She sat back and rested on her heels, looking at the blood that stained her inner thighs from moments ago.

"And also, will I bleed to death after you are done?"

She smirked a little, knowing right now it wasn't much blood, but she did have quite a few souls within her. She has no idea what this will do to her in the end of it all.
"Good.. Not because the soul is in pain... But that I did not damage it... I would be rather upset with myself if I had lost my touch over all these years..." She lifted her free hand and a small black silk pouch appeared in her hand. She loosened the crystal like draw string and placed the soul inside, yet clearly Kazalyea did not see it hit the bottom of the small pouch. She then turned and held open the pouch to Kazalyea to show her the soul was indeed inside.

"A trinket I picked up in my travels... Oddly protected by a holy spell of some kind... I have not seen a spell like this since finding this pouch. Nor have I found anyone who knows how to make another...." She looked up now to Kazalyea and smiled.

"I highly doubt that body of yours can bleed out with out being ripped in half... I'd even guess you could lose a limb or two with out even scaring... And it's also probably the same reason I can not drink your blood... Demon or Angel..." She said. She moved down to kneel next to Kazalyea and pushed her back onto her ass and spread her legs as she sat there. She then slowly began to take her right hand and begin to enter Kazalyea's pussy once more. She moved a lot slower this time. And it brought much more pleasure to Kazalyea even as the pain started to grow, but so did the pleasure. The beautiful pale Vampire woman was silent for a long time as she slowly began to reach into Kazalyea's pussy and pull out the souls. The pure souls fed off the pleasure and the tainted ones fed off the pain. Kazalyea knew before the Vampire removed her hand which soul was going to be pulled out next, it would heighten the pain or pleasure a lot as she did. Over time the Vampire would bring Kazalyea to blood screaming painful orgasms and floods of her juice that would almost wash away the blood. But unlucky for Kazalyea she had far more tainted souls. It took a good long time, of seemingly endless pain and pleasure in and dizzying mix over who knows how long it took to remove the 70+ souls she had inside.

"There.. That is all of them... Which leaves the Mortal soul of the woman you and your twin now use and the two souls of the Angel and Demon inside you...." She said and she slowly stood up and carefully dropped the last soul into the pouch. She was covered from the shoulders down in a mix of Kazalyea's blood and sexual juice. And Kazalyea's pussy looked like a wild animal had gored her. She would heal in moments though. Her thighs covered in a mix of her blood and sexual juices. The vampire's clothes had melted away from Kazalyea's liquids and it did not go unnoticed by the Vampire.

"You have some powerful juices there... Melted that enchanted silk into nothing...." She said looking down at her body and running her hand over her right breast seductively.

"If only I could drink this..." she sighed as she looked down at her slick body, covered in Kazalyea lust and pain.
Kazalyea knew it would take awhile to get them all out, although she didn't quite expect the pain that followed. It wasn't so bad in the start of it all, towards the middle she began to struggle between the pain and the climaxes. The climaxes at times seemed to bring out more pain than she knew how to handle.

Towards the end, or at least what she thought was the end, she tried to plead for rest, yet the words never truly came out in a coherent sense. It didn't stop there though and the vampire continued to push her arm deeply into Kazalyea's exhausted body. There were times when the vampire hit certain sweet spots and Kazalyea came hard, squirting her juices all over the vampire.

By the time she was done, Kazalyea was spent and laid limp on the floor, shivering in a pool of her, sweat blood and cum. She barely heard the vampire speaking through the dizzy haze she fell into. Soon, the demon, angel half breed slowly curled up in a shivering ball, exhausted, in pain and processing the sudden loss of the souls.

Tears of that loss and from the pain that wracked her body silently fell as she wondered if what she did was honestly the right thing to do. Luckily the souls were sleeping which did make the process so much easier.

"What.... What can i do ..... to repay you for this..... Since you can't drink my blood and that is all I have to offer......"

Kazalyea barely got the question out in a hoarse, painful whisper as her eyes rolled shut for a moment.
"Shh... Rest now we can talk more later..." The Vampire said as she walked over and kneeled down once more to pick up the young half demon, half angel. She carried the woman off into the cubes of sexual torture and bliss. Kazalyea able to hear the cries of the women clearly as if the glass walls were not there.


In Kazalyea's sleep and the darkess of her mind two women showed up and looked down at her sleeping body.

"She looks so peaceful... Must we disturb her?

"She must work... It is the only way to survive this place..."

"Yes yes... I know... But she needs rest too..."

"She can rest when the work is done or she is dead..."

"That is just a mean thing to say about her...."

"Mean or not she has much work to do... And we can not be there to watch over her all the time..."

"But we can help her... And should help her when we get the chance to do so!"

"I might be a Demoness... But I am not heartless like many Angels think... I will help when I can... But if she does not grow stronger on her own she will not live through this place..."

