

hello daddy
Mar 16, 2001
When fantasizing about someone do you always throw kink into the fantasy?

For example:

There is someone that I fantasize about alot, but usually its all bdsm related. Someone that I can imagine doing things to me, doing things for him, etc. Then about sex. Sometimes just sex, depending on my mood at the time. ;)

However, when I think of another who isnt even near into this sort of stuff, I think about hot passionate sex all by itself, kink doesnt even come into it.

Does that make me wishy washy?
No I don't think so

Different people will affect you in different ways, even when you arnt thinking of them in a sexual way. Why would this be different when sex is thrown into the mix.

Whenever I fantasize about someone sexually, there's always some aspect of D/s, but not always SM. That part depends on my mood.