First Dates: You Know The Evening Is Over When...


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
1. She says: "Are you going to be able to handle my beauty? What happens when your friends all try to get me in bed...and trust me, they will."

Top that....
Dear G-d. That would...oh my. Presuming this actually happened, did you laugh in her face? Oh please? I hope?
Lancecastor said:
1. She says: "Are you going to be able to handle my beauty? What happens when your friends all try to get me in bed...and trust me, they will."

Top that....

When she says "I just love the Dallas Cowboys....I've done them the same time."
Lancecastor said:
1. She says: "Are you going to be able to handle my beauty? What happens when your friends all try to get me in bed...and trust me, they will."

Top that....

who'd want to be with that kind of person anyway?
First Date

I'm 17, he's 19. He asks to see my class ring so I take it off and hand it to him.

After looking at it, he takes my left hand and slips the ring on my wedding ring finger, smiles and says, "I just wanted to see how it would feel to do that."


People are just scary.

BTW - if that really happened, Lance, I'm with Nora - I hope you laughed in her face.
Re: Re: First Dates: You Know The Evening Is Over When...

Siren said:
she swallows.

that happens, and we ARE getting married... that night!
How about...

Sitting in a resturaunt at 9:30pm and she tells you "I don't know what I'm going to do. If I can't come up with another $600 by morning my landlord is going to evict me."

I suggested a promising street corner to her...
When he calls to tell you he'll pick you up just as soon as the standoff with the police is over.
First Dates: You Know The Evening Is Over When... She asks you whether that will be cash or charge. :rolleyes:
True story. Met her on a web thing. She had no pic posted because she said she looked exactly like Jacyn Smith and too many men went for her beauty instead of wanting to know her.

So, okay, I was curious...Jaclyn was my favorite Charlie's Angel.

She did look like Jaclyn Smith, right down to the haircut. A size 2 figure. Stunning little thing.

When she said it over dinner, I thought she was joking.

She wasn't.

It got worse from there...she said the only picture in her bedroom was the Mona Lisa because it was the only picture beautiful enough to be near her while she was naked.

Needless to say, we didn't see each other again.

Can you top that on the WierdoMeter?

Nora said:
Dear G-d. That would...oh my. Presuming this actually happened, did you laugh in her face? Oh please? I hope?
When a girl asks for a credit check before the first date, then you know you're in trouble.
How many times have I said to myself "Crap, you sure know how to pick them"? I dont feel so bad now, thanks Lancecaster :)

Lancecastor said:
1. She says: "Are you going to be able to handle my beauty? What happens when your friends all try to get me in bed...and trust me, they will."

Top that....

Come over here, hon. I know I'm ugly. :)
Lancecastor said:
1. She says: "Are you going to be able to handle my beauty? What happens when your friends all try to get me in bed...and trust me, they will."

Top that....

Just say
"Me First..."
Lancecastor said:
True story. Met her on a web thing. She had no pic posted because she said she looked exactly like Jacyn Smith and too many men went for her beauty instead of wanting to know her.

So, okay, I was curious...Jaclyn was my favorite Charlie's Angel.

She did look like Jaclyn Smith, right down to the haircut. A size 2 figure. Stunning little thing.

When she said it over dinner, I thought she was joking.

She wasn't.

It got worse from there...she said the only picture in her bedroom was the Mona Lisa because it was the only picture beautiful enough to be near her while she was naked.

Needless to say, we didn't see each other again.

Can you top that on the WierdoMeter?

Shit, she doesn't need men. Her and the mirror will live happily ever after, I'm sure.
2. A few years ago I was having a first date dinner with a woman I was set up with by a business acquaintance. It struck me that she seemed very familiar to me....her style of dress, her hair color and style, figure, size, bones, eye color, voice, temprament...but it wasn't triggering why she seemed so familiar.

At some point she asked me my birthdate and I asked her for hers.

When she said the was the same month, day and year as my ex-wife's.

And it hit me like a ton of Divorce documents.....she was the carbon copy of my ex!!!

"Brave Sir Robin ran away, he bravely ran away away..."

lavender said:
he spent 2 hours discussing hunting.

I had only stopped being a vegetarian about 3 months earlier.

That qualifies as you know the eve's over material.