"Yes... I know... But must we have put her in such a horrible place for her first trial?"

"That was not our call to make..."

"And what of the mortal who's body she uses? What will become of her?"

"What of the mortal? She is serving her purpose..."

"She was not born to bear this sin..."

"I guess we wait and see... Does she even know that the mortal soul is still within her? She had shown no signs of such yet and use the mortal's body as she sees fit..."

"She will... In time... But by then it could be too late... Should we warn her?"

"No... This has to play out with out too much interference from us.... Or things could get a lot worse..."

"Very well... We can not lose her........."


Kazalyea will wake in a lavish bed with a warm spring breeze passing over her as she lays atop the silk sheets. Though when she looks around it is simply a wonderful bed with the glass boxes of sexual horror all around her, women fucked to the edge of their life and then time turns back and it begins anew. All for a single drop of virgin blood for a Vampire. It is a good thing she did not need much sleep as she would most likely starve on such little blood. Still the enchanted bed is safe and comfortable unlike the other areas of the castle, this place is safe for Kazalyea now.
Kazalyea slowly woke up to sounds of sex and moaning women. All of which were arousing and disturbing at the same time. She did hear the two voices speaking, though their words didn't make a connection as she slept. She also recalled what the vampire had said about her original soul being intact. This made both the sisters happy to hear.

Slowly and reluctantly Kazalyea got out of bed feeling refreshed and all the pain had left her. She wanted to search of the vampire to ask her more questions about this place, how many rooms there were and so many more. Then she realized that she had to keep going and also, she needed food before going into the next realm. For some reason she felt as though she was running out of time, a feeling she couldn't understand.

When she left the floor to go back down stairs, she grabed a few bites of food just enough to kill the hunger before moving on. Soon she looked down the hallway of diamonds and sighed, glancing towards crystal of the one water rock demon. Some consideration went into going back to his realm to see about the souls he took. Also she thought about the tiger and wondered where he had wondered off to.

So many questions and not enough answers. After looking around again to see if she can catch a glimpse of the tiger mutilated soul before reaching out for the next diamond.
Kazalyea feels something hard small into her back, or was she falling? Either way it is hard and cold, and hit with enough force to jar her and knock the wind out of her. If not for her improved body from her angel and demon blood the force of the impact would have knocked her out cold. Her vision clouded for a moment, was it from the impact or was the world around her the cause. Either way it was dark for a long while, how long she did not know. But slowly light began to flicker to life around her. But something was wrong. She could not more her arms or legs. As her vision cleared she could get a good look around her. She was on a slab of cold smooth stone. Chained in a X and naked on display.

"Yes yes... A rare gem I see..." A voice said, high pitched but male. She would look around and then have to look down. A Imp like creature stood at the base of the round bed like stone she was changed to. She could just make out his head at first. That is till he began to fly and look her over. the skinny red skinned imp being was no more then foot and a half tall and looked like he was nothing but bone and skin. His small bat like wings kept him slowly in the air as he seemed to be writing something on a clip board. Be he was a demon of some kind for sure, as he man hood was half as big as he was, and hung limply between his stick like legs. The only true meat on his body in fact. The thought of it growing bigger was appealing to the Succubus side of Kazalyea though, but it's size might be a probably for the angel in her. Demon cocks were known for ripping women in two after all.

"Your not one of the normal mortals we get sent it seems... Boss! We got a special case over here!" He yelled over his shoulder. Making Kazalyea look up What she saw made the angel in her fill with feelings of dread. A large demon pulled his killer cock from the body of a mortal woman. Blood and his black seed spilled from her runed hole. For a demon over twice her high and with hooved feet, he moved over to Kazalyea slab of stone with out a sound. He was huge, bigger then anything she had seen before, 12 foot tall at least and had a cock that was probably as wide as Kazalyea's body. His length was large enough she could be run through from end to end if he used her. The blood stained cock was none human, she did not know what it was. a spear like head quickly flared into a wide shaft that had flesh like barbs running up and down it's full length, and a knot at the base of the cock bigger then Kazalyea head. Dark tan skin that looked more like leather then skin, and 4 arms that looked strong enough that he could rip her in two with out much effort. His deep black eyes were pools of darkness that seemed to go on forever as she looked into them, and 6 bony wings with tough almost transparent leather hug from them. His legs were hooved but made no sound on whatever ground the slabs of stone lay atop of. The blood bottoms seemed to be crusted in blood as well. He was unlike anything Kazalyea had seen so far. And as he stood at the end of the slab looking at her, the tip of his blood stained cock hovered over her breasts. A drop of black seed fell from his tip between her breasts, the single drop more like a goblet full of thick tar. And the moment it splashed between her breasts, two things happened. It made the angel in her burn with a pain unlike anything she had felt so far, pure melting heat and pain. And the Succubus felt powerful pleasures rush through the very same spot. It smiled at her reaction and his rows of sharp teeth were blood stained like the rest. He did not speak, and perhaps could not speak, his face powerful but driven by his lust.

"Yeah yeah Boss I know... But you got others to get to first." The imp interrupted. The demon looked to the Imp and Kazalyea thought he might swat him out of the air like the pest he seemed to be. But the Demon seemed to listen and move off towards another slab, and shortly after the horrific screams began in the darkness. The room was filled with slabs and what Kazalyea guessed were other women. But she could not see much beyond her own slab, the darkness only giving her dark outlines of the demon and he worked. But the sound of his work sickened both the Angel and Demon in her. The fate of the others orgasmic but deadly.

"Anyway, relax and enjoy the show... I'll have some of my underlings clean you up before the boss finishes his normal rounds..." The red imp said before fluttering off into the darkness. Soon many smaller green skinned imps appeared and cleaned up the black seed between her breast by licking her clean. The succubus enjoyed this, but the angel only got relief from the seed not burning her any more, the imps simply made her skin crawl with disgust.
This entire situation frightened every aspect of Kazalyea and the blood curling scream that ripped from the angel told her sister more than she needed. This body is still human and if it wasn't for the sister bound to it, it would have died a very long time ago with the tiger. However, they can tell right away that this demon could be the end of this human body, splitting it apart without a second thought.

"I can not do this Sister..... I can not.... not this one... it hurts... make the pain stop.... I... put me to sleep... it hurts...."

The angel started to panic, even as the imps came in to clean their body off, Kazalyea struggled so hard against the chains that it bruised her ankles and wrists. Every inch of her body tensed with more fear than she could have ever possibly imagined. Squirming in anyway possible to get the imps off of her and she cried out in protest, the squirming turning into painful thrashings.

Get them off us Sister..... I do not wish to be here.... We are not strong enough for this.... he will kill us...

Tears were streaming freely the more she panicked and the sister couldn't help the orgasm that ripped out of her as the imps cleaned them off. The demons cum was too much even for the succubus to handle and she had no way of seriously hearing her sister

She could feel the panic of her sister though and once the imps cleaned the cum off, she focused on her sister more while ignoring the imps.

"Calm yourself sister.... I will put you to sleep if that what you truly desire.... however, I can not use your powers.... I will not be able to heal the way you do.."

The angel cried out in fear as she fought hard against the chains, attempting to use the white flame to burn at the imps and the evil that bound her. All she knew is she wanted out of here before that demon impales her that thing of his. Never in her life did she think she would be terrified of a cock until now.

We need to keep this body intact... we are not allowed to be separated. You know this as well as I do. It is part of the spell that binds us...."

The angel wasn't listening though and her fear grew into a deeper panic as she put more pure power into the white flames.
Th chains only become hot with Kazalyea's flames. But the green imps are turned to ash and blow away on whatever wind or motion in the room allows. Their screams of pain brief before they are gone. Hearing this the Red Imp returns floating near by.

"What is going on here?" He asks as he looks at Kazalyea struggle against her bonds. He sees the ash and shakes his head.

"It is so hard to get good help these days..." He mutters before looking at Kazalyea.

"Struggle all you want, only I can remove those chains so try all you want... You will not be able to brake them..." He told Kazalyea as he looked over his clip board and began to write something down.
"Let us go!!!"

Both sisters cried out and strained harder against the chains. After hearing they could not break the chains, she focused on the stone itself with intentions of shattering it. The flames grew stronger and brighter, filling the area around her with the same blinding light as before.


They both screamed out at the red imp and their eyes becoming solid red and white as they fought to break free. The succubus feeding off what lust she could from the realm to feed her sister power. The tentacles emerged and were also glowing white as they reached for the imp that held her captive.

"Release us you filthy demon!"

The white flames were also reaching towards the imp as she used any possible strength she had to attempt to rip the chains from the stone slab. They were no longer in panic, but filled with determination to get free of this place. Sadly she is using a good chunk of her power right away without any consideration of how long it can truly last before it drains her. It is the adrenaline that spoke and fought right now.
The flame swirled around Kazalyea and the stone slab she was on but moments later the flames seemed to be getting sucked away. And then it once again was dark around her. The sound of stone moving was heard next and between Kazalyea lets a huge stone tentacle with a bright flaming cock head appeared like a snake. She didn't even have much time to think before the new demonic tentacle struck and sunk into Kazalyea tender pussy with it's bright glowing head, hot sexual pain and pleasure burned through Kazalyea's body as it began to fuck her.

"Try all you want..." The Red Imp said as he watched and his cock began to grow hard in front of of her. It's size becoming much large very quickly, soon his cock would be bigger then he was.

"But you will have to find another way to free yourself." He smirked as the flaming stone tentacle began to pump in and out of Kazalyea with our mercy.